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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. I guess those tick odorlesseye off..

    I won't shop at Best Buy anymore.. if I have the work done, it will cost me $350 to fix my climate controls on my car. They installed a Cd player in my car. I guess I wont' go back there again.

  2. Mr Straw.. under no circumstances will you use any force to win that contest.. no swords, no guns, no daggers, no cannon..

    especially no cannon.

    Its leaves marks on the fine clothes.

    Did I mention no donkeys, no gunpowder, no powder monkeys..

    (Lady B.. did I leave anything out?)

  3. I love taco bells Big Beef Burrito and a large Mountain Dew!

    I likes ye, brother, but I'll nay be pimped out t' the likes o' ye! Maybe, and I mean MAYBE, if they toss in some chalupas, we might have some kind of accord. :lol:

    yo Quiero Taco Bell... with special sauce.

    Not that I want a three some, but what would you do for a Nacho Salad.. and if you want to.. you can call me Nacho Mama.

  4. ;) LoL!Urmm okay by me I'm faithful to me wife,It's all in fun,And I have blond hair by the way. ;)

    I guess that is why you are Bloodscalp?? cause you ARE blond?

    and yes, Pat, you still have a chance at a lap dance..

    If its still ok with Captbloodscalp to do it..

  5. a beautiful redhead goes to the doctor..

    she says that her skin hurts all over. She takes her finger and pushes her arm with it.. OW!

    she pushes her other arm with it.. Ow!

    She pushes her tummy with it.. ow!

    The Doctor asks if she is a natural redhead or really blond.

    The woman replies that she is a blond, but why did she ask?

    "You don't have sensitive skin, your finger is broken."

  6. I just read the notice that Jon Rose died. He was a gallant man, and a gentleman at all times. He made the PIP trip special for everyone, being the powder carrier for the guns. His sense of humor was a delight, and I am sure that there are many who will mourn his passing..

    He was also kind enough to let me shoot his flintlock aboard the Wolf, on one night cruise. I will say a prayer tonight for him, that the stars shine to see him home, on his next passage......


    from the NQG newsletter,

    We are stunned to pass on to you that we've just heard stunt coordinator, pyrotechnician, stunt actor, staged fight coordinator, cannoneer, pirate, and friend, Juan De La Kaboom (aka Jon Rose) has passed away, apparently due to health problems. Funeral arrangements are pending. Condolences to his family may be sent care of his long-time partner Linda Torgerson at: lindarocks@cox.net

    We'll send out more details as we get them.

    "Jon -- we'll miss you greatly. We look forwards to meeting up with you sometime on Fiddler's Green."

  7. I still think the best term I've ever heard for the "overflow" one sees with most corsets or bodices is "spoobs", short for "spilling boobs". :)

    I can honestly say I've never had a problem with gratuitous spoobage. ;)

    And it's a wonderful thing to encounter if you have a cold nose... ;);)

    one cold October, there I was at a ren faire... (Mad Jack, don't snort into your ale, its rude)

    and it was so cold, you could play ring toss with the mermaids.

    (Gunner,, I KNOW you know what I mean.. and a loverly smile it is!)

    It were about 50 degrees and chilly as a Noble's Lady. I happened to meet a friend from another pub, who wore naught but shorts, sandels, and a tee shirt. As a moth to a flame I flew, and so did every other lass in a 20 foot area. He spewed heat out like a giant forge, and well he.... was a happy man for the rest of the day. He had dinner with 5 women that night, and I'm not sure which and how many he went home with. I went to the hotel and sannnk into the hot tub.

    (I bet you know how good that is, Rumba... I have trouble with me feet if on them too long)

  8. Our crew is listed on the site...

    (best Steve Martin voice).. we're somebody!!

    Indeed, I have found several stamps that will work as a 'tattoo' for the pollywogs at the fest. I am going to get more coins/ stones for bait. We do need more powder monkeys.. right?

    Hums.. favorite things..

  9. Men are like a deck of cards - You need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to beat them and a spade to bury the bastards.

    i love that quote,,. may i borrow it on occasion??

    and agreed on the boning. I have a corset that had plastic boning, and it bent and then broke one day. It gouged a lot of skin before I could take it off..

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