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Everything posted by Animal

  1. I have been ok..and I am hopefully working FINALLY on my Period garb so that I may attend. Hope to next year at least. Would be wonderful to meet everyone face to face.

  2. **Scratches his head** I was wondering, with all this talk of flying, aren't all of your collective arms going to be a wee bit tired????? Animal
  3. Hiya Animal..how have ye been? Scratches him beneath the chin...

  4. LadyB, please don't hold back and tell us how you really feel!!! Animal
  5. Oh it is!! But ye have to fight with him to see who gets to ride on the cart... Someone must document this excursion photographically. Oh I agree, RedJessi. Hi definition and 3D too Boot!!!! Alert the mdeia and put it on "Funniest Home Videos" Animal
  6. I volunteer to stand guard. I'm a very honorable and up standing pyrate. Just ask me Animal i heard ya was a "up" pyrate.....stand up...git up...throw up i'm more of a "down" pyrate meself....sit down...git down...throw down...boogie down Damndable Capt'ns talking out of turn again. Can't live with 'em...... Oh wait, that be the womens folk....... damn. Animal
  7. I volunteer to stand guard. I'm a very honorable and up standing pyrate. Just ask me Animal
  8. Hey, Hey,Hey!!!! Capt'n, ya nose dat pink clash wit me 'air and dem whinestones just give me gas. Me collar work jus fine. Animal
  9. Aye lass, I be up fer dat one. Animal
  10. I Capt'n, I should be pulling in around *AM. Plan on leaving here at one in the morning. Can't wait to get there already. Animal
  11. ...grrrrrrrrrrr..... I'm with ye Dogge!!! Don't ya just hate it when the Capt'n pull on yer chain at the wrong time. Makes ya want ter bite him. I wonder if the Capt'ns have been vacinated???? Animal
  12. Me wife has a huge copper mug that she was thinking of using fer a flower pot. I think it holds almost 40oz. I've been called a drunken bastard for over 20 years!!! Just ask Hurricane, he'll swear to it. I think Bodden Towne in Grand Cayman comes to mind. Animal
  13. Damn! 29 to 31 miles a gallon? I want it back!!!!! :) -- Hurricane Soryy no indian givers, Capt'n Didn't know it would do that did ya????? Animal
  14. I agree with Hurricane. I live in Orlando and am about 45 min from him. There are time during the month when I can't even go to his place because of finances and having to have gass for the coming week at work. I got a Ford Windstar van from him and have been doing milage checks. I have been averaging 23 to 25 around town and 29 to 31 on the freeways here.Along with that we have tolls on some of our main highways here. That can average .25 to !.30 a pop at the toll stations. I only go to what I can fit into my work schedule (Iwork Saturdays). PIP is on fer me if I have to push or hitchhike there. Animal
  15. Aye lad, a machete makes a great sword. me one and only has been with me fer over 20 years and has been used in parades as a ground scraper as well as hacking through brush. You can pretty much let your imagination run wild with that as a starter. Some have told me that mine looks more authentic than most of the expensive ones around. Animal
  16. I officially confirm that I will be at PIP this year. I gave my boss my vacation request on Saturday last and he asked me if I wasn't planning a little early???? I told him that a year in advance was bare minimum. Now I have another week in case of emergencies or if I get sick........of work and need another day or two off. Can't wait for next December.
  17. I was planing on making a tent for next year but deceided to go the way of Patrick and do a hammock and skeeter netting this year. Lot less to carry in and loose. Animal
  18. Heard tell a major ruckus will be brewing the the Catt & Fiddle next year. Bound to be a bit o' blood shed with the Animal in town. -- Hurricane What???????!!!!!! Just wit me comin down, doesn' meen der be anymor blood letting dan usual, Captn' I meen wit Cyn dere de blood flo freely wit dem nails o hers. I be lookin forward to de womens and de fine rum altho I must admit dat it ben a while sin me ad de tast o blood on me toung......hmmmmm......feeling a bit ungry rites abou now........ Animal
  19. Well said, Harry!!!! Although I was not able to be there this year, next year I'll be there no matter what. Animal
  20. Too Cool Capt'n. I personally like the Devil Pact. Sound like pirate code of conduct to me
  21. Nigel, me boy!!!! Great work on your blog. We won't be able to make it down to PIP this year but next year is fer certain, even if I have to become un3employeed. ( Just joking......mebe not). Good to see yer still alive and kicking. Animal
  22. William, have you tried the corporate ladder. I've found that going to corporate ( and I mean Pres, CEO, ect works wonders. You might also put the bug in the big wigs bonnet that this festival is shaping up to be bigger and bigger. It sure would be sad if the word got out throughout the Pirate community that Delta doesn't honor their sky miles or changes the rules in mid stride. I guess what I'm getting at is shake the bastards where they live, in the wallet. Bad publicity in this day and age is something no airline wants. Animal
  23. My take on movie reviewers, who are they to give their opinion on anything??? I have heat heard ofor met any critic who has the qualifications to be one. Have any directed, produced or starred in a major production?? NO!!! The are film historians who made their names for themselves by being so full of themselves. I don't read reviews, watch reviews or listen to them. If it is bad, I'll see it in a heart beat. If it's good, you can't get me near it and I'll wait until it comes out in DVD. Animal
  24. You might want to get ahold of the Julie. She is the go to person concerning anything to do with the event. The people at the fort deal with just that-the fort. I know there is a link here somewhere to PIP and contacting Julie. I'm very sure she would accept any halp offered. We will not be down for the full PIP this year but the 2007 we are planning to be there for the whole shebang. We are planning on camping at the fort. If we can get down for a weekend this year, we might camp also. Don't know fer sure. Animal
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