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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. Things to Remember During a War

    1. The only things more accurate than enemy fire is friendly fire.

    2. Try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo.

    3. Teamwork is essential. It gives them more targets to shoot at.

    4. No inspection-ready unit ever passed combat.

    5. No combat-ready unit ever passed inspection.

    6. Remember: your aircraft was made by the lowest bidder.

    7. Never draw fire, it will irritate the rest of your formation.

    8. Never share a cockpit with someone braver than you.

    9. You are not Tom Cruise.

    10. SAMs and AAA have the right-of-way.

    11. If you aren't sure, the SAMs are pointed at you.

    12. If hit, landing near the people that just shot you down is not a good idea.

    13. Close only counts in horseshoes, nukes and proximity-fused missiles.

    14. Smart bombs have bad days too.

    15. The best defense is to stay out of range.

    16. If you are short on everything but enemy, you are in combat.

    I'm not sure if these are exactly jokes, but they do make ya think.

  2. Brr...... supposed to snow here this week, and that is pretty commen here. Brings out her hot cuppa cyder and splashes some rum into it....

    I'm a bit glad its not the man I know with that name, since he was very taken by his wife, but I see you have a best friend too!


  3. Matt darlin.. I have no cookies fer ya, but I have some nice plump juicy ripe

    grapes for you.

    (Sits on his lap and rubs a grape on his lips, and pulls it away when he opens his mouth.. )

    say... pahhhlease.

  4. Merry comes in to hear the thunder and lightning of the new captain..

    he's a raw one, and with some fire in the pan. That can lead to some amazing adventures or an early wet grave...

    good luck to ya, matey, and buy us a drink to make friends by..

  5. (slides Gunner's purse out and into her own pocket, then takes Matt's jest for fun)

    Hello Capt Jack, I knew a man by that name with a FINE sword, and handy he was.. If that is you, then GRAND, and if not.. then welcome to the pub and all the peoples here!

    I"m Merry and the Angel of death.. :(

    Buy me a drambuie and we'll make this pub rock!

  6. Looks at the clock on the bar.. dang..

    well the she-lass is a gooden fer letting you play with us. Tell her she's grand, and I'll buy her a drink from RAY. You might want to add that to your signature iffen ya want to be sure. Us lasses tend to play hard sometimes in fun.

    Misery you say? I did almost make that faire this year. I was sooooooooo close to going. :) I hope to this year. I'd be happy to raise a tankard with ya both.

  7. Sighs.. a gent you are! I'll raise me tankard of Drambuie to ya, and listen to your tales on this cold night for a little bit. Me lawn bowling is tonight, and I must be off soon.

    as fer your dancing, a jig or two won't kill anyone.. I hope. :)

    I am in the mid of John Deere land, but I do have friends in OK. I was hoping to go to Muskogee last year but me ride had some troubles.

    so tell me more about your travels........

  8. 'Merry sashays into the pub and notices someone (freshmeat) buying all a drink.'

    Welcome to the bestest and Rummiest pub on the 7 seas. We are a friendly crew, if a bet thirsty.

    Capt Bo, put a drambuie on your tab fer me, if able, an I'll listen to your stories fer a while, or a spin around the pub would be grand too!

    I am also a pirate of the plains, a corsair of the cornfields, cheers!

  9. the bed sounds fine, but lets feed the poor man first..

    ties him to the chair, with only one hand free, but Rummy still gets her bottom patted.. a big plate of pudding is in front of him, with no spoon. He has to be fed or eat with him fingers.

    sounds like fun to me.

  10. Gets out the bowl of popcorn and sits down to see who will survive.. the pirate or the pirate lass...

    any bets? (just kidding, lass! I know you wouldn't hurt a fly.. )

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