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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. Aye lass!!! Who do we threaten, I mean write too? Scupper
  2. Aye lass. you be right. They be more for show with a good outfit. Me Capt'n has a resource for, sandles and I be learning to go barefoot. But it be cold up here in the Northeast lass!!! Scupper
  3. What be her name? Scupper
  4. Damn. too short a notice. I wish I could attend. Put me on the list for notice next year please Scupper
  5. Aye, I agree with Dorian. It depended on what ye wished to do. Demast, icause mass injury, demorilazation, fire, or just plain pound them Scupper
  6. Aye lad. I found a new source of affordable boots. Go to the link below. http://www.magicmakers.com/homepage%20info...ailcatalog.html They're only $25.00. I ordered a pair today. I'll post when they come in. Scupper
  7. Well there be only one thing to do when faced with a situation like this...BARKEEP!!!! A round of doubles if you please! Happy Birthdays to yose both. Scupper
  8. Aye and goodye lass. When you see ole Davey say ullo for me eh. Scupper
  9. You be looking for pewter or leather lass? Scupper
  11. I am starting a colection of pirate related bottles. Whether they be beer, ale or liquir. I'm even colecting spices or condiments. I also have some old bottles as well as reproductions to use in me re enacting Scupper
  12. I be trying Capt'n i be trying. I'm especially looking for bottles with a piratical theme. Beer, ale or liquier. Scupper
  13. Aye me fair Quill. A bottle, nay, a keg of me finest reserve for ye birthday lass! Scupper
  14. No hard feelings lass. I went to your site and loved the music. Scupper
  15. What a cute lass. Scupper
  16. Welcome back lass. Be looking to chat with ye on Sunday. Scupper
  17. You be selling autographed copies RedViper? I be winning to pay the cost and postage for ye scrawl on me copy. Scupper
  18. i've been 8 times meself. Running out of people to pressgang into seeing it with me. Having given up though. Scupper
  19. I nominate the Royaliste as the vessel whose image you use. That be if the Capt'n approves. Scupper
  20. Good story. Look forward to your next. Scupper
  21. By Neptune's beard, I not be getting the sexes right lately. Alright. everybody be mates then. Scupper
  22. ooops. When you go to the link I posted previously, go to Smokeshop and then flasks. Scupper
  23. I found an outfit that makes period type flasks. i especially like the one with the glass window in the center so ye can keep track of your ration. http://www.lovethosegifts.com/level.itml/icOid/4413 Scupper
  24. I will willing to send a donation lad. maybe ye can have a silent auction on a few prizes. What say ye lad? Scupper
  25. Good luck lass. WE be here waiting to welocme ye back. Scupper
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