Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 16 replies
Ok, this is just a question I thought of after an evening at home with me rum watching those lovely gents from POTC. If Wills dad was cursed when he was sent to the depths by Barbossa, It wouldn't really have done anything to him, would it? I mean he would have just gone to the bottom, taken off his shoes or something and still been alive, because of the curse...or is my thinking kinda off here? The only time he should have been able to die is after the curse is broken. So Will's dad should still be alive. OK....too much thinking in circles...head is starting to spin...need more rum.... Deadly Aim Key West Pirate
Last reply by Bootstrap Bill Turner, -
- 3 replies
- 415 views This may have been posted before, but, it helped me come up with a list to take to the video store.
Last reply by Perkeo, -
- 2 replies
I don't think I've yet seen it mentioned on this forum, so I thought I should bring everyone's attention to Puzzle Pirates - a new online game in its final stages of beta testing. You get to create a character and basically do whatever you want with'm - go pilligin, join a crew (crews are made up of real people, and work as a team to attack other vessels), own a shop, or just accumulate wealth to buy newer, fancier clothes. Now this game is both a lot of fun and strangely adorable. The pirates bring to mind the old playmobil pirates, and whether you're fighting, sailing, or bilging, it's all done through extremely clever puzzles. This game isn't even remotely designed fo…
Last reply by Mad Grace Oakum, -
- 1 reply
I don't know if this has been posted before but these be mighty good! ('s Barbossa wisdom ) Captain Barbossa Fortune cookies
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 16 replies
AAAAAAAAARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HAVE A LETTER FROM GEOFFREY, AND A QUILLS PIC WITH: To Marjon, with best wishes, Geoffrey Rush. His letter says he thanks me for the kind things i said, and (thank god) Jane is alright now, so no more cancer. He also thanks me for the books. OMG...i'm trembling....CAN THIS BE TRUE...OMG OMG OMG.... What a birthday gift, maybe this is why he replied so sudden. Oh god, i've got to put them in frames!!!!!! Marjon. (HONOR SHOTS FOR THIS WONDERFUL MAN WHO WROTE BACK HIMSELF, SO SOON YYAYYYYYY THREE HURRAY'S FOR GEFFREY RUSH! (i'm not yelling, just very excited) WOW..what a fantastic man :) )
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 1 reply
I was watching the DVD of the muppets with John Cleese as the special guest star and they do a pirate skit. Extremely Funny. If you get a chance, it's a great DVD of some of the old Muppet shows. 'Pirates don't use intercoms....might be sissy' Deadly Aim Key West Pirate
Last reply by Zorg, -
- 1 reply
Blackbeard...AKA...Mr. Ben Cherry on N.P.R. Take a Listen!
Last reply by Zorg, -
- 12 replies
Anyone know of any good sites to find Pirate-related desktop themes and such? Been lookin' for a bit an' not come up w'th much.
Last reply by hitman, -
- 13 replies
Yup! I'm sure some of you have seen it.. or heard by now... not sure if someone mentioned this before. If so, my apologies. But.. I heard about it a couple days ago... I thought it a hoax. But heard about it on the Country music radio station here in Cedar Rapids,IA (KHAK)... & I nearly couldn't believe it! "Girls Lie Too" by Terri Clark is what he is in. alas, I am unable to see it... which bums me out. But I hear it's one hell of a music video. I love country music... & I love that song by Terri Clark anyway... but to hear Johnny Depp is in the music video as Jack Sparrow.. that's just tops! Enjoy all! & enjoy double for me since I have no way…
Last reply by Charity, -
- 13 replies
Harsh words about castings
Last reply by Charity, -
- 0 replies
I'm a nerd. I play games. Look at my website, its about games. I bought Battlefield 1942 around christmas time. its a really good game, many different types of play, some nerds make mods for it, like BF Pirates. it takes a World War 2 game and sets it back to pirate times, with big pirate ships, swords, muskets... and a pistol theres a handfull of different guns, and cannons, ( the only difference between Axis and Allied is the color of the uniform... weird...) i suggest you folks with the game check it out. Cap'n underpants!
