Ah A good question indeed!
It be a tie with all the fine wenches from this here port.
Then, Caroline Munro from The Golden Voyages of Sinbad
Lucy Lawless from Xena
Maureen O'Hara
That would be my order.
Rum? RUM?? Did someone say rum? Nay. For the Royaliste, captain and mate I say Irish Whiskey from me private Reserve. (raise tankard) To you mate! To your continued posting!
I guess I be a Golden age of Piracy type. I have a few pairs of breeches, shirt, vest, pair of boots, cutlass, boot knife, couple of lanterns, head scarf, quill, ink journal and travel box, wax and seal. Bout it so far bout growing
I be wanting one of your poster packages Redd. I think I be going for the tin type. I'm waiting for some pictures taken at me first event to send ye.
MMMM Interesting question. Considering the popularity of the Spanish tongue in our society. I think they would have one. Go to the link and click thier home page. Never hurts to ask
OFL ahoy me mate Bildgemonkey. I was on an aircaft carrier too. After a lenthy at sea period, we pulled into Hong Kong. Since my carrier was such a large ship. We were anchored some miles to sea in the outer harbor. It took about 20 to 30 minutes to make it to the Fleet Landing. After a lenthy bout of drinking in Kowloon. I found myself on a boat load of drunk sailors and marines. By the time we got to the ship, i was green around the gills. We had to idle at the bottom of the Jacob's ladder as one by one we jumped to the landing. Some made it, some didn't. This slowed the process even more. While we were milling about, the boat REALLY got to rocking. The final straw was the guy, a friend actually, who throw up over my shoulder. That was it for me. i joined him at the rail and heaved my nights investment over the side.
I hear you Stynky. These are not bad. I've worn them none stop for the last 2 days. (my days off) And they're not bad. They be a bit tight at the top. It rained and they were slippery. I scuffed the bottom with sand paper and that seemed to solve it.
me boots showed up today. They're not bad for beginner boots. They're black leather bucket boots that go uo mid calf. Good soles. Should last a while. Only thing is they have a zipper running the lenth of the inside. That wasn't in the description. But they're very good for only $25.00 plus shipping. Well mates. Affordable boots for us.
Found this site while surfing the web. For those of you with significant others. Would make an interesting gift. For thoses lasses that don't feel free to put me name down.
Great Neptune's beard. I think most of us beginners be looking for affordable boots. well under $100.00. I don't have $150.00 to $300.00 to shell out just for boots. maybe later on as put away for that special purchase for my outfit.
I'd say ye read the usual like Under the Black Flag and such. I just finish The Wake of the Perdido Star by Gene Hackman (the actor). It's very good
I be looking to meet some of me fellow pirates here about. I'll be making me way to New London CT to meet up with Coastie04. Anyone else interested in joining up with us over a tankard? If you be up to the traveling, Our brethern from Rhode Island, New York and Massachusetts are invited as well. let me know mates