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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Thank you, m'lady - wasn't sure if I was going to make it back, what with all the petite ladies chasing me...
  2. Robin Williams still gets my vote as funniest all-'round comedian ("Who I'd Most Like To Be If I Ever Grow Up"), with of course his mentor Jonathan Winters getting big kudos as well.
  3. I don't really have a preference size-wise, but my past seems to indicate that for some reason the more petite ladies are attracted to me.
  4. normal state of affairs
  5. Lie low, sweet chariot...
  6. ...and a big-hearted kid! Happy birthday, many more, and hang in there!
  7. Zippy the Pinhead - Yow!
  8. Spinach and raw eggs - breakfast of Champions.
  9. I wonder if the Olive Oyl from Spain was tainted...
  10. Wow, those were great! I really lost it at the lines from "Field of Dreams" - "Baseball, Ray...baseball..." Thanks, sweets!
  11. West Side Story
  12. No, but I think I smell smoke...
  13. Red Dog's a sales rep for Amway, right, Doggie?
  14. Have fun, Shana - - and a good long soak for me when you get back!
  15. clammy handshake
  16. Okey-doke. Sorry.
  17. Santa Chlausterol
  18. Don't bother.
  19. Twuewy I do, bewoved...
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