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Everything posted by HildeKitten

  1. The problem with JoAnn's is that they don't ship internationally Equilter does, which is great :)
  2. According to this article they raised the money :) http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/h...news_view_popup
  3. Jack getting bitchslapped featurette + cast interviews: http://potc-online.net/media/displayimage....tup&cat=0&pos=0 (long live media player, I've got it on my PSP now ) characters in AWE info + interviews: http://www.slashfilm.com/2007/05/01/pirate...tte-characters/ Chart man! (exclusive clip): http://playlist.yahoo.com/makeplaylist.dll...qtw=640&qth=400 I think the last one has been seen by most people by now, but I figured I'd post it anyway for those that haven't yet :) Sorry if this has already been posted in another thread.
  4. I wish they'd do _something_ for the premiere in Disneyland Paris. It doesn't even have to be on the premiere evening, but an event would be nice. I'd love to be able to go to a piraty event over there!
  5. Serious vampire pun alert!!!! Serious vampire alert: Stuart Townsend as Lestat for the win! (sorry, but I really LOVE Queen of the Damned, it's one of my all time favorite vampire movies EVER)
  6. I've got both Demons of the Ocean (albeit in the far less pretty UK cover *sulks*) and Tide of Terror (part 2, also in the UK cover, no doubt less pretty than the US one too). I actually quite like the books for some light reading :) Tide of Terror is much better than Demons of the Ocean in my opinion.
  7. Well you could always take an image of him that you like, print it on transfer paper and iron it on a t-shirt you like :)
  8. ^ I got a question passed :) < I keep forgetting the lines to "a pirate's life for me" it's very embarassing! V so who wants to sing a shanty then?
  9. Ah but what manner of creature is the something else we're talking about here?
  10. Same as when I'm sober because I don't drink
  11. Can be found here: http://www.ukpiratebrotherhood.co.uk/ And their forum here: http://www.ukpiratebrotherhood.co.uk/forum/index.php
  12. Thanks! Well they say everyone has a look-a-like, same goes for kitties I'm sure :) He doesn't really have a piratey outfit, other than that top which he wears when it's really cold (he doesn't mind that kind of thing). Needless to say, thanks to global warming, that's like 2 days a year The hat is actually on a headband now, so I can wear it myself :) I just thought it would be funny to make Merlijn pose with it, because he pulls the _best_ faces in front of the camera when it comes to these things :) You should see his Hallowe'en photo http://www.flickr.com/photos/houseofsecret...57600188627986/
  13. HildeKitten


    My other half swears by Havana Club rum. http://www.havana-club.com/ Concequentially, he owns several types :) (I say he because I don't drink alcohol). Havana Club and Bacardi are the common types of rum one can get in Belgium. Those are sold in supermarkets etc. If you go to a specialised liquor store here I'm sure there are other kinds too. I noticed we have something new called Voltage, which is non alcoholic rum and fruit flavored. Maybe I should give that a go :)
  14. I actually never drink alcohol (it doesn't mix with my asthma medication) other than maybe a small sip on occassion (so my meds don't end up killing me dead because of the mix). The only coffee I like is Douwe Eggberts Senseo mild (I'm picky), I like several kinds of tea though: ice tea, green tea, fruit teas. But in all honesty I'm a non-bubbly water (Evian for the win!) and fruit juices (as long as they don't contain banana, banana is vile and poisenous [can you tell I'm allergic?]) kindda person :)
  15. Count me in!
  16. Working on a frock coat :)
  17. I'm up for a swap! :) If people don't mind the fact that I'm all the way in Belgium that is.
  18. Well seeing pirates are hip this season to some extend no one actually looks up when I wear something with skull print. When I wear my frock coat people either don't care, think it's cool or stare or get rude. The ones that stare and make rude comments are on auto ignore. I have better things to do then let a bunch of idiots get to me :) When I wear my rainproof frock coat everyone just gawkes and most people find it necessary to start whispering to their friends behind their hand, that just amuses me :) Frankly with a see through plastic frock coat, I had it coming. BUT I am staying dry when it pours, no matter how hard it pours, even when I'm riding my bike. And it looks damn well better than that fuckly bike rain poncho thing :) (stays in place too, so I'm not half wet when I get home, extra bonus, I prefer looking daft to being soaked and getting ill).
  19. "Everybody's Weird" by dEUS
  20. ^ = not me, I suspect both of them are in an entirely different continent than the one I'm on. < = I'm a huge klutz, I'm always covered in bruises because I keep on bumping into things V = sushi, yum or yuck?
  21. 1) One thing you ate today French Fries with mayonaise 2) One thing you saw today (big or small) box of markers 3) Name of a person you spoke to Bert (my fiancé) 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see. My best friend Dave
  22. My cat, Merlijn de Boze Tovenaar (Merlin the Wicked Wizard) with a mini tricorn I made him :) He really doesn't mind this sort of thing, he's a big pozer (he models baby clothes for me without protest too) :)
  23. There's two more here :) R/C Black Pearl: http://disneystore-shopping.disney.co.uk/P...s.aspx?id=28598 And one from Hamleys: http://www.hamleys.com/invt/0000000509174
  24. There's two new online games coming out next month. Disney's online Pirates of the Caribbean game and then another one, that Disney has nothing to do with: Pirates of the Burning Sea. I'm going to play the latter :)
  25. Yeah Equilter is brilliant :) And not just for pirate prints either. I swear, that site is the death of my bank account! Seriously, I love Equilter, I've used them dozens of times and the delivery is always fast, and they're really good with communication too. It's a splendid service :)
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