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Everything posted by Animal

  1. **pops his head up from the bilge** Whew,he finally cooled down. A pair of crusty boots - PERFECT!!! Fits me crusty image. It's 35, windy and dark, typical Washinngton weather!!! We'll be down as sooon as possible, Diosa. Probably not until June. Want to wait until the thaw before traveling cross country. Congrats on yer possible new job situation. Me fingers and toes be crosses fer you. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Animal
  2. Lollygagging??? Never gagged on a lolly pop in me life. I been trying to cool down Santa Animal and keep him from giving the crewe an unwanted present. **walks back down to the bilge, muttering to himself "unappreciated me be. Maybe I'll quit trying with the old fart and let the crewe gets what be coming ter dem"** Animal
  3. DurtyLillie, me dear. It was a pleasure to meet you . Thihs crewe had more fun than should be leagally allowed. Wait til next yer, the law might catch up with us. Capt'n, I think that a attorney in the crewe might be a wise thought. Animal
  4. **comes running up from the bilge, slipping and sliding** Capt'n Capt'n!!! Uh Oh he got here before I did. Ya really made a mistake, last night. He contacted me and boy was he hot!!!! He mentioned something about returning Christmas Eve and dumping what the reindeer left on the deck when the shots were fired. I tried to talk some sense to him but I think he was into the rum heavily. I think I might have smoothed things over. We'll find out Christmas morning. **returns to the bilge, shaking hihs head and trying to remember where he hid his stash** Animal
  5. Who took the pic of the Doc and me on the Wolf? Could you email it to me, Doc wants a copy to show to family. It's the most recent pic of the two of us. Thanks, Animal
  6. Cheryl, that is the way we got our latest bird, kinda. Our female had gotten out and was flying all over the apartment complex for 3 days. I gave up on trying to call her down when I got a call from some people we told about her. Needless to say she was tired of "roughing it". The next day or so, Susi got a call from the Chevy dealership nearby and told us that the found our bird. Susi told them that we already had her but she would come take a look. She sound a grey and white cockateil that still a young 'un. He came right up to her and now he and our female have 4 eggs their sitting on. Cockateils that are hand raised as chicks respond well to human touch. The true test if it loves you is they'll let you scratch under their chin and around their eyes. A true test of trust. We feed our birds seed, millet, fresh greens, and some fruit. They especially love plain mashed potatoes. Just a little will do them. Good luck with your new friend. Animal
  7. Me mate, the docDoc, won one at PIP this year. We haven't had a chance to get ti unpacked yet. The holidays keep interfearing with the fun stuff. National torney at PIP next year??? Have to break it out and start playing. Animal Master At Arms - Priates Of The Coast
  8. Appol...apogee.....yer forgiven. **Offers a bottle of private stash** De Doc an me been tinking up new potions fer de crewe. Me tinks dat fer de well bein' of de crewe dey must report ter de Docs' quarters and takes de meedicinee to makes sure dey be in top form, dat includes you too Capt'n. Animal Master At Arms - Pirates Of The Coast
  9. ALRIGHT!!! Master At Arms on deck. Me notices dat de mops and brushes are still where I left them. Don't be shy, dey won't bite ye, but I will iffen ye don't get ter work. Paisley, dem birds have enough o me own coin wit out yer encouraging dem on. Dey needs ter pay dere own way. Iknow, I know, I'm a mean MA but dats me job and somone gots ter do it!! Animal Master At Arms - Pirates Of The Caost
  10. **Surfaces from behind the stern of the Blackheart, swearing like a wet chicken from Key West** Capt'n, iffen ye are gonna blow da bilge out, ye might lets me know ahead o tyme. Here I was caulking and tarring again when next me knows, I be flushed out o de bulge wit de rest o de flotsam & jetsam. A warning ahead o tyme iffen ye please!!!!! Some one toss me some soap so me can take me yearly bath. Animal Master At Arms - Pirates Of The Coast
  11. There is way too much fun being haved here. **gets out the scrub brushes and stinky mops** have at it, iffen ye has all dis time on yer hands.**goes down to the galley to find his hidden stash of rum before Doc finds it and starts dispensing it for medicinal purposes** Animal Master At Arms _ Pirates Of The Coast
