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Captian Wolfy Wench

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Everything posted by Captian Wolfy Wench

  1. You've been there? Yesss, I plan to go for sure next time! Lady Elaina, tell us when you're in town and planning to go! I would try and meet you there. :) Captain Wolfy Wench
  2. Bwahaha, no, we're all twisted pyrates here! I looove me some handcuffs, but leather's one of my personal favorites. Belts, straps, you name it. Rope can be too rough. Captain Wolfy Wench
  3. There's a PROGRAM for that? Hardcore. What I do is go into a photo editing program (my favorite being Adobe Photoshop for my drawing purposes), cut whatever you want for the avatar, shrink it, clean it up, etc. I can do lotsa stuff with pictures. Learn the program, learn to make avatars. I'd be happy to do the same, fi you ever need any help. Captain Wolfy Wench
  4. Dana Point is not too far for me! Tall Ships near Captain Wolf again, arr!! Give us more details, Lady Elaina! I'll be sure to make an appearance! Captain Wolfy Wench
  5. I do not like Shrek. Different story, though. What I would GIVE to work at Disney... omg. And what I would give fer those Malificent dragon plushies!!!! OMG. *envious* I might hafta plunder them offa ye, Iron Bess. I've been to the studios before, I believe. Long ago, however. And PotC was so far away then. Ahhh, 's great to live in Los Angeles, California. Captain Wolfy Wench
  6. Hmm, more details, GlueBeard? Captain Wolfy Wench
  7. OHHHH, I want to go so badly, but I'm a bit far, and cannot drive. Am the laziest girl my age, I swear... I raise a tankard to 'im anyhow. Cheers. Captain Wolfy Wench
  8. Beauuuutiful! Big, wooden, and those're some damn fine sails. Mmm. Wish I could go see her in person, as they say. :/ Captain Wolfy Wench
  9. Where's this gonna be, the Bay area? Captain Wolfy Wench
  10. Wow, GREAT resources! I'm very glad I have this now; it's going under my favoritres. I even found a place that I think I will have make my prom dress! I'm trying to decide between my original idea of a customized Maleficent gown (Yes, from Sleeping Beauty), or something pretty and piratical. I want to stun, becuase that's just how I am. Captain Wolfy Wench
  11. Interestin'. I never really thought of whether or not it was historically accurate. I know pirates that were caught were hung and displayed so that passing ships could spot the bodies; served as a warning. I'm sure many ports would utilize the brand to mark and punish marauding pirates. Personally, I'd love one of those tats on me arm. O.o Captain Wolfy Wench
  12. Wow, they have shirts with the actual character son them now? I must go and see them... Captain Wolfy Wench
  13. *jaw drops* $65?!??!?!??!?! That's AMAZING for such quality, bucket top and all! I've seen uglier boots go for twice as much! Thanks so much for the ref! Captain Wolfy Wench
  14. *gasps* IS Capt. Grey a SW fan too?! *stalks* OMG, this is just SPECTACULARLY amusing, not to mention the Engrish too! The doll actually looks like him! Veyr well made, and pretty accurate costume, too! BWAHAHA, I have to show this to everyone... Captain Wolfy Wench
  15. Oh, I get 'em all the time! They're cheap, delicious, and kind of good for ye! Well, they're not BAD, which is my definition of being good for ye. Trader Joe's sells that and something they like to call Buried Treasure. It's basically the same idea of Pirate's Booty, but instead of cheeze, it's caramel. GOOD stuff. Best of all, it's pirate...themed? Captain Wolfy Wench
  16. I always liked Hot Topic becuase I'm a sucker for novelty t-shirts (it's all I own, I swear), and they just have the best ones. I just like to dress dark and gothic-y anyway, too, I guess. They've always had pirate-y stuff, but they never really called it such until after pirates became popular again. They have lots of skull & crossbones items that they make themselves, like wristbands, necklaces, shoelaces, shirts, etc that are kind of nice. Drop by an actual shop and check it out! I'm sure you'll find something entertaining. Captain Wolfy Wench
  17. Now that one be in my price range....but alas I cannot afford to pay a crew. I know, me boys will be strapping men in 5 years...I will trade me house for the boat and me boys can be my crew. I've got 5 years to talk me mate into it. I'd hop on crew for free for a summer... as long as yeh fed me. Anyone offerin'? LOL. And yes... those ships be ORGASMIC in appearance... I jus' wanna... sneak on board and pets the pretty boats... mm, ships... Captain Wolfy Wench
