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Captian Wolfy Wench

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Everything posted by Captian Wolfy Wench

  1. You know, I ordered a beautiful cutlass from 5 Star Deal on eBay as well, but it turned out to be a horrible experience. I sent in payment, and after three months of no response (but MANY emails from me) from them, they FINALLY tell me they don't have any of the swords in stock. Of course, after I email them countless more times, they sent me back a check of my payment about a month and a half later. >_< Grr... never had any problems like that before. But it is indeed a nice cutlass! Looks heavy, but the hilt and guard look kind of... fantasy-like. O_o Captain Wolfy Wench
  2. I'm plannin' on goin' to the Spring Ojai faire this year, probably only on the 24th, becuase I don't have a ride to being me 'till Sunday. I've never been to this area in particular, but Ojai is a very nice area. If'n I'mn goin' by the Escondido faire, hopefully this one will be quite large as well! Ojai's about an hour to an hour and a half's drive from Los Angeles, with not much traffic. It's usually nice and sunny, more of a dryer area, though. 'S spossed to be very beautiful, with a lake nearby. Seems a lot like it's part two of the Escondido faire. :) Captain Wolfy Wench
  3. I don' know, it might have been that booth. They sold the hat blanks for $15, and they lots of other leatherworks there that were rather nice. Argh, I had no idea I could've asked them to make it into a tricorn fer me. Save me some trouble I'm sure I'll get into. >_O Well, from what I remember, the booth was next to a Tarot Card reader/Fortune Teller, nearby the lifesize wooden horses. Captain Wolfy Wench
  4. I jus' bought a wool felt hat blank at the Escondido faire. Now I want to shape it into a tricorn, and I don't have a brooch or a pin to hold it up. I keep hearing about steaming it into shape. Does anyone here know how to shape hats into tricorns? Captain Wolfy Wench
  5. The faire was indeed a great success for all! I had a grea' time, and even brought along a friend (who I think is going to be a little hooked on 'em!). I went into the Pirate's Cove and saw all of the encampments, bu' becuase it was close to closing on Sunday, eveythin was being taken down and it looked like the pyrates were just hangin' out 'till they were kicked out. I wish I could've met some of ye there, but I wouldn't've known where to look! We got a lot of comments on our costumes, however, me friend wearin' me own Jack Sparrow outfit (the best one there, I thought!) and meself in a Will turner outfit. Both of us wenches, eh. Was much fun. Lookin' forward to the next faire! Captain Wolfy Wench
  6. Hunting Hawk! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! D'you know this is about THE best-looking "Jack Sparrow" sword I've seen yet! Looks nearly EXACTLY like it! Although the blood groove should be lower... but I can live with that. And it's so cheap! Thanks for this find, it be a fine cutlass! Captain Wolfy Wench
  7. You lucky pirate, how'd you get those? Are they the official Disney props? Or reproductions? Thanks fer postin' pictures! Captain Wolfy Wench
  8. Yer part of the SD SW Society? Are you a member in your local Fanforce? I'm part of the Los Angeles Fanforce. I'll make sure to visit you at yer booth, Jedi/Capt. Grey, and we can meet in person! A captain in love with SW... my kinda pyrate! Yer favorite character Solo as well, or is that jus' me? Heh. This comic looks grea'! A few pictures I saw in the gallery looked really nice, but a few were rather odd. I love collectin' mini series! Captain Wolfy Wench
  9. Aww, so cute! I want a mini pirate child like tha'... 'cept I'd be a good mum and let her son play wif THREE swords! :) Do little kids REALLY say "<insert friend's name here> and I"? I always said "me and <friend>!" Captain Wolfy Wench
  10. I don' think there are any coupons for the faire, but I could be wrong. I would doubt coupons being in the markets and such, but the website would be the place. I never thought there were any. Captain Wolfy Wench
  11. 'Appy birfday, Miss Adventure!! 'Ere's 'oping that yer years only get better n' better! I bestoy upon ye... er... more plunder! Go April Fool 'em! Captain Wolfy Wench
  12. I be goin' to Comicon... I can't wait! In me revamped Jedi outfit, I 'ope, and maybe me PotC one as well. Hopefully we're gonna see some previews fer this at Comicon. If not, at least some sort of flyer or something. I bet Deadlight Studios will have a booth or somethin'. See ye pyrates there. Captain Wolfy Wench
  13. Anyone know when/where these'll be released? Captain Wolfy Wench
  14. I'm confident that the sequels will be as good, if not better, becuase we have the same screenwriting team. The only thing may be is that Disney might tug on their leashes, make them write more of what they want in. Or perhaps the actual story will be a bit more... Hollywood/Disney. But I know the script will be good. Captain Wolfy Wench
