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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Ok, I'll try my sly side glance, trying to be inconspec......inconpict.....not noticed But all joking aside, I can see why that might freak you out, Syren Animal
  2. Hey!!!! We're lust a bunch of guys!!! Animal
  3. **Animal starts feverishly figuring out an exotic and sensual chocolate and fudge candle concoction** Animal
  4. Double standard, as I see it. The nice thing about re-enactors is that both sides strut their stuff but are mature enough to take it and give it back without venom. It is one sided in a way in that the women are usually stared at more than vice versa. I'm probably wrong on that point . Animal
  5. Negative (old school film student here, sorry ) Animal
  6. Borderlords : Terry C. Johnston (deceased) Series of stories on the fur trade. It's written in a fiction style but uses some historical characters of the period who blazed the way from the east coast to the west coast. Also have been reading Across The Wide Missouri. This book is a historical documentation of the era. Animal
  7. It's amazing how some women get ticked off if we take the time to look at them as they are walking by or seated across the room. Hell you'd think they would take it as a compliment Evewn being married, when an attractive woman is in the vacinity, my eyes wander to her. Even if it's only for a second. Doesn't mean I'm going to jump her or anything, she's just attractive. Go figger??? Animal
  8. Very nice, Sutlerjon!!! Any idea what charge they hold? Animal
  9. **Grabs a rum and a cuban** Mind if I join ya, Patrick???? Animal
  10. Thank you, Dutch. I would be interested in seeing that. Next PIP I intend to listen to your demonstration on navigation. Animal
  11. From the looks of the thing, I think he still had it on the line and was still breading it.........Sterling, come to think of it, I think I saw it move Animal
  12. I gots ta agree wit ya, Patrick. There are times when men just need to be men. The male species has been reduced to something hardly recognizable anymore. While basic courtsey and manners are the basis of a modern society, the male has been reduced to a bumbling buffoon in the eyes of most women. Why?? Because we've lost our balls!!! Women have them and have had them since the time fathers quit spending time teaching the young boys. Now it is the women who take the males under their wings and teach them. While sensitivity is needed as a human being, there comes to a point of over saturation. Males need to bond with males. The older teaching the younger from their life experience. I am MALE!!! Now where is that damn rum bottle and pipe of mine???? Animal
  13. Chrispy, I can help you with the monkey fist!! Been practicing fer a while. They may not be perfect at first, but they'll look good. Animal
  14. I caught that look animal, you'd best be warry! That has been known to happen. heh heh heh Animal
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