Last reply by cap'n underpants, -
- 1 reply
This new adventure is worth mentioning, mates! I greatly enjoyed it... & thought it was well redeeming from the previous flop story. Let's just say.. pick it up, grab it, plunder it, do anything you must to get your hands on this particular one.... being in 3 chapters... has a rather wicked surprise in it that all pirates will enjoy! I won't give out the story or anything. Cause you all HAVE to get this adventure! It's fantastic & worthy to call Pirates of the Caribbean!
Last reply by Christine, -
- 20 replies
BETTER AND BETTER Bruckheimer said...
Last reply by Red Maria, -
- 1 reply
This calls for celebrations me matey's, for never there's been a finer thing made about us pirate then this movie!
Last reply by Christine, -
- 24 replies
It may be cheesy at the end but I love this movie. It has modern day pirates in it and it is a very good sea going adeventure for families. It also shows what can happen when you hire a makeshift Captain without a license who looks like a caribbean pirate (Kurt Russel) and doesn't know how to read charts. Too funny. I love that bit about the Pirates of the Caribbean. Gabrielle
Last reply by Capt. Flint, -
- 13 replies
Get aload of this one folks! Let's hope it will not affect POTC 2 & 3 I think this proves that he is one taco shy of a combo plate. :) Make sure to scroll down.
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 30 replies
I be havin a Pirate Party soon and I be lookin fer some films to get me and me mates in the Pirate mood. Any suggestions fer classic pirate films? (cheezy/funny is alright)
Last reply by Mr.Stillgrave, -
- 0 replies
It's still not the latest chapter to my first story, but it's finally in the works, coming soon, very soon. I have found out i like one chapter stories more so this is what i will mostly do from now on, and the writing in such is also totally different. Anyways, my new one: Writer, Marjon/BarbossasPearl A different dream. Rating; R for adult content Genre; Romance/ Adventure based upon Pirates of the Caribbean. I find out reality on board the Black Pearl is somewhat different then my phantasies... A different dream...
Last reply by Charity, -
- 5 replies
Aye, lads and lasses!! And it be right here:
Last reply by blackbeards_ghost, -
- 4 replies
Come plunder the friendly skies... - Pirate Airlines
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs, -
- 6 replies
Avast, me buckos! Me theatre company is opening an adaptation of George MacDonald Fraser's grand and epic novel The Pyrates on Sunday, June 27, 2004, at the Chopin Theatre in Chicago, IL. Here's the webpage for the show, with all the particulars, if ye be wishin' to attend. I'm quite excited about this show--I'm the co-adaptor, and I'm playing the role of Happy Dan Pew in the show. Its a project I've been tryin' to get off the ground for a number of years now, and it warms me black and vile heart to see it come to fruition at last, with Mr. Fraser's blessin' and be damned! To boot, the whole mess has led me to such fine dark corners of the web as this here board. Al…
Last reply by piratelassie, -
- 4 replies
These are the pictures i took with normal camera, still disapointedly poor quality, why i don't know, but much clearer then the digicam ones. Letter Geoff sent. Picture of Quills that Geoff sent to me, signed.
Last reply by Charity, -
- 19 replies
swashbucklers!! !
Last reply by Saskia, -
- 16 replies
I've found some very good, interesting books the last weeks, one Dutch one, republished but originally written in the very time the pirates were in their high peak, and by someone who witnessed some of the "action". The other's i've got now are; Life among the pirates by David Cordingly. Pirates, also by David Cordingly. A dutch childrens book, but fantastic, very good accurate info and great artwork called "My first book about pirates". But, wich is really interesting, a Pirate encyclopedia! It's called Pirates! a-z encyclopedia by Jan Rogozinsky. It's a great book, lots of great info, and ofcourse all the well known and less known Pirates and all to do with the t…
Last reply by Charity, -
- 5 replies
I just finished reading "Mistress of the Seas" by John Carlova. (Truth be told, I bought it for Red Bess off'n ebay, and I started reading it before she got home from work, and I couldna put it down.) It's a rollicking good read, but it can't decide if it's fiction or non-fiction. The author gives every indication that he considered it to be non-fiction, but most of the details are made up from whole cloth. There are conversations that could not have been documented, and relationships that hold no basis in reality. Example: Anne Bonny tried, unsuccessfully, to spring Stede Bonnet from the hoosegow in Charleston. Yes, she probably bedded him, but a jailbreak? First…
Last reply by Charity,