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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. I'd be willing to apear as well as build sets. Dobe both for Independent films. Scupper
  2. Ah me fair Lady Paisley. You had this in mind after talking to me. Here goes Number of drinks 52000 Amount of money spent 208000 rated Ozzy Osbourne fill bath tubs 151.79 buy ferraris 1.3 Ah now that's a Pirate Scupper
  3. happy Birthday mate. this tankard be for you Scupper
  4. I typed Scupper and up it came.
  5. Well Rosalinda I agree with all except the lipstick. I'll change that to lip balm and must forget the church key Scupper
  6. Just curious of what the average pirate might be carrying on him at any given time. Like working knife, marlin spike, tobacco, pipe, matches? any thing like that.
  7. A bottle of me Private reserve for ye mate. Scupper
  8. LOL I be Peg Leg Jackson at your service. Scupper
  9. Have any pics or places we can find them El Pirata? Scupper
  10. Welcome me dear Enchantress. I believe i saw you some years back in the mid Atalantic. I was leaning over the side of me ship feeling a bit blue, when ye popped up on the crest of a wave and gave me a feeling of well being. My thanks me Lady. Scupper
  11. Damn. I was ready to move Scupper
  12. Happy birthday ye dread pyrate! Raise me tankard to ye! Scupper
  13. Aye lad. Stand to and I'll fill ye tankard mate. Scupper
  14. Or Them Dread Pyrates
  15. Me thanks Grey me love. Ye be reading me mind. Every year we carve pumkins and i usually do the same old thing. Wanted to be piratical this year. Scupper
  16. Aye tis a pact then lass. Scupper
  17. Aye me thanks as well mates. ye have a few I did not. here are some I have saved. Enjoy me mates Scupper http://www.centerstagecostumes.com/ http://voyer.crosswinds.net/Piratical/pira...ges/pirates.htm http://www.piratesgalley.com/piratelinks.htm http://www.lovethosegifts.com/level.itml/icOid/4413 http://www.shopdirect.com/CStar%20Optics/MG-25.html http://www.seatalebooks.com/pirates.htm http://www.geocities.com/cptblood_1999/index.html http://romancereaderatheart.com/pirate/index.html http://www.faireware.com/ http://www.faire.net/renmerchant/ http://thepiratestreasure.com/leather.html http://www.ravensmoon.com/index.asp http://www.greathallgames.com/aworld/apira...s/apirates.html http://www.1-toy.com/Front-Porch-Classics-...enture-Game.asp
  18. Upstae or Long island. Same distance for me being in Central Connecticut. if you get this way, I be willing to stand ye for a tankard of ye choice lass Scupper
  19. Aye ye old sea dawg. Happy Birthday to ye. Scupper
  20. But why wait lads and Ladies. let's set a date and spot for a meeting. What say you? Scupper
  21. Tis a happy Birthday I be wishing ya. A keg of me Special eserve for ye. Scupper
  22. Me thanks Capt'n Mad Dog. i may attend if i can find a hostel to rest me rum ridden head for the evening. Scupper
  23. To me mate Lady Seahawk I bid ye happy Birthday lass. may ye plunder be plentyful and ye troubles be few. To Mr bubbles I bid ye fair seas and following inds Scupper
  24. happy Birthday to ye Lucky! A keg of me privrate reserve for ye. Scupper
  25. To all ye with birtdays this day. may ye next plunder be plentiful and ye withdraw with few casualities. Scupper
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