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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. do not shoot your foot..

    oh wait its just a camera.. well then shoot away!!

    Not sure what to take pics of, but try to find a way to show size... bigger then a bread box if able.

    Bilgemonkey... you rock!

    and LadyB and Red Bess... I miss you both!

    and Pete.. I miss you too but my aim is getting better.

  2. darlin.. today I feel so bad, that if you were naked as the day you were born, spread eagle in front of me wit nothing but a smile on.. I would have to pass...

    but I would give ya an ticket for later. woohoooo!

  3. I guess you need a nice tea and a massage. Take the next flight to Hamburg...

    oy.. I'll go for a hot soak and massage, and a plate of apple struedel. No spaetzal tho.. don't like it.

    My cold is still alive and making my head ache, but the worst is my back. Its so stiff that it took me 20 min to get my sox on.. just the sox.

    I hate feeling old.. (go ahead Ciearran.. touch it!)

  4. I like dill pickles too, in my eggs and sandwiches and just by themselves. I also have a friend who can suck the innerds out of a pickle with no hands. She's very popular. :)

    I like to put PB on a slice of bread and then wrap it around the nanner.. makes it very easy to carry and eat. and freaks the heck out of mundanes people.

    good for you, Arthur and Matt!!

  5. mighty python of love????

    and here I thought it were Hugh Lance..

    Mine is Cherry PIe. I guess I could be called sweet and tart, but alas my cherry has been gone for many a year.

    I still have the box it came in tho..

  6. Poor sweet Merry! Too have a bad cold from foul weather indeed! Vitamin C along with some echinecea, zinc and golden seal will help ye! Also, peppermint...helps the tummy it does...

    Feel better soon, lass!

    thank ya, luv... I had green tea and vitamin c.. and a pot of chicken soup.. (can't hurt!)

    what I really miss is my bowling night. My back is a bit stiff today and I'm missing my last night. I might go and see how they are doing.. since I have to pay for my sub. (talk about pirates!)

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