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Everything posted by HildeKitten

  1. I'm hoping that Nat Geo will air the show on their Dutch (the one we get) channel soon so I can see it too :)
  2. That's a really nice sword you have there :)
  3. It's probably just my ISP acting up again
  4. I second Lady Barbossa in hoping they'll repair it. It seems an aweful waste to destroy it, it's a beautiful ship and people love seeing it.
  5. Hmmm your website appears to be down, it certainly won't open on my computer.
  6. I'll certainly have a look at the website :)
  7. Welcome to the pub.
  8. I have several patterns from RH and I love them to death :) And I have to agree with the others: Kass' service is absolutely fantastic (so is she mind you) ^^ I'm definitely going to get more RH patterns as soon as I have the cash for them :)
  9. For free I don't know. But I can heartily advice BUYING one from Reconstructing History. Trust me, they REALLY are worth the money :)
  10. Welcome to the pub :)
  11. Well I suppose this will only be a bigger incentive to Disney to further milk the pirate cash cow.
  12. I quite like that purple & black fabric from that frock coat :) I wouldn't mind getting my mits on that
  13. Welcome back again.
  14. Yeah me and a bunch of friends :)
  15. Flickr lets you tag photos, LJ lets you tag posts :)
  16. Thanks Lady B :) I love it so much that I want one for every season haha :) That one is quite heavy and warm, but I want one for winter when it's _really_ warm :) I've got this linen one for warmer weather And I'm in the process of making myself a very light cotton one. You know, just in case we ever have a summer again in Western Europe In any case, can't have too many coats, I'm sure my wardrobe will be plundered on talk like a pirate day soon
  17. If it's lightweight and wrinkles like it has no tomorrow then it's likely linen :) But without pictures I really can't tell I'm afraid.
  18. I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass, I do have a FaceBook account but I refuse to use it, the damn thing freaks me out (livejournal for the win!). I'm rooting for you guys though!
  19. I'm going for the fantasy pirate approach as usual :)
  20. Alright, I'll join in from the fantasy pirate perspective :) 1. Boots: the most expensive part, but I agree with others that they're the hardest to borrow. Now if you're lucky you might even find relatively cheap boots too. I once found a pair for € 50 in a high street shoe store so just look in every shoe shop first, you might get lucky :) 2. Skirt/trousers/breeches, whichever strikes your fancy. If you're doing fantasy pirate then you might as well wear pants as a girl :) 3. Pirate shirt: I'm sure the other ladies will agree with me that going topless is not a good idea 4. coat 5: tricorn hat 6: flintlocks 7: sword (in my case it's a LARP cutlass, as I take it larping ^^) 8: waistcoat . I've put this on number 8, because personally, if you're doing fantasy and you've got everything up to number 5, then it's quite obvious you're costuming as/portraying a pirate already ^^ Although if it's warm and you're starting out, it might be wise to get the waistcoat before the coat as to not bake to death from the heat 9: food, drinking and camping gear 10: every other bit you feel your pirate persona should need
  21. The core rulebook to the World of Darkness roleplaying game Changeling: the Lost.
  22. Welcome to the pub Grace :)
  23. Thanks Pogue :) I actually heard from several people that own a pair of caboots boots to just go with a 7.5 To be honest there's not much choice in companies if you don't have a men's 8 or bigger sizes. I'll just have a good think about it before I order :)
  24. And in the never ending saga of Caboots not being competent when it considers sizing: my dad decided to drop them a line, giving them all the info that they need and asking what size I have (without telling them my name). The same girl that told me I was a 7,5 now tells my dad I need a size 6. AND tried to make him fall for spending an extra $ 100 on special custom measurements, while he's given her ALL the information already AND told her the only thing we need is the size of the boot. I am NOT impressed. You'd think they'd be able to be consistent on size matters! So far Michelle told me I'm a 5,5 and April first told me I'm a 7,5 and then that I'm a 6. Seriously, NOT impressed.
  25. If you don't know how to sew and want to have one made, drop me a line at hildekitten @ gmail dot com :)
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