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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. but the last lass i made love to was 28 years younger than i am ....and my oldest daughter turns 30 in june

    Gunner lad... you make the women line up to kiss you..and pat your butt..

    and you know it!

    Glad to hear you got some.. and it sounds like you got something good. cheers matey!

  2. Thankee, Mary! Haven't seen ye 'round 'ere in a spell. Sit down and 'ave a drink, luv! :lol:

    I have things to do today, and then work tonight. I needed the dubloons more then the the fun with me pirate peeps. I miss you all very much!!

    huggles and snuggles and some fine rum to you all..

  3. I'm here and I'm ready for sometin hot.. I DO mean a hot rum and OJ.. LOL

    "Blasted woman..." Matt murmurs as he stand by th' barrelhead lookin' down at th' ground. He takes a sip as he draws somethin' in the dust on th' floor.

    Looks at what Matt wrote..

    that looks like a .... Matt!

    blushes red..

    I'll have another hot rum.. and add some whip cream on top..

  4. Christine, How about a cannon or flintlocks icon, with the title Master of the seas, or some such?

    the other one I thought of was of an island, with Master of Mayhem.

    any other ideas? and should this be a new thread?

  5. What do you think of the idea of PMing bloody buckets about that idea? If more then one person asks..he might change it..

    and yeah.. I think every woman felt that.

    (. shivers..)

  6. tsk tsk... dont' tempt the lass.. lad? anymore then ya have to..

    I'll have a cuppa java if you please.. I'm from Iowa too.. corsair of the cornfields and pirate of the plains as a friend of mine likes to say.. just remember, what happens in the pyracy pub, stays in the pub..

    ask me if you have any questions, and be careful around here..

    there be pirates!

  7. Welcome to the grandest pub fer pirates around! and if you are buying, I'll be drinking... hot rum and OJ please. I have a touch of cold, and its damn cold here.. 9 deg and holding.

    and speaking of holding.. How are ye, Matt? lol

  8. Siren does that so well!! she is the Captain of Torture and the Master of mayhem.. besides looking like a million dubloons.

    so, Siren, whatcha gonna do with a tied up sailor?

    (passes her her flogger, the one with the suede thongs.)

  9. Merry slowly uncurls her toes and fingers, she tingles all over, and her eyes roll back into place, her thong bunched up...

    that was a HECK of a kiss you gave Christine, Matt!!

    congrats on the 2000 posts, Matt,

    and congrats on the 6000 posts Christine!!! I still think there should be another ICON for 6000. What say you, matey Christine??

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