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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. Don't worry lass. it be the winter duldroms. We tend to get a bit bogged down due the bad season. Ask questions or such and get it going again. Scupper
  2. Well Feb 25 we'll buy YOU a keg of rootbeer to celebrae your berth day lass. Glad to have you aboard. Scupper
  3. Well now ladies. It be a fair amount of time since i've seen a topic I could sink my teeth into. or get my hands on. Please. (Bows and doffs hat gracefully) Continue. In all seriousness. Listen to the advice from these lovely ladies. They have the right of it and I must say. I'm damn proud to know such beautiful wenches. Scupper
  4. There be a nice resource for sashes, head scarves and such at center stage. They be a costumer. Here's their link. Good luck. http://www.centerstagecostumes.com/
  5. The upgrade be a thing of beauty Quill. Loved it. Can't wait till I can get to yon coast and plunder with you all. Scupper
  6. haven't yet but thanks for the link. Scupper
  7. Well me lovely Endkaos. I see you be taking after me in aquiring drinking items. LOL. Here be a list of the few POTC items I have. I have about 50 of the temp tattoos. And about 20 of the limited addition posters given out at sneak peek. (Iwas there with Promoter to work event.) LOL Joined my pirate group that nite as they were there t lend atmosphere to the event. I have the skull bobble head. A replica cursed aztec coin Of course i still be adding as I go. Scupper
  8. I be using Dark Rose. His stuff is great and has same quality guarentee. And he's willing to work with you to get what you want as well as the pricing. A true mate. Scupper
  9. A bit Capt William. It takes a strong hand and sharp tools. I've gouged myself a few times.
  10. I do traditional in bone. Scupper
  11. Scrimshaw is beautiful. i do amatuer carving as a hobby. it's fun but can be frustrating sometimes. Scupper
  12. Ah me dear Endkaos. I travel for the benefit of freinds. So if you ever mneed your bodice adjusted. call on me. Or dark Rose. he be the expert. Scupper
  13. When I was in the Navy as a door gunner I spent many an hour on patrol along Asian coasts looking for pirates and thier plundered victims. Scupper
  14. Well don't know about big ears or the quality of Oalf's finest. I'll toast ye berthday with Ireland's finest to be sure. Scupper
  15. Quill, as always a classy and beautiful pirate. me heart goes out to Saber the lucky scallywag. Endkaos. I can help you find your measurements. Scupper
  16. We'll be here waiting hun. I'll keep a tankard on ice for ye. See you soon. Scupper
  17. "Raises tankard" To Zorg. happy berthday mate!!!! Scupper
  18. Happy berthday mate. May your plunder be large and our tankard never empty. Scupper
  19. Aye Mr Hawkyns. That would be grand. or at either the Peabody or Pirate musuem. Either way. I say we invade! Scupper
  20. Very nice indeed. And only an hour away. I must lunder her shop and see what Treasure i may find. Scupper
  21. well lads and lasses. We met and the tavern was ours. There i stood. Ready to repel all boarders. I be facing a horde of landlubbers with nothing but me trusty cutlass and dagger. Then everyone came in and I bought a pint. LOL! It was a pleasure meeting all the local Pyrates. Mr Hawkyns and his lady. Scarett and the other members of Hawkyns gun crew. Mike and I'm fraid the guiness made me forget. (Please apologise to me new mates Mr Hawkyns) As I heard thier names but once. We had a grand time. can't wait till next month to do er again. Looks like we'll plan an invasion each month. Scupper
  22. Well happy berthday to master Popeye. may his plnder be much. And his wench be willing. Scupper
  23. Cograts lady Jenny. Ye be an educated lass. "raises tankard" To you lass! Scupper
  24. last call mates. I'll be there. How can you afford to miss meeting the Scupper of legend and song? Hope to see you there mates. Scupper
  25. Aye mr hawlins. I'll be there as well. Most of me crew be not able due time and day of week. Most wished it were a friday or better yet a Saturday. But i be a true pirate. I plunder whenever, wherever. Scupper
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