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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. From the album: Scupper

    here are some of the free men of the Sea as British Privateers in the 225th anniversary of the Battle of Groton CT
  2. Thanks mates. it be good to be back. I'll just say the last couple of years are gone and hopefully soon forgotten. So what's new ?
  3. My heart felt apologies mates. Me life been a sinking scow and i barely kept her afloat. But alas I finally cleared the bilges and she be listing less. So to all me old mates, This round be on me. For all me new mates. belly up to the bar and have one on old Scupper.
  4. I be attending ye Salem faire this yar. Hope to see me Pub mates there abouts. I may be a possible vendor so be looking for the Scupper.
  5. Me son to be happy. to find me true love. To have enough plunder to have a grand life till that last reef.
  6. If you need anything from a Home Depot or Lowes, let me know. I have connections at both and would be happy to call the local stores and see what i can get for you. Scupper
  7. I write pirate and sci fi ficton on a site called Pan Historia. It's a web page of electronic novels. I be looking for crew to start a new pirate novel. Anyone interested?
  8. See you there mate! Scupper
  9. You are a godsend here at the pub Rumba. As well as a friend. I hope 07 treats you as well as you deserve and my best wishes for the coming year. Scupper
  10. A New Years wish for all me mates her at the Pub. May the New Year bring you and yours happiness, health and prosperity.
  11. Welcome abaord lass. I be thanking ye for the tankard.
  12. My most deepest sympathy and coldolences for your loss. My flad will be at half mast till the New Year.
  13. A very Happy Berthday to you luv!!!
  14. Aye. I think Red Jenny got the right of it. A brace of pistols. A small pocket pistol in me boot for dire situations, a cutlass and an assortment of small blades Scupper
  15. A beautiful pirate lass be a wench in kit living and loving being a pyrate!!! Scupper
  16. Ah! Well warn him to treat ye right or he be answering to me! My heart and best wishes to you luv
  17. Ah Red Jenny. it be cold here in CT too. Snow tomorrow. yuck!
  18. thanks luv. You'll always be the wench of me dreams
  19. When I was a wee lad shape and size was all that mattered. Now it be what's on the inside that matters to me. Scupper
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