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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Nicccceeee, darkRose. Have any pics of that sweet sounding instrument??? I have always readme of owning a Martin of any model. Unfortunately, my wallet lets moths out when I open it. Animal
  2. Aaah, we have just the thing for that.... Trixie Baltimore and her all girl majorette drill team will be preforming shortly.... Ahh....they'll be wearing them short skirts again too, Patrick??? Animal
  3. Aye, MadL, that would make it more interesting!!! But I think it would take a couple of weeks to get it to unscrew Damn things can be finicky when you load them up with rum, sluggish too. Animal
  4. Oh, Baxter, over here lad. Can't you see we have a member in need? There, there Animal tut tut, a job well done calls for one to relax with a rum and Cubano, that's what the club is here for. Baxter, see to it that Animal's wants go on my tab. Cherrieo, Reggie Stuffedshirt, III, Dcm, Abwy, Esq Colonel, Royal Horse Marine Regiment Thank you, Sir. Much obliged. Unfortunately we go at it again today. Yesterday was just the start of the worst. I'm sure I'll be back here again tonight. Animal
  5. **Slides into an overstuffed chair by the fire** What a day. Inventory, I hate it!! Spent the day counting light bulbs. We must have 50 billion of the buggars. I need a rum and a Cubano and then vegetate for a while. Let the brain and eyes rest. Animal
  6. Yeah you're probably right. I was thinking more of a elder Patch Monkey, keeping them in line and teaching the new ones. Kinda like a Godfather Patch Monkey. Hmmm, quick release harness and hydrogen ballons??? That could be fun!!! Animal
  7. From the sound of it, not far from your regular personality Jest kidding sweetie, I love yer quirky ways and loves yer for them. Me, I think I would fit in to the Patch Monkey mold. Kinda fits my general character. God help ya if ya mess wit me stuff Animal
  8. "OFFICIAL PEACE TIE CHECKER" I'll ne yer back up, MadL. Just incase some try ter slip by Animal
  9. Twern't me, I sleeps nekkid Don' owm me no such fofraw. I was brought in to this world nekkid and I'll go out the same way, says I. Alright ladies, here is your chance to take yer shots. Make em good as yer'll not get a nuther chance. Animal
  10. Gee thanks, Capt'n, you had to bring that to my attention knowing I'm looking for a period long gun, didn't you??? I wonder which bank I could pillage to raise the coin fer that???? Animal
  11. Thanks for the tip. Don't have need yet but nice to have the info to bookmark. Animal
  12. Where the hell be Dorsetshire?? Twas MadL dat started this here mess. An come to tink on it, why would I care dem fancy pants there tink????
  13. **Animal shakes his head** MadL, now I know why they call you Mad??? Syren, I too have that image in me head.....PLEASE, make it go away!!!!!!!!!! BTW THANKS Rumba, I may be more scarred than I was before in life Animal
  14. Salty, indeed you make valid points with your post. When I originated it, I was hoping a few of the ladies who peek in here (yes we peek in the Man Haters Club :angry: ) and shed some light onto this issue. If we don't get you ladies input, the mysteries of women will elude is forever I think all we ask is for an even playing field sometimes and some basic guidelines. After all "We're just men" aren't we??? :angry: Animal
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