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Everything posted by HildeKitten

  1. The pelt of a
  2. YES! clean toilets are a total necessity! I absolutely agree :)
  3. Welcome to the pub! Make sure to post your thesis somewhere we can all read it when it's finished!
  4. I hope everything will work out for the best. Hope to see you back again soon! *hugs*
  5. http://www.costumersguide.com/potc2_will.shtml There you go :) LOTS of shots of Will's wedding outfit And other outfits from that movie :)
  6. Bert and I own that movie. Although on our DVD box it says Le Pacte des Loups (living in trilingual Belgium and all that) I really love it, great story, great costumes, great effects, great acting. I can't really say much about la bĂȘte as I've not done much research into the original legend, but my guess is that pretty much anything could have happened. Big cat and extraordinary big wolf both sound plausible to me.
  7. I'm currently reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows :) It'll be put on hold though, as I'm not taking that one to London with me (too bulky). For the long hours on the Eurostar I'll take "Agents of Light and Darkness" along from Simon R. Green (book 2 in his Nightside series, which I can recommend to everyone as it's fantastic) And when that's finished I'm going to start on "Drinking Midnight Wine" also by Simon R. Green (albeit not of the Nightside series).
  8. Welcome aboard! I'm sure your map making skills will come in handy in this place :)
  9. Welcome to the pub Cyanne, grab a chair, join the talk and drinking. I hope you'll have a great time :)
  10. that looks really cool!
  11. I can make you a historically accurate coat if you're interested :) Drop me a line in a PM if you are :)
  12. I thought it was your real name, but still, it's very cool that you did the entire red-handed-jill thing online :)
  13. Watching project runway :)
  14. Boston legal for the win!
  15. random songs on one of the music channels on TV
  16. Nothing, I don't cook :) Well not often. My boyfriend does the cooking ^^ I did make my boyfriend breakfast this morning :)
  17. I suspect I won't have to take them to the cobbler's to get adjustments done :)
  18. Excellent idea! I should make an inventory of all my stuff! Maybe we should all try to make photos of the stuff we have for trade, there's plenty of places where you can upload them for free and link from to this place :)
  19. I love linen :) I, however, do not love making buttonholes! I do mine all by hand, because my machine seems to be totally unable to deal with them. When it's just a few of them it's not too bad, but when it's heaps of them it just gets tedious
  20. I do think several margaritas will be needed to deal with pirate related gossip and rumours! And several mojitos (sp?) too I imagine
  21. I simply cannot wait for Stardust to come out in Belgium! I do hope they'll make a movie from Gaiman's Neverwhere too, but that's probably just wishful thinking on my part.
  22. Even though there are MANY fantastic signatures, I would like to nominate Red-Handed Jill because her's is brilliant in it's simplicity and it has such nostalgia value towards Peter Pan :) (red-handed Jill being Wendy Darling's pirate alter ego and all that)
  23. I saw there's a TON of new pirate merchandising on the US Disney store. The UK one has some good stuff too, although that's mostly back-to-school and stationary (I know I'll be getting me some stuff there for when college starts again )
  24. http://www.flickr.com/photos/misterajc/438.../in/set-934174/ That's the only photo I have, but it's better than nothing at all :) (it's not by me mind you, I found it on Flickr) If you do a search on Flickr.com for the black pearl you might come up with more photos.
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