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Everything posted by HildeKitten

  1. I know, but that one really looks like it'll float :) A friend of mine has that, she thinks it's great.
  2. I recently ordered some Lego pirate toys to keep my brothers occupied when they visit (yes, they're older, woo is me ) and today the postlady showed up at my door with this big box :) I could just show you one picture, but my cat (the one some of you might remember wearing a miniature tricorn) decided he wanted in on the action :) So without much further ado: lego pirate toys fun ^^ Merlijn inspecting the goods: Merlijn going for the cutlass. Thankfully it was too big for him or he might have gone off with it. Yes, my cat often behaves like a dog (he can give paws and bring things back that you throw away, just like a doggie) Merlijn stole one of the "bombs" as soon as I opened a package. Here he's pretending he never nicked it. With the toy bomb he stole, and he's not intending on giving it back (good thing I anticipated this and got some extra haha). Now onto some actual info on the toys :) The cleaver and sword are made out of layers of foam rubber. I imagine they're very easy to make yourself. But for less than € 5 a sword you'll probably spend more on the materials if you make it yourself. The sword has a "gem" (plastic ruby) in the hilt which is a nice touch. They seem sturdy enough. The small treasure chest is a money bank, which you can lock if you want to. Comes with two keys. It's made out of cardboard with some metal components (lock, hinges, and assorted). And the bombs, well they're little mushy fabric balls with a "fuse" (bit of rope with a flame on it). They're actually a kind of spunge (according to the label made out of 100% polyurethane foam) covered in polyester of a quick drying variety. You can either play with them dry (stressball huzzah) or soak them in water and toss them at other people (needless to say, I'm not telling my brothers this, or I'll be mopping up my entire place!) It's all fairly cheap, I got the entire lot for about € 45, shipping by DHL included :)
  3. I want bucket boots like his! (but they probably don't come in my size, curse my small feet!)
  4. I replied, and none taken, don't worry.
  5. I think you're right, I looked at it again and I spotted some wheels on that Oh well, kids have to practise somewhere I guess :) And it's good for people that don't have water or a bathtub near them to sail them in I guess
  6. I've pm'ed you, because I didn't want to bother people with tv in a thread on books :) Seems like a good idea. I think we just need a new book on pyracy (there's plenty after all) to discuss. How about X Marks the Spot? I've not read it yet, but I've heard plenty of good things about it. I would love to hear what you guys think! Thank you kindly sir :)
  7. The Bermuda triangle is stretching again! That or it might just be a hoax of some rich people with really too much time on their hands.
  8. Don't know, I'm sure he has his reasons though.
  9. Actually mate, if you're going to use this as a comment, remind yourself of the fact that Hook and his crew _do_ drink rum in Neverland. While you have a point there, you need to understand that not everyone enjoys this type of superhero. Tastes differ. You need to respect that. Some of us like the dark brooding superhero, some of us don't. Personal tastes and all that, just agree to disagree and respect each other's opinion. I do agree with you that Superheroes are not all about fun, but I do agree with Christine that the comics and the old Batman were more uplifting. Personaly, I enjoy them both, but I can easily understand people only liking one of the two. Be that as it may, the fact is still that the previous box office record was held by Pirates 2. And there is a very good chance that pirates 3 will kick spidey 3 off as the current recordholder. There are many kinds of superheroes and supervillians, and thus some people will like those you don't like. C'est la vie, we can't all like the same thing (would be damn bloody boring if we did). You know, you were having a valid discussion right up to the point where you felt the need to go for unnecessairy insults to tray to win the arguement. It's completely out of order. People are allowed to be fan of whom they want, and what they want. I don't always agree with them, and you don't have to agree with them, but don't go about insulting them just because you have to be the one everyone agrees with. Christine may be a Barbossa fangirl (and there's nothing wrong with that), but I've not seen her sling mud at someone for not being one, so don't you go about and be rude to her just because she's not a spidey fan, which you obviously are.
  10. * didgeridoo * celtic/viking horn (cowhorn haha, mock me all you want, but it makes a nice ruckuss and it's harder than it looks) * bass (electric, sadly not double, and not very good either alas)
  11. Is it just oversight, or is there a specific reason why I'm not on the list of contributors?
  12. I know the Hamley's one works on water, I'm not sure about the Disney one though, but I'll definitely go have a look at it when I'm in the London Disney store :)
  13. No soda for me either!
  14. Sorry about that, didn't mean to repost. And as for people being rude, I'll just ignore them, life's too short to be bothered by things like that :)
  15. Well rumour has it that there will be a pirates 4 :)
  16. More like a website to run amok in
  17. *steals the good vs evil smilie* I need more piraty fabrics. Hope I win the lottery
  18. Well I don't even have the history channel, nor the discovery channel, or nat geo wild, or animal planet. Belgium sucks tv wise
  19. http://disney.go.com/pirates/online/index.html: Disney seems to be jumping on the bandwagon of online games with this one. I'm going to give it a miss in favour of Pirates of the Burning Sea though (mainly because that's the one most of my friends are going to play) http://adisney.go.com/disneyinteractivestu...shus/index.html The AWE game, I'm so going to play this on on PSP. It seems to only be released in Europe on PSP though, because PSP is mentioned on the UK site, but not on the US one (should it for some reason not come out on PSP then I think I'll give it a miss, I prefer handheld consoles and I'm not a DS fan). So whom else is going to play any of these games? And on which console?
  20. I'm going to the big Disney Store on Oxford Street in London this weekend (Belgium doesn't have Disney Stores, boo hiss) and I'll keep an eye out to see what kind of Barbossa merchandising they have Christine :)
  21. Merchandising for Spiderman is more visible than that for AWE here in Belgium too, but that's probably because AWE hasn't been released yet. We even have Spiderman burgers at Quick (Belgian fast food chain). Very daft :)
  22. Spidey 3 has kicked Pirates 2 off the box office records, but let's face it, pirates 3 will kick the spider off again :)
  23. http://www.flyinglab.com/pirates/features.php Who else is going to play this? It's coming out next month, and I think I'll give it a go :)
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