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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. (Scupper walks up and plops down next to merry with his seabag.) Sorry love. (leans over and gives her a kiss) But being Coxswain aboard the Adventure Galley can be a bit busy at times. (pulls out bottle of Blackstrap Rum and Bottle of Jamersons Irish whiskey.) Drinks mates?
  2. Holds smore up to merry's lips. A sweet for me sweet. Smiles and holds her close. wishing time and miles were no more. Scupper
  3. Hands bottle of Jamersons to Laura. Kisses Meery's head and swears his undieing love. Scupper
  4. I should be picking up my nashorn mortar mid Oct. I'll post picks when I do. Scupper
  5. Scupper stares into the flames nursing a bottle of jamersons. wondering how he can do more. Sighs and drinks more
  6. "Life be getting to some us again. So i say time for a bonfire." Starts to gathe large driftwood logs to b make pyre on beach. Scupper
  7. welcome back lad. Be sorry ye a bit under the weather but i have the cure all in me poke. Blackstarp rum! Cures all that ails you. pain, spouses, colds, upset stomach, tooth ache, ingrown toe nail, athelete's foot and most social diseases. I'll be bring a supply to share with ye lad. Scupper
  8. (bows deeply) My pleasure my lady Merry. Course this time was a long drive and a much anticipated reunion. All my memories are warm and fond. So thank you my love Scupper
  9. Aye Doc. that would be a dangerous course to steer. We must keep it clean. MMM But....................................Sorry. was thinking of somewhere else Scupper
  10. my plans have been scuttled. I was out most of this week with a bad, BAD case of the flu. trust me mates, you don't want this one! So my boss canceled my days off so i can work the weekend and make up for my absence. Sorry mates. i really wanted to meet you. Well there is PIP cause i am going regardless of what work says. already made reservations. Scupper the sad pirate
  11. what goes merry darling? ye be afraid to be under me? Trying to pawn me off so ye can rule the armory? well i be watching ye close love. especially when ye walk away. A mighty fine stern ye have. Scupper
  12. So that leaves Z Isnt Z what Dutch sailors sail on? No? Ok then. How bout zealous. As in zealously pursuing the treasure galleon. Scupper
  13. Ah a whole day of snuggling with me Merry darling. How can that be bad. Aqua is one of me favorites but if i had a choice it would be nothing at all love. Scupper
  14. Wakes and feels Merry snuggled into his arms. Smiles and goes back to sleep dreaming of walks at an art fair, Irish Pubs, hot tubs, and Pirate Faires
  15. Aye ye not be ugly me fine PPP. I still be interested from 2nd to 7th i be there at PIP. What say ye? Scupper
  16. Aye hawkyns. if me Merry darling be there I be in a very good piratical mood! AARRR!!!! Scupper
  17. My Thanks captain. I will try and keep the sound of ringing steel to a minimum as Merry and I discuss procedures and such. It is a busy pirate I will be. But then I should be a happy one as well. Scupper
  18. Sees Merry's plight and offers the use of his cabin. While she bathes gets fresh fruit jiuces and lite fare for her to make her head feel better. Listen's to her spash about and visions fill my mind. as i sit and gaze out the cabin windows to the future horizon with a smile
  19. Tried emailing you luv. keeps coming back. I be interested in the wastcoat and breeches. Drop me a line ok Scupper
  20. Then what say the 21st? Is that ok with ye mates? And Happy Berthday Francios! Scupper
  21. WOOHOO so me darling being going for sure. I love the cards but fraid i need all me plunder to be sure Merry and i be making it to PIP and have a roof over our heads. So Captain. Have ye found a spot for me in your crew? Scupper
  22. I be an award winning model maker meself. I build armor, aircraft, sci fi, figures and now I've started ships. I build in plastic, resin or white metal. Figure one day i'll work my way up to the complex wood models ye be talking about. I've seen plastic models that have had alot of handmade parts added as wella s realistic sails. You are hard pressed to tell them apart from the wooden ones expect at extreme close up. Scupper
  23. Aye rest stops can be fun. Sorry bout your leg cramps LOl "walks behing Merry and holds her close watching the lagoon and the night sky. Kisses her head gently as he holds her tight."
  24. me paperwork be filled out and dispatched. I'll send a pic or better yet let me Merry darling pick one of me. I'll trust in me captain to write a bio worthy of a scalawag like me. Course remember, if Merry don't like it. You'll have to walk the decks at your own peril. LOL It be a pleasure to be aboard mates! Scupper
  25. Ello mates. On Oct 15th at 8pm we will be having our monthly invasion. This month back at our "home port" of the Tavern at the Armory in Middletown CT. Below is a link to the CT Pirate meetup page. please join and you can be added to the list of local pirates that you will be joining in an evening of fun and drinking. I am the new organizer for the CT Pirate meetup site. So hope on board and see you there! http://pirates.meetup.com/4/ Scupper
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