  15. A big rousin' congrats!!! *fires cannon* Nothin' gets me like when a wee baby pyrate is born int' the world... second-generation pyrate! What a lucky boy! Here, I found a few things. Pirate ship bath toy. Pirate pijamas. Fer the older boy, Imaginext pirate toys. Good luck to ye in the future and congrats again! Captain Wolfy Wench
  16. Hmm, if yer lookin' for some good but cheap boots, try House of Andar. Sorry, but they only come in black... but maybe if ye emailed 'em or somethin'... Fer mostly any costume I've put together (pirate, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, ye name it), I've had to buy a pair of knee-high boots. The way I went about lookin' fer such is firstly on eBay. Search for "riding boots." Most of the sizes there are around size 7 in Women's. Which is not my kind of news... I wear a size 9 or 10. Of course, the won't have the nice piratey bucket on the boot top, but y'know. Also try Chadwick's. They are a modern women's clothin' company, but they often sell riding-like boots (in black, brown, suede, leather, camel-colored, and more) for usually under $90. My Jack Sparrow boots came from there. Nice brown suede... grea' color too... now I jus' need to raid me father's leather wherehouse to find me some matching suede so's I can attach some buckets! Good luck and tell us what ye find! Captain Wolfy Wench
  17. I went wif blue even though I might prefer black fer everyday wear! But I think that there may just be too MUCH black in me costume... If'n I were a RICH pirate... I'd want a flashier color than black anyway. I wan' the other pirates ter spot me on board me ship and cry, "There be blue-coated Lady Wolf!" 'R a dark red may be nice as well. "Bloody Wolf"... I like it. Captain Wolfy Wench
  18. Seein' as most of us here are real pirates and hate to pay a pretty penny fer our gear, ye've done a fine job indeed gettin' this link, Zorg! They are all very beau'iful pieces... I'm sure I'll purchase one in the near future. Thanks so much! Captain Wolfy Wench
  19. Aye, I may have 'ave a few things to contribute to yer article, but I'm not sure if ye can define me as a real life, in-the-skin "goth." Goin' all out... such actually gets a bti on me nerves. Have a few hardcore friends and hang 'round that sort of thing a lot, though. D'ye want an email or a PM? Captain Wolfy Wench
  20. I was almost hopin' it was a week-long type cruise, becuase I'm sure I'd enjoy a pirate cruise far more than I did the reg'lar ones! If I'm ever in Florida again, I'll be sure to visit. Captain Wolfy Wench
  21. I don' think we 'ave ever been introduced proper-like... I am Captain Wolfy Wench. I'm very sorry for your losses. I can empathize... I lost my sister to cancer as well when I was a young lass. Sometimes it's just the hardest thing to live with, even though it was long ago. Best wishes to ye in the future. I'm sure ye'll find yer anchor. Captain Wolfy Wench
  22. Agreed, very good question. I also thought it looked like woven brocade. I was fortuante enough to take a very close look at an exhibit of costumes in Hollywood... and all I can really tell ye (from me limited knowledge) that it is heavy and VERY rough woven material. Ye can see the vertical and horizontal threads used in the weave. For the color, which is an even trickier subject, it seems... it looks like a blueish color, very greyed down or faded. Try fabric stores first and when you don't find it (well, most likely ye won't) try a downtown fabric district or identify a similar material and buy it online. Good luck! Captain Wolfy Wench
  23. I'd love ter see yer leather tricorns, mate! When ye get the pictures up, I'll take a look-see. Preferrably pictures of those Captain Sparrow hats yeh mentioned... Captain Wolfy Wench
  24. I agree that Disney lost out on a grea' oppertunity to make TONS of money with good PotC merchandise, but the comics don't bother me. I rather like them. Bu' I just love seeing how people draw the characters, since I do so much of tha' meself. Captain Wolfy Wench
  25. I's true, those wristbands with those magnetic beads work. As do drugs. :) I suggest to bring everything you think you'll need for such a long trip. I.E. two boxes of said drugs, wristbands, etc. I used to get seasick, bu' only on certain types of rides. I was out recently on a few boat (and ship) rides, and I ended up being fine. I's also true you will walk like Captain Sparrow, both when first being on the ship and when you get back. A month at sea... I wish you luck getting yer landlegs back after that. As Merrydeath says, stick yer head out and shout "Geronimo!" Ye'll have such a good time, I know it. I actually planned on the same type of trip next acedemic year when I'm in college. For the semester. Be sure to tell us how it turns out! Captain Wolfy Wench
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