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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Silas, got my cd today. Will look at it tommorrow as I'm going to bed. Been on a ladder in the wind and rain replacing outdoor lights. Thanks again, Animal
  2. Well at least your sinuses were clear after that, Sophia!!! (note: that was from me better half) Animal
  3. 'Dogge can read and so can I Just sometimes we start at the back of the book or read them upside down. A real talent if we can tell wot the book was about. Even better if there are pictures. Animal
  4. **shakes his Head** I'm not a true blond like Sterling, more of auburn, with lighter in the top. And I really didn't come prepared to shoot. I didn't know there was a spare gun until after Capt'n thrust it in me hand and said to get over to the inspection. At first I thought it was his until I saw him following me with his sooooo Besides, I don't like begging and there was no extra horn. I'll come fully prepared next year, so bring your ear plugs Animal PS: and they're not to be used for my snoring. I like to lull me crewe to sleep with my rhythm like cadence.
  5. OI, OI,OI!!!! I resemble that remark Animal
  6. Maybe it's just me, but you wouldn't catch me dead in an outfit like that And if you bunch o' joksters had me dressed like that before they put me in me grave, I would reside at Fort Zack and haunt you all. Me and the other spirits won't play nice Animal
  7. Very nice photos, Sterling. Thank you. Get well soon. Our youth need your wealth of knowledge Animal
  8. Who needs Sterling? That stodgy old pirate hunter...I like ya! Here's proof: You'll never have a better friend than the Mercury ship's surgeon. It'll get you right to the front of the line when the amputations and mercury applications begin. Ahhh thank ye mate!!!! If ever I am in the need of pain and torture, ye be the first I come to Animal
  9. Yer right. They are ugly. Ok that question satisfied. Somehow I just can't see a seaman running the rigging in that get up. Maybe if they turned landlubber or something. Maybe went ter a bunch of fancy parties. Not fer me. I get enough harassment about me kilt. Animal
  10. right then, extra cooler for the sugar glass Oi, Sterling!!! I thought your posted somewhere that you might start liking me??? I think you are getting closer. I love the feel of sugar glass hitting me 'ead in da morning Feels like I'm liked Animal
  11. Ok, call me lame, uninformed, out of touch but can someone post a pic or drawing of petticoat breaches???? No clue what the heck yer talking about. Animal
  12. Happy New Year to all the Pyracy family strung across the world!!!! Wishes for a Safe and prosperous year to one and all!!!! Animal
  13. Happy New Year's Animal!!! *Scratches him under his chin*

  14. I'll be getting that book as well as others later this month when funds are more abundant. I think Amazon.com stock will go up a few points when I'm through Animal
  15. Sounds like yer hooking up with that Stirling bloke and his bunch Damn pyrate hunters won't let an honest man make a living aquiring and selling ill gotten.......uhhhh honorably purchased goods. Animal
  16. After going nonshooting at PIP (borrowed gun and no powder, I hate to beg and borrow ) I will soon aquire 2 flintlock pistols and a blunderbuss. A friend did some "horse trading" on an estate auction in Ohio. When I get them, I'll post some images. Gotta send some to Cascabel to get his professional opinon. Animal
  17. I just finished taking notes from the online book review. There were several curious things there that I thought might be true but I will with hold judgement until I read more from other sources. Right now I am thinking of doing my garb as late 17th century seaman. I'm going to try to base my clothing on one of the images Foxe posted on the 2 page of this thread. We'll see how it goes. Animal
  18. I'm rethinking my character portrayal during the Buccaneer period in question. I'll let you know what I come up with later. Animal Ok, here we go. I found a book online while googling 1600 -1700 Buccaneer Clothing. The result I got was in google books. It is called: Buccaneers 1620-1700 By Angus Konstam, Angus McBride Illustrated by Angus McBride Published by Osprey Publishing, 2000 ISBN 1855329123, 9781855329126 64 pages There is a pretty good description of the early buccaneers and also what they later wore. To say the least, I was getting a little frustrated with the lack of information online. I guess I needed to narrow down the time period. I'm going to read as much as I can right now and take some notes. Hopefully I will be able to get a clearer image in my mind of what I want. Animal
  19. I will reread your posts and digest them for what I am looking for.
  20. Actually you have been. It has given me another thing to think about and research. Always thinking...damn gotta quit that, I just might get edgumakated Animal
  21. you have the best lack of style and charasmia I have seen. Let me know when I can watch yer back and we set sail bloke!

  22. Your going to need a leather awl to punch the holes, going through 2 layers of leather. I would get several needles, straight & curved. I would get some sinew and do the stitching in a straight stitch, the same as Kass explains in the handstitching: pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=5821 Animal
  23. I'm in the process of looking for material for some shirts. The question is: Linen or hemp??? Any other suggestions? Animal
  24. A question? Given the brush, terrain and general wear and tear, what did buccaneers wear for footwear??? I's not like they can just go down to the nearest shoe store and buy a new pair of shoes?? Did they wear a moccasin made form the hides that they got from the various animals they killed?? Animal (not the type they killed )
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