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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. Merry comes in from the cold, her face tight and so are her (_) (_).

    she sees another newbie here, and offers her tankard to be filled... something hot tonight, if you please!

    welcome to the pub, tis full of games, and wild people.

  2. LOL.. tis a good sense of humor I have.. some say tis a bit too sharp, but I like the joke. LOL

    My little stallion ran into a stationary auto and made a little dent in it. I never did that darn thing agoing right!

    Anyway, one day about 9 years later, I noticed I had let my license expire, and then I missed the test questions by 3.. It will take more then a weekend to get it back. MOre like $250 and change.

    What war horse did ya have? I have friends with them.. and someone may want to add on to their collections..

    til then, I miss my cycle. and I be like a broken typewriter.. (jus kidding)

  3. drinks and Cards??

    bring em on.... Hello me LadyB.. show me your friend Tom, if you don't mind. I likes to say hi to em, and get a free drink o' course.

    RAY, bring me a wee drambuie and a plate of taters....

  4. and here I thought you were just angry..and not really insane.

    and if you are bi-polar, does that mean you can dance around BOTH ends of the pole?

  5. aye, I had a good berthday, I got to play darts, and bowl, and had a few drinks. Some berthday kissies and even one spankie!

    I had a good time, but I missed me pirate friends..

    and I miss me cycle..... sigh.

  6. t'.....quench....his....BLOODYHELL! Thievin' pyrates! Who took me...MERRYDEATH! Come 'ere, lass! Ye wants t' play a game of hide 'n' seek, eh? :lol:

    Merry spits her drink onto the floor as Matt runs after her. She jumps over the table and a chair, then off the lights and onto the window seat. With a last bounce, (Gunner gets a free show up close) she bounds over to the door.

    With her hat in hand and with a flourish, she bows to Matt, and leaves the pub, the gold purse still in her bodice....

    Takes more an a little dance to shake the gold loose from these cleavages!

    Capt Jack, come back and have another drink. I seem to have come into some money for more....

  7. Aye Merry! Ray... take care o' me sweetness 'ere! It be a day that has somethin bad in it fer th' lass an I wishes ta see it better! Sit 'ere and unload on me lass... It may be the only thing I be good for.

    Miss Bunny... I'll be sure ta save a ride just fer you lass. Always lookin fer an excuse ta run!

    Good day ta ye all! Capt. Bo

    Hello.. you have a steel Stallion? Can I ride or can I put the peddle to metal?

    varoooooooooommm.. and Ray, just put the drink into a sippee cup for me, I'll be takin the pirate Bo fer a ride!

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