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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Blunderbus??? **looks down** So dat wot de call dat ting!!! Animal
  2. ** looks around and then loooks at his naked self** Well da sign say Nekkid Pirates like MerryD posted. At least I be honoring de nature o de party.**walks back to get his clothes and begins ter put them on** Animal
  3. Aye, MerryD, welcome aboard de Blackheart. She be a stout ship wit de most scurvy ridden crewe abouts. De new ships doktor be working on dat scurvy ting. ** wanders off to find his private stash,returnng a short time with 2 bottles of rum** "ereya go lass,have some o de Caribbeans' finest on me. Just ye know Captn' Hurricaine, I de standin' fer Quartermaster again. Animal
  4. Aye Captn' ...de ships sergeon says dat iffen she canna put us backt together, she'll at least keep our parts wat be left over inaa jar. Ahh a true soothe sayer that doc. At least wots left o us be pickled in rum!!!!! Animal
  5. Ye Captn'.. me would be 'appy ter let ye in on me stash but me tinks dat de Captn' Asse may be lurking about. Besides me mate, de doktor says it should be dispensed fer tose wit de augre. It be fer medicinal porpoises(who cares if da fish be sick??????). Igonna hava ter aquesence to de good doktors avice. Animal
  6. ***staggers in*** Aye Captn' reporting fer plank duty. Me be willin ter walk de plank fer da cause. Working on finden me way down dere wit de new ships surgeon. We might need 'er to put us back tergether. Animal
  7. **Hicccuuuupppp URRRRRRPPPPPP*** I resemble dat remark, fair Goddess inna de Bodice!!!! Aye Catpn' I found her trying ta hide me stash o special rum. Caught 'er red handed I did but she used dem womanly wiles on me and I must say she be a perversive one ..uhhh perswasive ...uhh. yea dat be what me ment..................... Animal
  8. **comes to after passing out at Bloddy buckets party** How the 'ell di I get Nekkid?? Oh well **adjusting his belt** 'appy birfday mates. May many more to follow.
  9. **stolls through still nakes from Bloddy Buckets party** Welcome aboard lass. I'll have a dark rum iffen ye please. Animal
  10. ** stagger to the door and squints at the notice, shrugs and peels off his clothes excepthi boots, belt, sword and pistol** 'vening all and happy birfday BloddyBuckets. Now were be da rum. Animal
  11. Aye El Pirata, here be da link: www.hottopic.com Animal
  12. Here be da link fer Quils web site: www.talesofthesevenseas.com Animal
  13. ** staggers in smelling like a rum factory** Aye Captn' Aminal reportn fer duty ** eyes roll back into head and falls face first ** Animal
  14. I think that after the amazing sucess of POTC, that the project was already gearing up right away. Basicly having to get everybodys schedule to come together is the first obsticle. Keith Richards as Jack's father? I think that it would fit. His looks and basic personality makes him the obvious choice. I'm hoping that the sequel curse doesn't bite the production. Alot of sequels seem to pale compared to the originals. Animal
  15. Hmmm...ships surgeon??? That might work fer me persona. I be da ships cook and reverend, Iffn me food gets them, I could doctor them and in de worse case say a few words over dem as we slip dem o'er the side!!! What tinks ye, Captn Huricane? Animal hmmm... no medical emoticons
  16. Feet or Feat, whichever ye may choose, I be sure they are as cute as that arse everyone keeps mentioning. :) Animal
  17. Aye, Sir Nigel. I hadda pot dis as I mind was vexed wit de lady following o ye would want ter know yer staus. If I posted earlier tha ye wanted, I be a sorry dog but me tinks dat de ladies would want ter know. Animal
  18. Me persona be one tha evolved as I did o'er the eons. I wa found in a leaky craft by de most Honorable Captn Hurricaine. De crewe nurseded me back from de brink o death wit rum and wenches. It be amazing how tha mixture can make ye regain yer will ter survive. De Captn tell me tha whilst I was out o me 'ead, I spewed scripture and turned green. Dis wa confirmed by de crewe an dey made me da cook an revrend. Me tinks dat it be a curious combination dat be but I accept it as me lot. De Captn also says to I dat when I be green, I seem to not be so spiritual in me actions. Idunna no abou' dat as I canna ever remember much after one o dem spells. I haffa to beleive da Captn is saying fe tru as he saved me life. Animal
  19. Tha be some loverly drawing ye have done der, Seawitch. I befuddles me mind alla de talented artistes in dis 'ere pub. Me hat wa be off ter ye iffn I weared one. Animal
  20. Word had it that Sir Nigel was making noise about moving to Florida. I finds out tis eve tha it be true. Ifn I weard a hat, I'd be takin it off ter ye , Nigel. Well done!!! He be making noise about unburding his self of material tings, Dat be fe true for I spoke to him this eve wit Hurricane an his lovely Deosa ( me thinks that be correct ). Animal
  21. Raise a tall one ter ye MerryDeath!!!!! Tha' be some feat. Animal
  22. Aye, here be me contibute to de matter. A child wit Asthma and alos a pin cusion fer de sawbones, me health be better ina de warmer latitudes. Ina me life I be de one who fends fer me own self. I hunt and scavage win I need to, have now use fer do's who have not done de job I do an' tell how ta do it. Critters are put on de earth fer the use when da need be. When yer back is against da wall, ye'll do wat ye need to to survive. Animal
  23. Aye lad, I be in Kent, Wa fer de moment. Planning a move to the warmer latitudes of Florida in da near future. Animal
  24. Aye Royalist, me thnkshe means Tortuga Rum. The official rum on de island, mon. Animal
  25. I'm redoing my persona and I am looking for some patterns in the late 16th or early 17th century. Mostly pants but maybe some shirts. I don't do fancy, just a working stiff. Any ideas or links? I've looked at the catalogues in the material shops but there isn't anything that strikes me. Also what type of material during that period? Animal BEWARE: tHE ANIMAL IS AWAKENING
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