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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Me name is jus me. It was taken from the Muppet character Animal . I be jus like 'im, never predictable and always having ter be chained by da neck wit a collar. Most women seem to find me cuddily. Can't figure that one. Animal
  2. To all me crewe mates and special friends that have visited us here, Happy Easter!!!! Watch out fer dem tings calles Easter eggs. Me tinks dat dey be bunny dropping from dat Easter Bunny bloke. He be a big son of a buck. Me wonders if slow roasting or long marinating would tender 'imup a bit. As long as 'es been around, it must be a tough piece o meat. Animal
  3. I have been following this thread with great interest, Patrick. I read the book on Capt'n Morgan and found it interesting. They gave a fairly decent discription of clothing worn as I recall. If memory (what I have left of one) serves me correctly, their legs were bare and they went barefooted. The issue of snakes and such just came with the territory I guess. You get bit, you get sick or die. As for the political climate in Haiti now, I think I would go to Costa Rica if I were you. After the hurricanes did a number on them last year, things are fairly unstable there. (As if they were stable before?) Animal
  4. Be easy on 'im, Paisley. Remember when you brought home a less than honorable report card!!!! As fer me self.......I was perfect ( and if you beleive that, I have some land in the middle of Mt St Helens fer ya to buy) Animal
  5. I think that alot of the postiings in The Pub are in Persona. When I'm here how I respond to a post depends on how I read the wrtiien word and who I'm responding to. If I was to be in my persona, Animal in real life, I'd be doing life without parole right now. Even at events, one must leverage some control in ones persona. Once again, I'd be doing time if I let the true Animal persona out. With all the P/C attitudes nowadays, it is sometimes hard to be yourself with out getting fired or thrown in jail. Animal ( or who ever I might think I am )
  6. Greeting, you might want to contact Hurricane, Capt'n of the Pirates Of The Coast. He and others are working on the festival planning. He can give you more information. I know they are looking for vendors and the more the merrier. Animal
  7. **comes up from the bilge, checking for leaks and general maintainence, and notices the decks vacant and as quiet as a ghost ship** Time fer on o me pattened wake up calls. **primes and powders six cannons and stes them off BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!! WAKEY WAKEY YA BUNCH O SLACKERS!!!!!! ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!!!! PREPARE TO REPEL BOARDERS!!!!!!!! Animal
  8. Done. Doc and I are back online again. Will try to post more often. We are making headway towards the warmer sunnier climates slowly. Our target is still for June but could be earlier if everyone up here keeps pi**ing me off. I hate government functionaries. They are a waste of my time and tax payers money. That goes for lawyers too. Animal hmm....as I look through my e-mail box I do not see a response to the e-mails I sent you asking for information...obviously someone is not completely caught up with their work.... tsk tsk... **comes up out of the bilge, checking the crewes work in my absence**Your's are next Diosa. Have ta get rid of all the junk mail first and reformat Doc machine. Damn Bill Gates crap. Can't wait until I can get me a MAC. Animal
  9. Done. Doc and I are back online again. Will try to post more often. We are making headway towards the warmer sunnier climates slowly. Our target is still for June but could be earlier if everyone up here keeps pi**ing me off. I hate government functionaries. They are a waste of my time and tax payers money. That goes for lawyers too. Animal
  10. Greetings all!!! Just got back from Costco and finally got my pics done from PIP. I know, it has been 2 months but what can I say? I know, no excusses. I'll have them up as soon as I can get them transfered from the disc and find someplace to post them. There are few general photos. Animal
  11. ?????? Nahhhhh I musta just read that one wrong.............. Naaahhhh ya read it right. I re-read it three times and still came up with the same thing you did. Doc and I are still alive and freezing our assets off up here. I'm glad I'm not living in Spokane ( Eastern Washington), Thursday High: 4 Low: 3, 1 degree increase during the day. And you wonder why I get depressed when I hear 72 to 80 degrees reported. I think I'll start reverting back to my old Animal mode, kick assets and take names. Alright, you lay abouts, get this ship cleaned up. Yer been laying around too much, That goes fer you too Capt'n and Concience. Yer been playing way too much. Me tinks dat the bilge needs cleaning again an yer two haven't had dat duty yet, Get to it!!! Skot yer the only one not having duty ter do. Cleaning their quartes was a noble deed. Yer can lay about. The rest o yer, GET TER WORK!!!! Animal
