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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Aye Capt'n, say 'ello to Mr.C fer me. Animal
  2. **shakes his head and holds up the shackles and chains** dees be awful lonely, mebe dey need someone ter hold on to. Animal
  3. We will all be at the Hogsbreath Saloon on Wednesday Dec. 1st from 6 to 8 PM EST. There will be all sorts of music and singing and drinking (of course). The canpt'n & Diaosa will not be present as they have duty on the Schooner Wolf for a time that night (tough duty, eh?) Animal
  4. Jus as I fear'd. Yer all gonna be useless by de tyme dey Doc an me get dere. Me ha half a mind ter put de Elixir in quarinteen until dey Doc can be dere ter observ for any side affects. Animal
  5. We're shipping our gear down ahead of time. It will have to be UPS'd by the 17th at the latest to get there before the holiday. If you do this, you need to leg Deadly Aim know that it is coming and put " Hold for guest ________ arriving on _____. And put to the attention of Amy Hamilton (Deadly Aim's real name) on the box. She said there would be no problem shipping ahead of time. If you are going to ship it, get the return shipment lable at the same time to get it back home. Animal PS: I work in the shipping business, so I know what needs to be done.
  6. Now Capt'n, yer knows dat Nigel's 'ead be hollow and dere be a dead tone comin out of dere. Animal
  7. Those of us in the Pirates Of The Coast, go to the events for the event and to entertain the public attending. The partying goes non-stop with this crewe, so as Quartermaster I always have my hands full Animal
  8. Changes???? Wot changes der ye refer tos, Merry me dear??? Yer not being one o dem sex changers folks, me 'opes not!!! **shudders with the image of that sweet face on the body of Govoner Arnold** Damn, scarrier dan dem halloweeny masks me seen. Animal
  9. **standing at the ready** Awwww Capt'n....... Animal :angry:
  10. Ah, Deadly Aim...dey lady be lookin out fer us, says I. She be makin sure dey stock be up to snuff, fer sure. Me tanks ye an 'ohpes dat me wil be ableter sees yer on de webcam one night. Only a month awa y til me an de Doc set foot in paradise. Animal
  11. **looks over at Shelia** mmmmmm tankards........ Animal
  12. Glad ter has ye back after de farewell ter yer gandfather. Dey crewe hoisted many in his honor and me had ter rouse dem with dey cannons. Now gets back ter work makein dat rotgug ye calls Elixir. We'll be needin several casks fer PIP me tinks. Animal
  13. Need any help getting into that "lowcut scubbing outfit"? **rubbs hihs hands greedily, looking over his shoulder for the Doc** Animal
  14. Me figgered dat, Black Skot. How be dey boomin inna yers 'ead wit dem cannon competing wit dey ahngerover Animal
  15. Patrick, ye can keep up wit de weather and such in the keys by going to www.keysnews.com FantasyFest is starting this weekend and runs for the week. They have klive cam at vatious locations in the Keys. Might be fun to see what your missing. Fer me, I wish I was there now for FantasyFest. Animal
  16. Thank ye, Casabel. Yer a trough of dey finest and most accurate information. glad ter hear about the bare blades. Me needs ter makes me a sheath fer me cutlass. Animal
  17. **notices the crewe sleeping off the 4 day wake for Olaf's dear departed grandfather, loads up the cannons** BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM Wakey wakey yer sleepy heads. Animal
  18. None sucha a ting as a stupid inquirery, only not inquiring is stupid. Yer be ahead o der game dere Partick. Casabel be one o dey most knowledgeable mates around abou blackpowder and such. Casabel, iffen yer look heres again, canna ye post some o dey does and do nots regarding swords and pistols and such as dey pertain to PIP? Animal
  19. While not single anymore, the shyness factor usually comes from rejection. As a younger man, everytime I approached a lovely lady, it usually ended with her having to go to the restroom and not returning. Some guys are intimidated by a stunning lass. They feel theywouldn't have a chance at a date, much less anything else. That's my take on it. Animal PS: Funny thing tho about growing older, younger lovely ladies seem to take an interest in us older guys. Maybe it's the greying of the beard or hair??
  20. I also hear today that a student who is a member of the high school skeet shooting team and an honor student, wanted to have his senior picture taken with his "high grade and expensive" skeet gun. The school officals denied it. I think I heard that he was thinking about a law suit also. I didn't hear where thihs happened. Animal
  21. Once again the absurdity of the anti gun folks are at work. Here in Washington State, a student had his paintball gun, empty CO2 canister, field dress in his locked box in his locked trunk of his car. The security guard saw a paintball decal on the rear window of the car and went to the principle with the licence number of the vehicle. Mind you that the paintball gun was in no way visible from the outside. The police were called and ran the number and pulled out of his calculis (sp) final and ordered hihm to open the trunk. He complied. they then ordered hihm to open the locked box. He complied. He even had a trigger lock on the paintgun. He was charged with having a wepon at school, suspended and missed hihs graduation. He sued the school districe, the local police and the security guard personally for a total of $2 million and won. He graduated with honors and didn't have to finish the test as he had aced it as far as he got. Everyone fought the suit on appeal but it was upheld. I guess he taught the powers that be a lesson. He later had to threaten another suit for his gear that was taken. Animal
  22. I add my thoughts and prayers also. I know what it is to lose a grandparent. They tell you cool stories of things done that nowadays would get you thrown in jail and let you get away with murder and just smile as you reek havoc as a child, givingyou the best advice as you grow up. If you need to talk, Hurricane knows how to find me. Animal
  23. Since I started this thread, I check it periodiocly to see the responses. I noticed that 263 people have viewed but only 20 have posted in it. Lots of lookers but no takers. Can you imagine if everyone who looked at this thread went??? Animal
  24. Where did you get them. Me mate ha been looking fer some. Animal
  25. Shelia me dear, yerr be scrubbinbe makin dey Blackheart looks beutyfulls. Yer need ter be taken a break an go chase some men, young boys, er what'ver yer wishes. Me tanks fer yer hard works. MeryyI'd be telling yer the same but...ohhhhhh ....go play wit Shelia, yer has earned de tyme off . Has fun an has a stuot one fer me. Animal
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