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Everything posted by HildeKitten

  1. "Maskerade" by Terry Pratchett
  2. I suspect all the pirate movies I saw as a child :)
  3. "Mine Beast of Prey" by Project Pitchfork
  4. A sandwich with cheese spread :)
  5. I'm good, just a bit sleepy-tired.
  6. Chatting to some friends while I wait for my friend Jessica to arrive at my place.
  7. I'm eating at my parents tonight, so I've cooked Bert's dinner earlier and put it in the fridge. He's having omelette with bacon and potatoes.
  8. Well I'm not sad to see Bloom and Knightly not returning.
  9. I wouldn't pay for it, because I have other and better things to spend my money on, but I can't find anything to be offended about. After all, these girls are not doing anything wrong, they think they've found something they can make money off in a fun and and entertaining way and maybe boost their carreers while they're at it.
  10. Welcome Hana
  11. There's some _really_ fun pirate pirate prints available commercially, and for fantasy fairs which are well, fantasy, I don't think those are necessarily horrid :) Of course, there is a difference between fun and pretty skull & crossbones prints etc and Hello Kitty skull prints or overexagerated kid prints. I must honstly admit that for Elf Fantasy Fair and my Requiem LARP pirate (neither is supposed to be serious piraty stuff) I'm not averse to commercially available pirate prints. If I were to go to a serious fair (which doesn't exist locally to me, or reacheable to me) then I wouldn't wear stuff like that of course :) I guess that what I'm trying to say is: there's a time and place for everything if you know what I mean
  12. This is my winter frock coat :) I've had it for a while now, but only managed to have photos taken yesterday ^__^ I made it myself :) The boots are custom Sparrow boots from caboots.com, which are SUPER comfortable.
  13. That's a great looking costume Matt! And the metalwork is MIGHTY!!!
  14. Oh no that won't work, she'll knit for me and other relatives but it ends there really. She's not that keen on knitting herself. She gets tired of it really quickly.
  15. Huzzah for time difference because I didn't notice anything at all :)
  16. I got this from a friend of mine and thought I'd share as it's pretty funny :) Pirate rules
  17. I don't think you're being cruel, I hear a lot of complains from reenactors that are spotting non-accuracy. I'm not a reenactor myself though :) Good luck with the hunt! Maybe you could start a petition amongst PotC fans for Disney to release a fabric line with all the fabrics from movies
  18. Oh wow that is really cool! I think I'll go ask Bert's gran to knit me one Thanks for sharing!!!!
  19. Those look fab Michael! Those are made with the RH pattern right?
  20. oh that's too cute :) Thanks for sharing :)
  21. To be honest I think it would be a good idea to leave all the characters that have left the story _out_ of any new movies. Otherwise we'll still be stuck in subplots and what not. IF there are to be more movies, I would rather they focus on Jack, Barbossa and possibly new characters and a whole new plot. Rather than a mishmash of old and new that ends up being not quite as good as it could have been.
  22. Welcome to the pub :)
  23. This is my winter frock coat :) I've had it for a while now, but only managed to have photos taken yesterday ^__^ I made it myself :)
  24. Aye.. I've been looking online and in stores for the waistcoat fabric. Spotting some that are close, very close, but not exact. Watch the bonus DVD with DMC. They fabrics were _made for Disney_. You can't buy them in stores. It's not going to happen. Made of more natural fibers and are replicas of antique designs. Did some research and asking on these fabrics. But no one seems to have the knowledge of the Barbossa waistcoat fabric. Pity. Unsurprising though, because the fabrics were made for the movies and for Disney. Again, I know SO many who are making or have made a Barbossa outfit and want that waistcoat fabric. I know many people that want a costume from that movie replicated, but the fabrics can't be bought, so it's settling for the next best thing or not having an outfit full stop. I wouldn't say the fabrics are pure farb. I've looked around... seeking and searching and found some of the costumes are pretty close to reality... despite what folks say. I'm not going to agree or disagree on that, as I'm not an expert on period garb. I am inclined to believe the experts though, as they have made their job out of history and know better than me. If Kass and others that know their thing tell me they're not period accurate, I'm inclined to believe them :) You have to admit, these costumers are pretty good. Professionals they are. Doing their research with so much at their fingertips. Well they have to be really good, they're for a multimillion dollar blockbuster. In movies like that the wardrobe is far too important not to get the best you can get. And as is often, if not mostly, the case: Hollywood will take elements of what they see in history and turn them around to suit their movies. Sadly those movies aren't known for their historical accuracy. Granted, again, some costumes like Richards' outfit is not period correct 100%... but it's not all that far fetched either. I believe that only Governor Swann's costume is period correct, the others are all period _inspired_.
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