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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Silkie, it was an honor and pleasure meeting you and so many of the other folks from the board. If Patrick and I can get our project together, we will have meet from the boucan for the meals. I am beginning my research on the project and with Hurricane's and Patrick's help, I think it will be the place to be. Besides, I'll be closer to 'dogge next year to harass him more. Animal
  2. I'm posting this to bump it up to the forefront as Patrick and I have a plan for the 10th anniversary of PIP. Patrick, pm me with your phone number so we can keep in contact about it or send me your email addy. Animal
  3. "Animal told me that he and Patrick are thinking about getting together with William and Doug and anyone interested to do a Buccaneer encampment. Since it is an earlier encampment, they will wear period appropriate garb and have meat cooking all day long. William talked about bringing in a live cow to slaughter for the fire. Harry apparently has given the nod to this project. I wonder if he knows about the cow?" Oi, mission!!!!! The cow was supposed to be a surprise for Harry, kinda like a "We're back!!!" kinda thing. Harry said he would look at our proposal but didn't see much of a problem with it. Thanks for all your fine work and it was good to finally meet you as well as all the other fine folks from this board. Hard,fast friendships were made that will last a long time. Animal
  4. Here's my penny and a half. More fun than should be legally allowed. Congrats to Harry and the Bone Island Buceneers for a sucessful year. When I go back to work, I'm filling in my vacation request for next year. I'll get there if I have to crawl there. Animal
  5. Good on ya Spike. Me tink dat de Capt'n Hurricane might have me ina mind fer a couple o dem events. Be seeing yer ina demornin tommorra. Animal
  6. One day and a 4 hour nap and I'm on the road to Key West. I am so envious of those already there. I try to concentrate on my knots and can't do it. I think I'm driving my wife nuts. She is trying to fix a shirt I made and just watches me pacing around and shakes her head. I honestly think she will be glad for the break for my roamings around the quarters and checking and rechecking my gear. Animal
  7. Better soak it in petro....pertro....... aw hell, just soak it in gas, starting now. It will go up in a snap of the doglock Animal
  8. *****squinches up his eyes and says " but I want to be there NOWWWWWWW!!!!!!" in his most whinnie voice******** I know, I'll pay for that later Animal
  9. Happy End Of Hurricane Season everyone!!!!!! Let the party begin!!!!!!!!!! Just ignore that big weather system off the coast, it'll just go to Hati or Cuba or somwheres else Let the floggings begin or whatever it is you do in Key West!!!!!!! Animal
  10. Excited!!!!!! Tired!!!!! Sad!!!! Excited that I'll be in Key West in a week. Tired because I've been working my ass off at work to go to PIP. Sad that some people that I hoped to meet at PIP and friends I made my 1st year aren't going to be there (that would be you Merrydeath). Animal
  11. "What about international law? Article 110 of the U.N.'s Law of the Sea Convention -- ratified by most nations, but not by the U.S. -- enjoins naval ships from simply firing on suspected pirates. Instead, they are required first to send over a boarding party to inquire of the pirates whether they are, in fact, pirates." Is it just me here or does anyone else see the problem with the above quote??? Excuse me, are you pirates? **BLAM** No, we're the blooming Rockettes!!!!!!! Animal
  12. Lady Constance, medically speaking, sun is a very important source of vitamin D and a bunch of other stuff. But what the hell, I'm no doctor and I have been excited about PIP Since this time last year when I couldn't make it. On January 1, I put my vacation request in before anyone!!!! I love Key West and if I could figure a way to like there and make some decent wages, I'd move in a heart beat. I've been waiting for PIP since I went 2 years ago. Animal
  13. Greg, good to hear that you are making PIP again this year. I'm looking for a handle for my skinning knife. I was going to try to make some myself but as some projects go......... Do you have some handles you can bring down? It is a Greenriver. Thanks, Animal
  14. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............biscuts and gravy!!!!!!!! With hammmmmm..........mmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... ***Animal gets his drool bucket so as not to get it on the keyboard*** Animal
  15. "Aye, they do that, lapping up the dregs after closing. How do you think 'e became known as Maddogge? On all fours under the table, 'is beard all covered wi' beer foam...what a sight...thirteenth button all hangin' out...eeewwww..." And what's wrong with that??????? Many a time I done me best drinking under the table. . A foamy beard is a happy beard!!!!!!! Animal
  16. No Dogge, that's not how it works. You get the same trees as last year. You just have to find the ............. where ever in the world or Key West. they might be Animal
  17. **opens his arm so you can slide under it** You still have friends who love you even though they are a few miles away. My hammock spot is still open to you lass. Animal
  18. Like that is anything new???? And about size, you are taller than me and even though you are on the right track with the battle of the bulge ( as if I have anywhere to talk), you still outweigh me. I was complementing on your stealth Your humble master at arms, Animal ya know Ani.....yur Capn sure is a'round alot fer bein gone....!?!?? !?!?!?! He does that , but he hates it when they go off and leave in charge o the ship. Can you say PARTTYY. He thinks he's clever hiding the good stuff in his quarters bur I can smell alco...alcoloh....booze a mile away. He even tried padlocking his quarters and when he got back, the door was locked and the booze was gone and I was passed out up in the riggin' Animal
  19. Good on ya, mate. Keeps drinkin I say. I'll set an ambush fer the AA .......uhhhh wot are the AA??? Animal
  20. Like that is anything new???? And about size, you are taller than me and even though you are on the right track with the battle of the bulge ( as if I have anywhere to talk), you still outweigh me. I was complementing on your stealth Your humble master at arms, Animal
  21. Doge, he's sneaky like that. Damn quiet fer a man his size......sheeeesh Animal
  22. It figures..why am I not surprised? Hey, Daogge and I are mata...mathe....mathooo......cypherin genis ya know. We Gradeated magnum com louder. Animal
  23. Aye, I'm in agreement with ye !! 'Treasure Island' with Heston is without equal. I think Polanski's 'Pirates' runs a close second, especially concerning characters and costuming.... >>>> Cascabel I agree with you about 'Pirates', Cascabel. I've been looking for a copy on DVD but am told that it doesn't exist. Walter Matthow was great and the costuming was excellent. Animal
  24. I wouldn't recommend it... yer skirts will be enough of a challenge, and just think, ye drown and Maddogge will have to jump in and save ye and give ye mouth to mouth... and I mean just the thought of Maddogge...giving... ack... gag OI!!!!!.......i CAN read ya know!!!!!! oi...HurryCaine....hows we gittin back after we're pushed off the boat???....sure swim ta shore....then wot???? ....swim back to the boat???...swim back to camp?? how far we got to swim???? really startin to re-think wearrin the armour....how hard is it swimin' in a corset??? You have two options. You can swim to the back side of the Wolf and climb back aboard. Most swim to shore because that's where the awards are presented at the end of the event. Otherwise, you have to wait to sail back to the seaport and walk back to Pier House. Pier House is right at the water's edge of Duval, near the Conch Train station. So, you can do the math on how far it is from the fort. I know you can do the math. Come, on. I know you can do it. Even Animal can do the cyperin'. -- Hurricaen yup, yup, I can cupherin wit de best o dem. Let me show you. If your buyin shots, 1 fer me and 2 fer you = 2 If I'm buyin shots 1 fer me and 2 fer you = 0 fer you cause I drank them first. A case of rum is 12 bottles. Divide that between Dogge and Animal = 2 (passed out pyrates) Animal
  25. I'm using me broom **combs his fur** Hmmm I knew there was something haunting about you, Lilly Animal
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