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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. Ahoy LAds and lasses. To be getting to the Tavern just follow me directions. north or south Route 91. Get off at Route 9 south. 2nd exit is Route 66 under a bridge crossing th Connecticut river. At the first light, turn left. This is Main st. Follow for 5 to 6 blocks. The Tavern is located in the old Middletown Armory now a bed and breakfast inn. Parking is out front. You can enter the tavern by it's own entrance to the left of the entry way as you head for the main lobby of the Armory. Hope to see you there mates. Any other questions feel free to call my cel at 860-983-6476
  2. Be glad to be having you Doc. Stynky i be hoping me mates from the free men of the Sea will show. Hawkyns, Capt Kidd and Evil tiny maybe. I'll keep doing it till I get a hell of a crew together one day. LOl
  3. If you like rum made the traditional way as it was in the 1600 to 1800's. Try Curzzon's Black Starp. it's a balck rum and will kick your a** Scupper
  4. Aye it was a grand day to be killing colonists. I had a great time with Hawkyns and crew as we shelled the shore. Guess I'll have to drink the artillery punch next outing sir. Scupper
  5. I be birthed in Boston MA now berthed in East Hartford CT
  6. Ahoy Mates! There will be a Pirate invasion in Connecticut on July 16th at 7 pm. It will be at the tavern at the Armory on Main St in Middletown CT. The tavern is nice and has good food and drink. If ye need directions feel free to ask me mates. I be hoping to see ye there! Scupper
  7. Congrats papa! Welcome to ye new lass. May she grow up to be a strong heathy pirate. HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH!!!!!!!! Scupper
  8. If i remember correctly. tattooing came about after sailors were exposed to pacific islander art. They didn't want the tribal tattoos and started drawing thier own and having sail makers, tailors or anyone good with a needle and thread to do the tattoo. Most were of nautical, sexual or mottos draw on them. Hope it helps a bit Scupper
  9. Sorry for the late post me lad. Happy berthday to ye. I voted for the cat o nine tails and a wench to use em on. (Cept Merry. She be mine) May ye plunder be great and ye day be wonderful mate. Scupper
  10. Another cure is to press between the tendons in your wrist. If you feel between them just above the wrist joint you'll feel a small node or lump. Press frimly but not hard. it will make the queasiness go away. Both my parents had cancer and were treated with Chemo. That's what the doctors had them both do to get by the sick stomachs. said it works on seassickness and motion sickness as well. Scupper
  11. Happy Berthday Morgan! Havea piece of rum cake. may your plunder be great . Huzzah!!!! Scupper
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADY B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A big box of godivas for you next we meet. Scupper
  13. Still interested in the wanted poster Redd. Still making them? Scupper
  14. My thanks mates! We only had a week to prepare. Capt Kidd and meself built the gallows in one day. The whole crew of pirates worked that day. I'm proud to be associated with them. Lady b A godiva dive next time we meet. With Merry's permission of course. Course she owes me for the chery dive with Morgan. Scupper
  15. Just a reminder all ye New England pirates. may 15th be our invasion. Hpe to see you all there Scupper
  16. My thanks Mates. I was surprised at the amount Of on film time I had. I can say we all froze and were soaked all day filming that. Autographs are available at a modest fee. Scupper
  17. Just a reminder mates to see some of your beloved if not imfamous Pyracy Pub mates debut on tv. I know a shameless plug but hey. I'm a pirate, I'm supposed to be shameless. Scupper
  18. There be a tankard waiting for you Coastie. You can't follow me Merry. But you can walk beside me. Come all New England pirates!
  19. Me thanks Sir Jewels for the images of me merry. Made me heart race and pressure soar. Wish i was there to see you all again. But I will be permanently soon. Merry. You make me the luckiest pirate in the world.
  20. In Honor of our meeting a short while back. i'll have a Navy Grog in a cheap Tiki cup with an umbrella. Happy Berthday mate! Scupper
  21. I know whta you mean Nigel. I said I wanted to be in Playboy and my first delivery that day was to the Playboy lounge. What a coincidence! LOL Just kidding. That's really great. Hope you post it. Scupper
  22. Just be safe my freind. That would be the third best thing to happen in a long time. After me son being born and a certain pirate from Iowa taking hold of my heart. #rd ain't bad. Scupper
  23. Ah I was remiss in not mentioning me freind and mate Hawkyns. (Me head bowed) I owe you a round at the next invasion mate. Mr hawkyns did indeed do the gallows jig while I stayed on terra firma. Course I was the man at arms and had to see they hung proper. We are all anxious to see what the History Channel did with the footage shot that day. And a bleak, wet, miserable day it was. so be sure to let Hawkyns, Evil Tiny, Capt William Kidd and myself know what you think. We will be available for photo ops and autographs at coming events for a modest fee. Merry darling. No charge for you. I'll sign your bunny hunny Scupper
  24. On Saturday May 15th at the Tavern at the Armoury in Middletown, CT There will be a gathering of any who would like to join us. They are always fun and seeing as this is on a weekend the more the merrier. I will be on hand to sign autographs from my up coming appearance on the History Channel. LOL kidding. Hope to see all that wish to come. Scupper
  25. That's right mates. The Free Men of the Sea was filmed by the History Channel for a piece on Captain William Kidd. It airs Monday May 3rd at 1015. So please watch and see Scupper, Evil Tiny, Capt William Kidd and others play out the trial, and execution of one of our favorite brothers. All critics will be keelhauled. All positive supporters will have free run of me liquior cabinet. Scupper
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