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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. Connie, the RH pattern does have a couple of little issues (that pesky shoulder thing, for one), but with minor tweaks it does come out a good mantua. I have now made 3 mantuas with that pattern, and found it relatively simple. It helps that Michael is pretty good at sewing and was able to help get me through the tricky parts that I didn't quite understand. This is the back of my blue wool mantua from the RH pattern. Here's a shot of the front (sitting on the Explorer....about 10 seconds before Cheeky and I got it in our heads that we needed to play "King of the World" up front....) The only thing that I don't like about the RH pattern is the fact that it kept falling off of my shoulders. Also, it is the kind of mantua that can close in the front. I solved that by simply turning back the front panels and pinning them in to make that V neck style. On the next RH mantua that I made, I simply added an inch to the shoulder area and cut the front panels (that would normally close up the front) into the V shape. Wish I could show you the teal one....but I can't find any good front shots of it....imagine that. I'm sure someone on here has one though.
  2. I was at Joanne's today and found the horsehair braid stuff....linen....they had some cotton (mostly blends) lace....no wire....and then I couldn't remember what color linen I was going to make it....duh.
  3. I still have Jill's....I put it on the shelf cause I had two and just plain forgot about it....its not done, but Im going to try and get it out tomorrow anyway.
  4. Mama and Papa are teachin' me good.....haha.
  5. Aside from the fact that he tried to fling Ana into the river, lol! And oh my gosh look at that sunburn....mine, of course. I always burn. Sunscreen or not!
  6. Kate and Mickey's Photos Trish took a ton of these too... :)
  7. Ok I knew that I shouldn't have clicked the link....but against my better judgement, I did. And now I'm in tears. We have 3 fur babies....and I couldn't imagine someone doing this to my Tonks...she's that important to me. There isn't a harsh enough punishment for people who do crap like this. There is NO excuse for torturing and killing an animal...especially a defenseless kitten.
  8. Firstly- I made it to Newport News airport just fine and found that it took about a 30 second walk to get from one end to the other, including going through security. In fact, the TSA guys must have been bored because it was a toss up over who got to look in my camera bag. Musta been bored. I found a lovely surprise sitting at the bar having a pre-flight adult beverage...Mooseworth and his wife Kelly. So instead of sitting alone in a nearly empty airport, I had someone to chat with. By the time I got to Charlotte, I was feeling my sunburn....luckily the Charlotte airport was like a mall, and I found The Body Shop and was accosted with ale by the salesladies...then I moved on and found a parfait in a little organic cafe. And I made it to Columbus about 11:30 pm....home by 12:00....and passed out by 12:30. And I'm still tired. But it was worth it! I have this book and love it....
  9. There will be plllleeeeeennnnnnttttttyyyyyy of photos...which I will edit and such on the way home Sunday night and try and get posted if there is wifi in Charlotte....
  10. That's ok....we'll just roll him in the dirt at Hampton...
  11. We found these pants in our house.....
  12. I didn't say anything about typing, however.....
  13. Kate's not going? No one told Kate this....
  14. You can write? Have you been learning from Cousin Robbie again?
  15. Ooooh....I don't think I can top a tattoo of the gate combo for yer birthday, Dogge.... Would keeping Mickey from licking the fishtail next time we take it somewhere be good enough? Have a fantastic birthday!!!!
  16. But Connie is a good cook.....her cookies were the best for breakfast....
  17. Like we would have one of these without you after how good you and Lady Constance were to us last time!!! IN fact the rule for you, is you only get to come if you bring her along this time. Or maybe to make things fair, this time she can come and you stay at home. (just kidding, we really want both of you here) But she has to bring cookies....and those brownies....and the crackers and dips. *ahem.* I don't cook. Is it obvious?
  18. At Searle's Raid...Diosa made jerk chicken in a dutch oven...just put the chicken in there, spices and sauce and stuff and covered it...I think she sat it directly in the coals. It smelled really good...Michael said it was fabulous!
  19. It's a good idea...the execution of it will be tricky, however. But...I think we can swing it if we get the A-okay from Captain Linda. :)
  20. My head hurts already....making lists. Will call Miss Lynn if we get the okay... I'll be there though. Like I had a choice.
  21. I have Red-Handed Jills book I believe.
  22. What? That's not one of your many skills? Daymn....
  23. We have a wedge, not a wall. Does that help? I dunno where the wall tent came from. Mark G. has that pavillion thing and if the other set of friends comes, they will have a wedge also.
  24. Hey Sterling....I asked Mickey to relay this but I guess he forgot.... As far as food-age goes....we have a TON of oatmeal that we would be willing to donate to the breakfast cause if that would help. We bought so much for PiP and forgot to bring it so its still all sealed up in our pantry....
  25. Jack, I can't see the map very well on my Blackberry, but did you get the dimensions for Mark G's tent? It was posted somewhere....can't remember where though.
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