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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Fly, monkeys, fly!!!
  2. ...for most of my life...
  3. You never know...magic is all around us - we just don't always have the senses to know it. Granted, it helps to put a little sweat in with the prayers. But never say never. Stranger things have happened, and will continue to happen. That's why they call it "magic"...
  4. One of my few hobbies is playing ragtime on the piano
  5. Huzzah, Jack!!! Yer a good man in a storm...
  6. I'm of the conviction that if I post my wishes, they'll never come true... ...and since I'd really like them to, I regretfully will stay mum on the topic.
  7. Yar har fiddely di, being a pirate is alright to be... What?
  8. Damn good for you! Bully, I say, Bully! Harumph! Harumph! *flaps jowls*
  9. With three you get eggroll
  10. Oh, maaaan... Now I'm gonna' get picked up at the local mall's Disney Store for loitering...
  11. I've often wondered - how can you tell? If it is, to these old eyes it's done quite well...I don't see blend lines or mis-registered backgrounds or anything like that...except the gal on the right doesn't have any shadows on her... But hey - even if it is - just think of the possibilities...
  12. Celtic Comfort by Steven Halpern
  13. Matt's mood must be catchy - for the first time in ages, I feel...slightly optimistic. SHHHHHH! Don't tell anyone...
  14. Pork fried rice, dim sum, and chicken corn soup from the new Chinese Restaurant up the street Ah, life is good! (Christine, see what you made me do? )
  15. uncontrollable mirth
  16. Mmmm, mmm, mmmmmmm! It IS a small world, after all.... LOL - new series - "Disney After Dark"...
  17. anatomically-correct Barbossa dolls
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