  12. ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, belay that soft side talk or ye'll all be in the bilge cleaning and scrubbing until next PIP. And what other FOTO, did paisley post???? Ye all know me fer what I be, de hardest MA around. Just remember who wakes yer scurvy a**es up. I can make it earlier iffen ye like. Animal Master At Arms - Pirates Of The Coast
  13. As Master At Arms of the Blackheart, I do hereby issue neck high waders to all the crewe. Do with them what you will. Paisley, Doc has just ordered no pen-pals for you for the next 48 hours. Maybe this will clear up that condition of yours. Animal
  14. Inspiration, Capt'n. Ya throw everything in it and see how it tasts. I heard on the radio a twisted Christmas Carol about squirls and chipminks. Interesting receipe they had in that song. Animal
  15. Greetings all. Just a note to say that I am going to be making inexpensive cutlasses and offering them for sail at PIP next year. They are based of my sword that I've had for over 20 years now. They are bangers that your can fight with and won't have to worry avout messing up. They can be left sharp or the edge filed down. The first 6 I already have spoken for are for training purposes in live steel fighting. I'll post a pic of my sword when I get it back from PIP via UPS. Animal Master At Arms - Pirates Of The Coast
  16. Aye Capt'n Ithought that was what happened. All the same, Ithink that constructive interaction is what the form is all about. My last post was just that ( as to compared to what I had originally begain writing, amazing what a walk and cool down does for the brain ). I realize that your position as moderator is to keep the thread on track as you do so well. I bow to your decision. Animal
  17. Pack a lunch and bring an army, Capt'n De Doc tinks dat she mightbe able ter get dem out wit lots o rum and de rusty plyers she have. we do our own bidding wit dem. Animal
  18. Sheila, was it you that had the phot of the circle of lights in the fort? If so could you post them? PS: Dr.Wanna asks that you say Hi to " Eye Candy ". Animal
  19. Capt'n, I have been thinking ( believe it or not ) while trying to stay warm up here in the cold and rain, I think we need to promote Olaf to the position of Chief Apothecary ( pharmacist for those who don't know ) along with his title of Mixer Of The Elixir. He would be under the supervision of the Doc and the two of them could come up with fixers and elixers for every ailment the crewe might endure. What say you , Capt'n? Animal
  20. As earlier postings in this forum, I claimed the position of Quartermaster. That being said, I must agree with Nigel and stand down from that position. I retain my position and title of Master At Arms (MA) with the Captains' pleasure. Animal
  21. Aye Capt'n, me be down inna de hold again, trying ter clean the bilge out after de voyage ter de island. you might be amazed ter see what me finds dere. Me gave de order in de PIP forum fer dey crewe ter gets back ta work cleanin de ship but me tinks dat dey still be fealing de effects of de Elixir. Maybe gettin Flogger out an about might get dem busy. As fer dutiesfor next year, me volunteers ter be de contact up here fer any crewes yer might need fer me ter contact. Animal
  22. Aye lads and lasses, de Doc and me self made it home and immediatley passed out. We arrived to rain and cold...........I wanna go home!!!!!!!!!!!! We both had the best time you could have and not get arrested. Maybe next year we might be able to do that, eh Capt'n???? For all the new folks we frist met for the first time, welcome to the family. Capt'n an I benn on many voayages together over the years. We almost know what the other thinks and does before it is thought and done. That be the scary thing!!!! A special thanks to Paisley for getting us to the airport with time to spare. Next year, I expect the doors to be opened befor me first pounding. Now get back ta work, dey ship be a mess and dere be no rum till it be ship shape. Animal
  23. Tamks fer de pic, KW. De Doc an me wil be dere tomorrw night around 5PM. We comin down on de bus. I talked wit Hurricaneyesterday an he said someone would meet us at debus station.Can't wait to get dere. Animal
  24. **looks over at Black Skot** Sorry mate, Capt'n's orders. We be low on provisions until PIP. De bunnies ha ter be sacrificed. **looks around** Now, hwere did the lilbuggers scamper of to. Animal
  25. **draws his skinning knife** On yer word Capt'n. We be havin roasted wabbit tonight. Nigel, get down ter de galley an stoke the fire. Me will take the hide an salt em before tanning the lil buggers. Me might haave enough fer a bunny bikini. Need measurement o de womenfolk. Animal
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