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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. Aye. Nothing makes me laugh more'n a lubber scared witless when I reach out and say AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH MATEY!!!! Scupper
  2. Well, I'd be watcing me pressgang so they not be plundering me treasure or making off before I be done. Scupper
  3. Aye rad maria! You be too good to me. My thanks lass. The next tankard is on me, me mates Scupper
  4. Aye lad! A grand job. I almost want to turn you in for the reward meself. Scupper
  5. On Halloween I hang meself from the tree out front and scare passers by. Then I go pillage older lads and lasses so they may pass me humble cottage. Scupper
  6. Well as I be a scury dog who has had his heart flailed to the quick, I'll sleep wih one eye open and me hand on me cutlass. Scupper
  7. Aye I have a pewter tankard me self, thought it be a modern reproduction. I be looking for something to transport me rum and whiskey without interfering with me cutlass or piratical activities. Scupper
  8. What kind of a flask would a pirate or sailor be using? Would it be a 1/2 pint or pint glass bottle? Does anyone know where to get a flask I can use with me outfit. I'm getting tired of caring a quart bottle and having none left for a wee bit of comfort at the end of me journey. I do share and sometimes neglect to hold on to a bit for me. I always give comfort to my fellow scallywags. Scupper
  9. Ahoy DarkRose. I responded to another post earlier. I be looking for a baldric, belt, and pouch. Be dropping me a line when ye have time in your busy schedule. I be in no rush. My thanks me lady Scupper
  10. Aoy DarkRose. I be looking for Baldric and belt. Throw me a line when you return and have time lass. Scupper
  11. Aye, the lad be truely a made man. Tell him beware or else he might lose it. To pirates! Scupper
  12. Happy birthday dear Capt Weaver! may you flay your enemys and relish in thier plunder. Cheers!!!!! Scupper
  13. That's it mates!!! You've solved me romantical problems!!! I'll just pressgang a couple of drunken harlots!!! When they be bothering me, I just put em ashore. Ah i knew there would be a pyratical solution to me crisis. Scupper
  14. I got a tattoo when i was a wee lad in the Navy. It be of a tropical volcano with sunset and blue sky and seas. I'm going to have it recolored and expanded abit. maybe a shark fin with blood in the water. Or a pirate ship under sail coming out of the sunset. As soon as I get a ppic, i'll post. Scupper
  15. I have a few surprises let in me kit. Ye just never know whe i'll pull em out!! Heh Heh Scupper
  16. I be a seadog Capt'n. I grew up in Boston. I learned to sail a sunfish in the Charles River and then became a US Naval Sea Cadet. After 7 years I joined the Navy and then was a 1/4 owner of a 1943 110 ft all wood sub chaser we bought at auction out of Philedalphia. After 3 years, alot of chaulking and chipping, she sank during rough seas when a barge slipped her mooring and stove in 5 planks amidships. Got enough out of her and bought a 22' tri hull. I've always wanted to be crewman on a large sailing vessel. Someday lads, someday. Scupper
  17. I'm still working on a sash. but me limit of sewing be buttons and patching. Or patching canvas. Scupper
  18. I had never met her. But I have chatted with her from time to time. She had sent me a couple of MP3's of a few songs which were sadly lost when my computer crashed a month ago. Her talent and spirit will sorely be missed. Scupper
  19. I be here in the Northeast. Connecticut to be exact. I need 4 weeks notice to put in for me days off. Any time be good. Scupper
  20. LOL Mad Mary. While Redd be a handsome lad I not be THAT kind a pirate. All me favors go to the wenches. As for Redd, I'll let him bespeak himself on that subject. Scupper
  21. Well me good pirate Redd. We need to parley sometime about ye services. Scupper
  22. Ye welcome lad. Be sending me an email, If'n you be near any of the ports in NH. Scupper
  23. Aye lad, you do me proud. that be a grand idea. Perhaps ye can post what other services you might be able to do. I be always looking for piratical items. Ie stationary, cards or such. I always wanted a portarit done of me as a pirate. Like the ones you see around the boardroom in Donovan's Reef. Scupper
  24. Well met Royaliste and crew. I could smell the sea, the powder, the sickly sweet scent of fear from your victims. Good images Quill. you be having an artists eye lass. Scupper
  25. Paisey, Capt Scarlett an meself were kinda lonely last weekend. Who be joining us this weekend. We'd love to hear from you. And I would love to meet and get to know you all a little better. Scupper
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