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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. Aye capt'n. If'n you be reading some of the threads in the Plunder section, you be getting great ideas. The easy cost effective way is go to thrift stores, flea markets and tag sales. You be finding pants shirts and other gear on the cheap. Scupper
  2. Aye Redd, we be watching. When you do make them. Would you be needing a picture or other like image? Scupper
  3. Well lass to be mighty interesting. Do you know the whole story?. When you post the response, see the thread titiled genealogy. We be mentioning our famous ancesters there too. And welcome aboard Scupper
  4. Aye, another fine periodical to add to me plunder. me thanks Scupper
  5. Good job mates. I bow to you both. Scupper
  6. I wore me shirt vest and head scarf. Jumped on the counter at lumber all day screwming we had no lumber only timbers. Gave compasses and plastic gold coins to the kiddies ans some comely wenches. Scupper
  7. Aye, they be two of the best pirate artists. Scupper
  8. Aye Redd, i be interested in obtaining a poster of me condemed hide. Scupper
  9. Aye we can revote again late if ye wish. I only watched as we had an excuse for a pirate party being it's piratical in theme this time. Ol rupert store the other tribes possesions and greatly added to their plunder before they made came. He seemed to adopt the pirate lifestyle. Scupper
  10. Aye lass and happy Birthday!!! If i be there i'd give you a hug you'd never forget. But alas I be here. So calm seas, following winds and may ye tankard never go dry. Scupper
  11. I say we vote Rupert a membership for his piratical spirit and cunning. Scupper
  12. mmmm After watching the first episode, I say we vote Rupert a member of our pub for his piratical spirit and resourcefullness. I might be bias as he looks something like me. At least that what the last 20 who have called here have mentioned. What say Yee? Yeah or nay? in fact i'll start a poll. Scupper
  13. LOL Lucky Penny. I'd be intereseted in your wood/bone marlin spike capt weaver. I be collecting simular plunder capt Donovon. maybe we could trade sometimes. Well mates, if you be needing anything I can find in the northeast, i'd be more than happy to help. Scupper
  14. welcome abaord lass. Pull up a keg and share in me grog. Scupper
  15. Ahoy mates. i be wondering if any of ye collect piratical items. I collect pirate/nautical beer or liquier items, labels, bottles and such. I also collect models and or figures that i make or paint. I also have started collecting items with a piratical connection. Lighters, tins, decals and so on. What be you collecting? I'd be willing to help and trade with anyone interested. Scupper
  16. HAHAHA I be loving that idea me fair Quill!!!! Corse I'd be set adrift after that. May not be so bad after all. Anyone need a Coast Guard permited novice seaman? Have cutlass, will travel. Scupper
  17. Well mate. I'd say you best be upping anchor be heading for port. Happy B'day Pirate Molly! Calm seas and following winds to ye. Scupper
  18. Happy Birthday mate Scupper
  19. I'd trade all me travels to be a swab on the Royaliste. Ah to be climbing the rigging, standing watch, flemmishing lines. running out the cannon, throwing grapples, SWINGING ABAORD THE OTHER VESSEL, GUTTING THE ENEMY, BURNING THE LOT, SHARING IN THE PLUNDER, RELAXING OVER THE RUM. OOPs sorry got carried away. Like I said, to be a humble swab. Scupper
  20. Ay I not be jealous lass. I be lucky to have served. How many guys can say they were some many places by their 21st birthday Scupper
  21. capt'n. I know they carried an all around knife. It was utility knife and mess knife in one. most sailors also carried a marlin spike as well. I think i saw a set on a site. I'll email you when i find it. Scupper
  22. A list of ports i've made. MMMM Well I be on the beach temporarily, but goes Maine Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island New York Virginia New Jersey Cape Hatterus Florida Texas Washington california Hawaii Puerto Rico Philipines Guam Okinawa Tahiti Austrailia Diego Garcia Singapore Hong Kong Thailand Korea Japan Argentia Kenya Isreal Sicily Spain France England Grenada Sounds like alot. But I was in the Navy. Did alot of diving. An experieince I wouldn't trade, though I paid for it. Scupper
  23. LOL I'd not be deserving such an honor. BUT.......... scupper
  24. You might try The Sea Hawks, Captain Blood, Treasure Island, Under the Black Flap, The Pirate Movie to be naming a few. Scupper
  25. And how bout we say happy Birthday to Jamacia Rose. The liquier cabinet be unlocked and your choice of cabin boy me lady. Scupper
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