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Everything posted by HildeKitten

  1. I'm currently reading Under the Black Flag and I really do enjoy it. I like the pace and tone of the book, I guess I mainly like how it's not one of those boring academic books full of terms you have to go look up (rather than getting the glossary out, huzzah for glossaries!) that make you fall asleep after page one :)
  2. The online Disney store (both the US and the UK one) have a lot of AWE merchandise in now too (the stuff they sell in the US one is totally different from the UK one). I imagine the Disney stores themselves will have a lot of stuff in too. Claire's Accessories has a range of PotC merchandise too, I got the Aztec gold medallion and Tia Dalma's medallion there for € 10/£ 6 each :) But they have all sorts of stuff :)
  3. These are the ones I've seen: Against All Flags (1952) Blackbeard the Pirate (1952) Blackbeard's Ghost (1968) Captain Blood (1924) Captain Kidd (1922) Captain Pirate (1952) ...aka Captain Blood, Fugitive (1952) Cutthroat Island (1995) Goonies, The (1985) Hook (1991) Morgan the Pirate (1961) ...aka Capitaine Morgan (1961) Muppet Treasure Island (1996) Peter Pan (1924) Peter Pan (1953) Peter Pan (2003) Pirate's Island (1991) (TV) Pirates of Tortuga (1961) Prince of Pirates (1953) Princess and the Pirate, The (1944) Return to Treasure Island, The (1992) Treasure Island (1950) Treasure Planet Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Although my fiancé's grandfather (who lives next door) has pretty much all the old pirate movies on the list, so by the end of the year I'll probably have seen 90% of them :) I was very happy to see Pirate's Island on the list, I saw that when I was 12 on Belgian TV and I absolutely loved it but it's not very well known :)
  4. This is me :) In one of my frock coats :) Sorry for the large size of the photo, but you can't see the glitters in the fabric in the smaller size (they're barely visible in this one as it is alas).
  5. Oh darn! I wish I didn't live in Belgium so I could get pirate m&ms! All we have is the standard yellow, brown and blue packages
  6. There's a whole bunch of images here, and a lot that haven't been posted in this thread yet either :) http://potc-online.net/pictures/thumbnails...album=50&page=2 : movie stills http://potc-online.net/pictures/thumbnails...ls.php?album=53 : behind the scenes http://potc-online.net/pictures/thumbnails...ls.php?album=59 : official trailer http://potc-online.net/pictures/thumbnails...ls.php?album=55 : promotional images Including a poster one of Davey Jones :)
  7. I have that one too, but not the master replica, the other one with the smaller stone that comes in different sizes.
  8. I have that Simplicity pattern, I made a coat from it for one of my brothers (who wanted a fantasy pirate costume). I'm not keen on it at all to be honest, it's just so costumy, and unnecessarily complicated. Well it's not complicated to put together, it goes together real easy, it's just that the godets are unnecessary and utterly time consuming.
  9. The Tia Dalma locket is sold at Claire's Accessories for € 10/£ 6 these days. Don't know about the $ price I'm afraid. They have a bunch of official PotC merchandising, mostly cheaper than what you get via Disney.
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