  12. there be times I worry about you, Captain. :) Deadly Don't worry yourself, Deadly. I've been worrying about him for 20 years. I'm to the point that nothing amazes me about himanymore. He is who he is, what ever that is. Animal
  13. I gotta quit coming here. It's 18 degrees outside, clear night and they're mumbling something about snow. I'm still conditioned for Florida weather. I like to froze my n--s off this morning unloading a truck outside. I know what the temp is in Portlando. I hate this place called Washington. Now the village idiots in Olympia are talking about contesting the Gov. race and having a re-vote. Thihs place is totally friggen nuts. Animal
  14. The only thing that scares me is the thought of Nigel dressed as TBM. If that won't give you nightmares, nothing will. Animal
  15. Olaf, me brother!!! Where have ya bin?? Ya says werking, huh??? Didn't yer gets de time off fer celebrating the New Year or did ya fall head first inta da pollow??? How be yer back??? Doc says she has something fer that. She calls it a rack but I think it's a catpult. She says no instructions needed as there wern't none with it. Animal
  16. Puts glasses on and re-reads the post** Ahh...I see now. We can pick on him but he might shoot back. Amazing what glasses will do for you if ya remember to put them on.**cleans glasses, whoa, everything is not fuzzy anymore. Amazing!!! ** Animal
  17. Greetings Jill!! As far as I know there are not many POTC events here in the Seattle area. When the movie came out, a few of us showed up in costume and had some fun. Other than that, not much. As I said before, the Doc and I are moving in June to Florida, so we probably won't be around during Seafair. Having been with the Seafair Pirates for 13 or so years, Seafair and a few community events are all that happen here. We prefer the warmer climates of the southern latitudes. Old bones and joints don't ache so much there. Animal
  18. We saw only one that I know of. If there are more from that night, please post them. We have been telling friends about the Fort experience. Pictures would vilify our tales. Animal
  19. Aye Diosa. When he gets into port, I'll try ter hook up wit him. What does yer mean not picking on dey newbie, dat be de tradition o dey crewe. Iffen we can't pick on him, who can??? Ye knows dat our picking be o de fun type. As fer dey pic, we needs one even do he be in dey governments service. We can change him later, conver 'im to our ways. Me be sure dat he would be agreeable ter dat. Animal
  20. **hears the call for douple rations and set abouut his work**Here ye be lads and lasses. Dere be 20 casks of de private stash me be savin fer a special occasions. Me tinksa lil hair o de dog fer ye. Me and de Doc spent the evening watching movies on dis ting dey calls a TV an DVD paler. Amazing tings dey be. As usual yer MA stayed sober ter keeps an eye on de crewe an dere safety. Me can report dat no one wound up in da brig, dat I can tell of, Capt'n. Happy New Year ter de Crewe o de Blackheart Animal
  21. Aye lad. Me and the Doc lives in de Kent area. Dis be fer a few months more. We be movin ter Florida as soon as we can get things tied up here, probably around June. Me sees dat ye signed on wit Capt'n Hurricanes crewe, Pirates Of The Coast. Dere be few events here unless ye belong ter de Seafair Pirates an such. Animal
  22. Sorry to report that one chick died today. It was the second one that hatched. Two more eggs still unhatched. Animal
  23. Bird Update.......we now have 2 chicks. The Doc has named them Popit and Paisley. More news later. As you were. Animal
  24. **comes up from the bilges** What's all this singing going on??? Diaosa, did you get ingto the company stores again???? **Looks around andsees nary a crewe member** Where be the lil bilge monkeys? Gonna have ta start getting ugly again and start banking on doors to fluch them out. I see the rum wench is rummy again. At least she's doing her job. What has Nigel painted lately? Nothing except his toes I suspect. I heard Shelia rumbling around topside a day or so ago. The rest must be sleeping off the festivities. Keep singin', lass. Makes me work easire to do. Animal
  25. Dat's right , Diaosa. Keeps at 'em. I might join in wit ye.**clears rum soaked throat,starts hacking so hard he falls overboard** toss me some soap, I guess I'll take me yearly bath early. Animal
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