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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. < dirty nasty Patrick Hand mode OFF>

    To be truthfully honnest, I obvously don't have to deal with those, but, from what I understand... by adding a softly padded roll/tube lightly stitched/tacked inside the bodice, kind of like a "shelf" will add support, and stop "them" from slipping down, then they can be squished "up" for the cleavage bit......

    <dirty nasty Patrick Hand mode ON>

    Aaaargh.... nothin' like a low cut bodice ter be keepin' us Pyrates on our toes........

    tried that, with a roll of sox and a made-triangle wedge. It didnt' work but I did get offers for a hands on experiment. The best thing I have found is a balconet bra, so the edge is straight across. I have a 36DD bra in there.. and yes they are nice.

  2. Coastie, if you land here, Scupper has a new phone and email addie. He would love to hear from you, and so would I!!

    contact me with the info, and win a cookie!

    Okay I lied about the cookie but he would love to hear from ya!

    and I would like to hear from any of the FMOS. I do miss you all...

  3. I like the bodices from Odd Bodkin the best. They use heavy metal boning (looks at the men who are getting popcorn on the deck)

    and the stiching is superior. I know one lass who got cleavage from her 34B treasure chest with one.

    I get nice cleavage but I do have to wear a Vickies Bra under it. But I am going to try tying them up differently this year. I have a bit more cleavages then last years..

  4. Long Tom-

    There is a doctor who has an advice column in the paper. He recommends using Vicks or a generic form of vapo rub on your nails for the fungus. Somethng about the heat and the oils help it. Use it twice a day on your clean nails. Its a damn sight cheaper then some of the other stuff. (Brother has it too)

  5. Indeed.. I think a meeting of more NQG crew would be grand. I just wish a certain capt of the bird persuasion would come up to Port Wash too.

    Friday's Bash works.. or any time during the weekend (if i can make it and work doesn't call me in) since the schedule is on the portpiratefest.com site

  6. I'm tryin to organize a raid on the POTC2 movie in Iowa. Of course I want it here in my home port, but i was also wondering what I can hope for tie-in's for the movie.

    Will Burger King get the nod from Disney or will Mcdonald's swim with the fishes? The more tie-ins, the more chances we have of getting something cool!

    Let me know what to expect for our RAID.


  7. um..... yeah. :blink:

    Merry --


    Insatiable to the point of crazy


    You are 62% kinky

    You are kinky. You are always up for trying something new in the bedroom... or wherever else you chose to.


    "Chesty LaRue"


    and I'm not telling you my sex IQ..

  8. Yes.

    DITTO...in spades.

    remember that the 360 pages connect everyone you know to everyone they know, unless you have it set differently. Say that a friend of yours asks to join your 360 group, but you use it mainly for family. I would say no politely and sadly, but with my family on there I won't share it. Its sad when you have to be so careful and with friends...


    I have had a stalker use that and my yahoo groups to keep tabs on me.. not sure if he made it here or not, but he knows where I live and what my house looks like, thanks to county tax records. He joined a yahoo group that I did too... shivers...

  9. Since someone else started it..

    a little boy went to his mom, holding out his turtle.

    "MOM, I think my turtle is dead."

    "Why do you think he is dead?"

    "Well I pissed in his ear and he didnt' move."

    " You did WHAT into his ear?"

    " I went.. psssssssssstt and he didn't move"

    (this works better as a spoken joke but its so cute!)

    BTW, if you are using MSN or YAHOO you can add his emails to your spam settings and that will send it right to the garbage if you have it set right. IF he is still harrassing you, find out from the HELP LINKS where to send spam or harrassing emails. Its usually spam@ or Spoof@ or abuse@ address.

    I would also check your profiles and make sure he can't find anything about where you live or who is in your family. No sense in making it easy to find you...

    good luck, sweety!

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