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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Ask Hurricane, I take a shot to the head with a sugar bottle real well. We did a trail of the pirates for Pirates Week in Grand Cayman, BWI one year. I bought 6 bottles in Seattle and only 3 survived the trip down. One got dropped by the director of the skit and another got knocked off a table. There was only one left for the show and it was sitting on a wobbly table. I was about having kittins ,as if that broke, those fools taped together a real wine bottle as a back up. Luckily, they didn't have to use it. The bottle hit me and I hit the ground like a rock. The crowd thought I was really out (some of the cast too ) Animal
  2. I'm glad the issue of meat for the fires was brought up. While I don't hunt in Florida, maybe Harry has some connections with the Game Department and they could donate a road kill deer. Just a thought. I also have some friends who hunt gators during the season and I might be able to lay my hands on a couple of skins and some meat. I have to do some research and whether gators and such where on Tortuga or not. I haven't read anything yet about it. Maybe stretching some skins and explaining the process as part of the demo. I'm sure we'll have to clear a lot of this with Harry and the new manager first but we have 11 month or so to get things straightened out. Animal
  3. I think I can speak for patrick as well as myself that this is an addition to it. Just another part of history of piracy. If I spoke out of turn, please correct me. Animal
  4. Crusty, I believe that may be true. I was thinking on the same lines. The harshness of the brambles that wild pigs and cattle will hide themselves would tend to shred over time most fabric. I was thinking that they might dress themselves in skins as there was probably not a ready supply of shirts or material to make them. What do you think patrick? I found a link to The Buccaneers Of America online that I am reading right now (had to open a new window to post this). I will edit this post later and post the link for those who might be interested. Here is the link: home.wanadoo.nl/m.bruyneel/archive/tboa/tboa001.htm Animal
  5. Also, Animal - I have the American Heritage book and the complete Time Life series if you want to take some notes. Thank you kind sir, I will take advantage of your offer next Sunday. Animal
  6. Thanks for the book reference, Bo. I'll see if I can find it and take a look. Wish you could be there next year also. Maybe Spike can come up with a class that will require you to be there Animal
  7. Patrick, glad to see this thread. The book Hurricane is referring to is the Buccaneers Realm. I am also going to get the one you are re-reading. Between the two and the discussion in the Buccaneer Project, this should be a comprehensive presentation. While we can't shoot the birds as suggested by Hurricane, the shot pre bird could be fun Glad to be getting on with this. Animal
  8. There are more of us crazy ones out there than you know, Nell. Watch out fer dey Animal!!! Animal
  9. Thanks Patrick!! Good kit, I'm also looking to redo my kit. I'm in the process of hunting down knives and a new machete. My sword was originally a machete that I have dulled for parade purposes. A year to go and so much to do. Animal
  10. Patrick, I was having trouble sleeping last night and was looking through some of your earlier posts on the project. Could you repost the images from them. The links do not work and I fear they might have been lost in the Pub transition. It would be good to see where you started and where you are now in the project. Animal
  11. I feel that this would indeed be an educational tool for the public in general. There are things that are so many things that are educational that are passed on because or "PC" or "Acceptable". This is the way things were done. I think that if this was a scheduled event, a notice to the public posted at the fort entrance would be appropriate and fair warning given. Also with the lecture to the kids (or interested adults) at the end, it would make a fine presentation and probably one of the most accurate around. That's my 2 cents, change please. Animal
  12. Capt'n & Fayma, it was an honor and pleasure to meet you both. You both are from a mold that was broken long ago. Neither of you can or ever will be duplicated. I just wish I was able to spend more time with you both instead of just passing conversations and greetings. That will change next year, YE HAVE BEEN WARNED! Glad you have made it home safely. Animal
  13. Nell, my dear!! I will make sure you get a massage next year!! Animal
  14. Diosa, yep bought another one. Animal
  15. Cole enough, Stynky. I vote for the honor of ripping the hair off Stynky's back be an auction item next year. Just for the heck of it. Proceedes go tho the Friends of the Fort. Animal
  16. I don't really celebrate Christmas on a major scale anymore. My son is grown and gone. My wife Susi's sons are all grown. We have 3 granddaughters that we do more Christmas for. Susi and I get each other mostly books that we want. We call relatives that are out of town. That's about it. Iguess I've lost the Christmas spirit, what ever that is. PIP is my one true holiday I look forward to now. Merry PIPness and a Happy PIP Year!!!! Animal
  17. Sterling, your relating to Animal speaks volumes about your character. Oi, I can read ya know!!!! (where do I remember that saying?) Never mind Sterling, remember, They're just jealous. Animal
  18. Books!!!! I have a new project I'm working on with Patrick. Here's the list: The Buccaneers Realm - Benerson Little The Buccaneers Of America - Alexander O. Exquemeling That's all Santa. I've been reall good (except at PIP this year-only 2 instances though) Animal
  19. They're just jealous of your hair. I get the same thing all the time. Animal
  20. Confirmed!!!!! I just put my vacation request in with my boss. Dec 1st until the end. They said " kinda early, aren't you?" My reply, I'm going no matter what!!! Their Reply "Ok, if you must." Rubber stamped and done. I think they figured they can abuse me for 11 months but pushing ir would be hazardous to the business. They know I hang with a bunch of pirates who would sack the place and rescue me anyway. Less damage on their part. Animal
  21. Capt'n Sterling, it was a pleasure and an honor to meet you finally. You have a great crewe even though the "dogge is a part of it. (just kidding "dogge) I look forward to seeing you and the rest of your crewe next year and spending more time talking as our crewe will also be at the beach. Glad to hear that you and the snotties made it home safely. Animal
  22. I made it home in a whopping 7 hours and that is with stopping for all the tolls. My transponder ran out of money on the way down. No accidents or mishaps. I did misplace my phone charger but it was found by one of our crewe. Like Jim said, PIP's not over until the shower. Iseemsfunny not to smell like wood smoke. Animal
  23. I'm in again, eventhough my name isn't on Hurricane's list. Oh, wait, I might have forgotten to let him know (as if I had to). Animal
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