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Captian Wolfy Wench

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Everything posted by Captian Wolfy Wench

  1. How many parties does Kapt. Kula 'ave? I don't think I can make it this time... but next time, perhaps... Captain Wolfy Wench
  2. There's a nice skull and crossbones necklace at Disneyland, but it costs an arm and a leg... for a necklance, that is! Something crazy like $20, but I can't rightly remember. Captain Wolfy Wench
  3. Oh yes, Treasure Island... but I think ye all 'ave heard o' that one. And All Quiet on the Western Front. I have a lot of classic books I read that everyone should know to read... if I find anythin' new, I'll let ye know. Those pirates of the female... gender should ALL pick up Bridget Jones' Diary. If you liked the movie, the book is even better! Be sure to get the sequel too (The Edge of Reason), it's a bloody riot! I love the British... Captain Wolfy Wench
  4. Ye add yer birthday to the calendar... so I hpe that means yer havin' a party! At any rate, here's a big birthday glass o' rum from Capt'n Wolf! May yer plunders be many, and your Ren Faires plentiful!*cheers and howls* Captain Wolfy Wench
  5. I can't believe ye did that, mate. Can't believe they ignored ye, too! I'm sure so many of them multi-millionaire people just 'ave subs comin' out of their ears. Captain Wolfy Wench
  6. Florida be too bloody far... but grea' news 'bout yer win! Even better are the prizes, arrrgh! Captain Wolfy Wench
  7. Congrats, Pearl! I would love t' 'ave a boat, but then the arguement is I don't know how to keep one, and me uncle has a HUGE bastard, bu' it's equipped with super engines n' stuff. Fishin' boats, y'know. I like Jolly Rancher... bu' I like the bumper sticker idea even more. Rumba Rue, ye 'ave Star Wars quoted. *hug* Okay, sorry. Captain Wolfy Wench
  8. I heard that one o' the first weekends, it was rainin'! The weather's been so bad here in LA, I know. Two days ago, I was dyin' at school in 90-degree weather. It's cooled down a bit, though, bu' I know it must be worse out there in San Bernadino, since it's further from the ocean. Captain Wolfy Wench
  9. I'm glad ye posted the info! I knew about the faire, but didn't know the name, so now I can look it up. I be plannin' t' attend, but I'm so busy! I 'ave me Prom next week, and this weekend I have school performances. The weekend after, perhaps. I'll try me hardest and be sure to say hello! Captain Wolfy Wench
  10. Congratz on the exposure, Nigel! As an artist, I know how important and exciting it is to have your stuff out there, on TV, in magazines, or just somewhere where others can see yer work. I'll have to keep me deadlights open fer that mag. :) Captain Wolfy Wench
  11. This post should go under "Plunder." Sorry, had to do tha'. I suppose that many breeches from the 17th and 18th century were baggy, especially in the butt because some sailors wore them and needed room to work in them withou' strainin' the cloth too much. If ye want them t' fit better, try slicing open the seam carefully and sewing them closer together for a tighter fit, bu' still have them relatively loose. I don' think they'll look too historically inaccurate, far as I'm concerned. If ye want a resource for linen for greater costuming accuracy, try Jas Townsend, if not, try some sort of discount fabric shops. here in Los Angeles there is a fabric district where you can get linen for as cheap as $3/yd., bu' there are also some specialized fabric shops that sell linen and other natural weaves. Captain Wolfy Wench
  12. I think ye be right, Huntin' hawk. tha' seems 'bout right. I'm on many boards for many different things rangin' from Star Wars to costuming, dogsledding to anime, an' there seem t' be many threads where someone'll launch an arguement, and they'll be pages of responses. I don' think I've ever seen any sort of arguing threads on this board. I'm so glad t' be a pyrate. Cheers, mates! Captain Wolfy Wench
  13. Aye, I think I may 'ave done that a few times... but wif comic books. Captain Wolfy Wench
  14. Blackbeard in all 'is glory! I wish I could get me paws on one of those figures... now THA'S soemthing to show to the kids. Captain Wolfy Wench
  15. Oh, so ye found THEM, huh? A bit obsessed with Jack/Norrington ship, the Theban Band. Though I prefer Jack/Will meself... but er, tha's jus' me. >_< Captain Wolfy Wench
  16. A pirate feast can't ever be complete without drinks! Don't forget t' get shot glasses, more tropical-like drinks, and those little umbrellas! Of course, pirates are sailors, so ye need lots of things from the sea. The smoked fish is a good idea. Ye can always get good ideas of what kinds of fish t' eat from Trader Joe's. Big chunks of meat like the turkey legs from Ren Faire, kebabs (wif pineapple!), or other things ye can eat wif yer hands are also appropriate. Anythin' t' get yer hands dirty! Aye, the Key Lime Pie... sort of tropical. Good luck on yer feastin'! Captain Wolfy Wench
  17. What exactly does "Renaissance Faire entertainer" mean, anyway? I do have a nice costume I can wear for background stuff (it's blue and black), me Wolf Wench costume, that is. Tell me if that qualifies, Iron Bess. :) Captain Wolfy Wench
  18. I jus' saws "Pirates in Tortuga"... in me book, not really worth it. What I hate about old movies is that the female characters are always so annoying or stupid. It's so irritatin', I jus' want to stab them. This is why I love Captain Blood... little to no women. Rent it at yer local video store (I doubt Blockbuster has it) and see BEFORE ye buy it... even if it's fer $10! Captain Wolfy Wench
  19. Vote, vote, vote all of ye on the MTV site for everything PotC related! Best thing about MTV awards is tha' ye can vote as many times as you want. >=D Does anyone know when the awards will air? Captain Wolfy Wench
  20. Paul Bettany makes me a 'appy wench. Grea' actor. Finally picked up the collector's edition on Sunday. Was $30 at Wherehouse... worth it, I think. It's got a 70-minute documentary on makin' the film, and there are some paper inserts that are very nice. it's got a fold out map of "Lucky" Jack Aubrey's journey, and a nice big booklet with pictures. If you really love the film, I really suggest shellin' out the extra $10 for the double-disc set. Especially extras, i's brimmin' with extras... a whole disc of them! Captain Wolfy Wench
  21. Pyracy.com's new look is most welcomed. It's much more professional-looking, pretty, and very easy to navigate. Easy on the eyes, too. Captain Wolfy Wench
  22. :angry: :angry: Agreed!! Captain Wolfy Wench
  23. Crazy site, Black deacon... very helpful, though. I loves it when other people use their time, energy and sanity and do the work fer me. :) Too much match involved here. wolf2hawks, I 'ave a few good pictures of the compass, most of which are available on that site. When I get home, I'll see if I can post them. Captain Wolfy Wench
  24. Two words... ginger ale! I hate ginger, but it works. >_< Captain Wolfy Wench
  25. Maybe it's becuase ye all miss the sounds and sight of water. Good idea, maybe I'll call Target, purchasing online is getting too expensive... Captain Wolfy Wench
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