  18. I feel like such a poser for being 'round such respectable and experiences pirates, but it had to be PotC. But it DOES go back aways. I've always loved the sea; me mum's from Cuba. I always held Peter Pan, the animated Disney film very close to me heart. Was Pan fer Halloween, in fact. Read the abridged versions of Treasure Island and all that piratical literature at a very young age becuase I always loved readin'. Then I started sailing when I was still a youngin'... perhaps around 10-12 years old. Never really though' of a pyratical life until I mde me way online (I live here, I swear. They say it IS "surfing" the 'net!) and found ye fine people that I begun me life as a pirate wench. CAPTAIN Wolfy Wench to ye, tha' is. :) So yes... PotC. Captain Wolfy Wench
  19. Oh, I also forgot to mention that I just recently stayed at the Disneyland Resort, and to my happiness, saw that there were more pirate-themed things there besides at the park! At the Disneyland Resort, there are two pools, the largest of which is pirate-themed! There is a large pirate ship by the side, and two waterslides, one of which comes off the side of the ship. Over by another side is a big skull, and all of this is obviously inspired by Peter Pan. Also, there is a restaurant in the Resort called Hook's Pointe, and one of the doors that led inside was called something to the effect of "The Captain's Quarters." I didn't get to go inside, as my friends were too cheap to pay for the food there, but I'm plannin' for it next time! Captain Wolfy Wench
  20. Pah! The cost of material to make a shirt like that is NOT anywhere near $30.00, trust me. I sew all the time, and the fabrics that are used most often, including muslin, cotton and cotton gauze is all very cheap and available for $15 and under, and that's for some particularly good specimens of said fabric. What you must do is fine an online recreator who sews costumes. Most are usually very reasonable people, and I bet if you email them and ask for a cheaper material, they'll find it for you. Either that or learn to sew. It's painless... in fact, I love it! X_x But that's just me. Also, use Captain Wolf's answer to all things: EBAY. keep looking, you are bound to come up with something cheaper. Captain Wolfy Wench
  21. Sure, it's perfetc but look at what 'e's asking fer. What a pirate, this guy. X_x *is broke* Captain Wolfy Wench
  22. Charlotte, from the film you can certainly see the medallion Elizabeth/Will has is double-sided. At Disneyland a while back, they has an exhibit of the PotC movie after the film came out, and one of the coins was on display in a clear case. I moved around the display and saw that it was indeed double-sided with that same design on the back, and this si straight from Disney. I wish I took a picture. Also, I was talking with someone who had an original coin from the film and it was also double-sided, so it's not just some random design someone made up. Captain Wolfy Wench
  23. Three words: eBay eBay eBay. eBay is wonderful for lookin' at a broad range of swords, and the prices are I guarantee far better than you will find at most specialty sites or ren faires. But I agree, ren faires typically have very well-made swords that are very much fit for practicing the slash with, so to speak. And you can also guage how heavy it is and how you like its look better than you can online. Whatever floats yer boat, lassie! I have one I got on eBay, very long, brass and steel. Purdy thing. Captain Wolfy Wench
  24. Oh, I would help ye out here, but I've never worn a true corset before. But I'm gettin' one made soon. ^^ Ahh, this thread is just too amusing. Captain Wolfy Wench
  25. Mmm, Disneyland. Me and me friends are quite the Disney whores, and we all frequent the place at least twice to three times a year, maybe more. I live close to Anaheim, so it's easy for me. I do not recall anything sounding like a Pirate Ship restaurant, but there's still a PotC shop of the ride, and a ship that sets sail in the little "bay" around New Orleans Square. I forgot tis name, but it's quite pretty, if a little out of proportion. Ye can set foot on deck for a little while, but methinks it's all it does. Check out the official Disneyland site if yer interested. Oh, and if anyone wants specific pictures of the park, I'm going there in June, so I'll bring a digital camera. Captain Wolfy Wench
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