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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Oi! Oi! Oi! watch were yer pokin' there missy Now I know that I should have hid it
  2. Well heck fire, I have 3 of them and they works real goodly. That upper rack works great fer kepping things warm. I tried one of them plastic ones once, made the road kill taste funny. When them thangs ketches fire tho, they last a long time but they do stink ter high heaven. Aminal
  3. Syren, you are an evil, evil evil evil woman and god knows I loves ye fer it. Cheesecake is a major downfall of mine. Now you have given me a recipe for it!!!!!! Give me cheesecake and I'll do anything....well almost.....who am I kidding.....anything.....almost.....probably....... Damn I'm in the soup now Animal
  4. Poked???? I knew I should have hide that thing!!!!! Animal
  5. Yer wife is having kittens????? Wot did you do now, William????? Animal
  6. ***Hands Syren a bucket and towel*** Here ya go Poppit. Can't have you drooling down your front!!! I thnk I'll apply fet that job meself!!! Animal
  7. I think that Patrick can help you with the hat. He made it from an old felt hat he had laying around. I beleive if you look through the earlier posts here he describes how he did it. Animal
  8. Wot???? " Grettings my fine little strumpet" isn't proper???? ***Animal heads out the door before Cheeky has a chance to throw something*** Animal
  9. Several years back, I used sugar bottles during a skit in Grand Cayman for their Pirates Week Tryal Of The Pirates. The problem I had wasn't the humidity and the bottles getting sticky, the problem was having one left for the skit. Broke 2 flying down there, i fell off a table and the last one was the one they used to hit me in the head. During the skit, it sat on the drunk defense attorneys table. Every time he moved, the bottle weaved like it was going to fall. I was having kitten back stage during this as it was the last one. The alternative they came up with was a lightly glued glass Coke bottle!!!!! If that had been used I would have either been in the hospital there or shipped back in a pine box!!! I really don't think that the humidity that time of the year will be an issue. We were in Cayman in late october and down there it kept raining and the humidity was at least 80 - 90%. Animal
  10. If you have to start somewhere, this event is one of the best to start with! I was completely green when I went two years ago as well. Just do your best with the kit. You'll find lots of helpful people and ideas around here, particularly in the Captain Twill and The Thieves Market forums. The only downfall is that you may be completely spoiled by attending this event first. Ye still are green......behind the ears Hmmm maybe those are gills!!! I knew there was something fishy about you, Mission I suspect ye'll be tellin' them all about me, some tall stories I'm sure! Make 'em good Oderlesseye! Yeah Oderlesseye, we want to hear some of the tales or tails of the infamous Rumba Rue!!!!! Animal
  11. "make Animal give you sloppy kisses (Trust me .... start being nice... it is really in your best interest)" Oi!! Oi!! Me kisses aren't sloppy!!! Wet maybe, but not sloppy!!! Ok, enough hijacking, continue with the thread.......... Animal
  12. Sterling???? Why does you're head hurt??? Chasing around town again 'til all hours of the night????? Animal
  13. Congratulations Jim!!! Fine site. Nice and neat and well organized. See you Sunday one way or the other. Animal
  14. Congratulations you two!!!! Well Done!!!! Gee I wonder who is going to photograph the wedding???? Animal
  15. Kate, I didn't know you worked at the same place I do!!!!????? Animal
  16. Jim, I also have been reading the same book. Interesting read although I'm almost dome. I think you'll enjoy it. Animal
  17. Feeling brain dead. Working, trying to get a business up and going. Need to have my brain vacumed out. Animal
  18. Working on a business plan. Gotta get out of the "warehousing" business. It's killing me physically. Renewing my long standing love of photography. Need start-up funding. And yes I am up for adoption. Wealth apply here!!!! Animal
  19. Naw I been lookin' at pictures. Know the difference between them and a turkey. Susi's son laid in a field once with ketchup over him trying to lure one down. Didn't work tho. I told him he was too skinny, not enough meat fer them. Animal
  20. He didn't mention it, but Boo lives in Florida. Boo, where in Florida do you live? I'm in the Orlando area. I looked at yer profile but didn't see much. Animal
  21. Thanks again guys for the responses. Callenish, I can't wait to get into hunting again. The turkey population here in Florida is pretty healthy from what I've seen. When I out doing deliveries in the rural areas, I see literally herds of them along side the roads. I stopped once and counted 30 birds with a pocket monocular. To say the least, I was impressed and a little awed. Now if only they'll stay in the same place during the season. Animal
  22. Sutler, bring them with you next weekend. I might get a couple. Animal
  23. "I thought that is what you did to children that used dirty words.... wash their mouths out with soap.... Does anyone do that anymore? or is it child abuse and the reason we have so many foul mouthed kids?" Naw I believe it is a felony now. Kids know they can call abuse for almost anything and get away with it. The snot nosed lil brats. Animal
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