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Everything posted by HildeKitten

  1. I'm sure google and other search engines do.
  2. I don't know about that Christine, pregnancies last 9 months, and seafaring generally lasts months and months as well.
  3. Those rumours have been flying about since before AWE was released. As far as I know they are just rumours at this point.
  4. Well Michael beat me to it in recommending Reconstructing History :) You know, you could always try making yours before buying stays. The RH patterns are all VERY good. And the thing is, if you still have questions/problems after having read the instructions that come with their patterns, you can always drop Kass a line and she'll help you out :) Good luck, make sure to post pictures of the finished result, whether you've bought them or made them yourself!
  5. That's pretty amusing and kindda cool :)
  6. Welcome back :)
  7. I think it might be the coloursetting to your computer because the jacket is a really nice navy on my laptop screen :) I really quite like how that jacket came out, and I love that color, it's so hard to find a nice dark blue! I actually quite like the grey colourwise with the rest of the outfit, I'm not sure an earthtone would match as well. But that's just my opinion, in the end you should get the colours you like regardless of what anyone else thinks :)
  8. I think that the Costumers Guide is the first website people go to when reproducing a movie costume these days :) Absolutely unsurprising seeing the amount of pics on there. The thing is, the historians amongst us (and I'm not even going to pretend I am one, I'm in the fantasy pirate camp ^__^) will only be of so much help, seeing that the PotC costumes aren't historically accurate at all. They're well, costumes. I mean: Keith Richards costume was made out of dyed curtains :) That just proves that you'll probably find the fabric you want in a place where you'll expect it next. (I once got the most fantastic fabric in the shape of old but still perfect draperies that were hanging in the bar underneath the indie record company where I worked). Make sure to check stores that sell upholstery fabrics too, they often have brilliant stuff in their sofa cover fabrics department.
  9. I was invited for the beta, but I've not got the time to actually sort it all out and play. I really really should.
  10. I must say that I don't think that fabric is available outside of Disney and their suppliers. You could perhaps send an email to Disney and the workshop of Penny Rose and ask if they will sell some of the fabric, but I strongly doubt they will. In any case, it's worth to ask. They might tell you where you can find it. I wouldn't assume that it's an illegal fabric just because Barbossa is the lord of the Caspian sea. A lot of these fabrics are especially made for Disney, or purchased in some obscure places (remember Penny Rose on the bonus disk of DMC saying she got the material for Jack's sash from a family of artisans in India) which makes them absolutely dreadful to find. I've seen some fabrics similar (not the same, just similar) here in Belgium (which is very much in Europe) so I wouldn't write it off so easily :) You could of course do what my friend Christoff always jokingly says: go to a Disney themepark and mug the fellow playing Barbossa for his costume (he keeps on joking that he wants to do that with the guy playing Jack Sparrow) You've probably seen all of these links already, but I figured I'd put them here nonetheless in case you haven't yet. I don't know how much they'll help in your search and recreation of the costume, but you never know if you find something in there :) http://www.costumersguide.com/cr_potc.shtml (Barbossa is under misc and it's definitely worth looking at them, it has some exibit pics of the costume on a dress form) http://www.flickr.com/groups/pirates_of_the_caribbean/ pirates of the caribbean fan group on flickr. I hope that helps! Hilde
  11. That site is BRILLIANT! Thank you for sharing! And not just for that pirate cookie cutter but for other stuff too, you've got no idea just how long I've been looking for a bat shaped cookie cutter
  12. Welcome aboard.
  13. I hope the gallery will return in the future. And in the mean time, we can still post/share photos from other hosting devices such as flickr, photobucket and imageshack to name but a few. Silver linings and all that.
  14. It's already released here in Belgium and I already have my copy :) It officially came out yesterday, but Fnac had it on sale already on Thursday (possibly even earlier) so I got my copy then :) *happy*
  15. It's not the first time this happened, and I bet it won't be the last either :) And if you want to wear a pirate costume in a Disney park, you'll have to go to Disneyland Paris during their Halloween celebrations (which last a month). Adults are allowed to dress up as well as kids then :) I've done it 3 years in a row so far ^__^
  16. Dude that is so cool! I wish schools in Belgium would do courses like that!
  17. I have a livejournal blog (hildekitten). I like livejournal because it allows you to make private posts, friends only posts and public posts. I don't write any really personal stuff in there though, because you never know with the internet. And apart from that I have a notebook, to write random things in like addresses, measurements, etc etc etc :)
  18. I wanted to be a Halloween pirate this year but didn't manage to finish my costume in time (had too many orders and those of course need to be finished first!). So that'll be for next year :)
  19. Wow that's really cool Christine!
  20. RH patterns ARE authentic.
  21. I really love those!
  22. A week _really_ isn't that long. If Kass hasn't answered you she probably hasn't gotten your email because I always get very prompt replies from her to emailed questions. I'm in Belgium and it took about 10 work days for me to get my pattern (which was in stock), so I'm sure you'll get yours soon.
  23. Hey all that tech might seem a bit on the silly side, but I think some of it looks damn cool. I personally wouldn't buy it, because I have no room to put it and my cd-player is still in perfect condition. Plus my bf would get a fit, he's not into all that PotC merch
  24. I can't wait to see Elisabeth either, I really liked the first one, and this one looks very very good. They've got a brilliant cast as well, which is added bonus :)
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