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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. Aye mate. I'll be keeping ye in the loop as it were. Scupper
  2. Ah Coastie. Ye be a pearl of knowledge lad. Glad to see ye haven't lost the touch on yon far shore. Tis sad to see such wreckage but gladdens me heart oone be injured. Scupper
  3. I'd have to say all except the last. Been doing historyteaching, re enacting and entertaining for 22 years from Roman era to World War 2. But i've found me niche in piracy. HUZZAH MATES! Scupper
  4. One thing to do to help keep your sword from flopping around is. Put your baldric on and then your equipment belt. The belt holds the baldric in place. also good if your being active. even better if one hand is already occupied for a off hand sword draw. Scupper
  5. I am in the process of making a replica. My captain has one and photos of the original at the Whydah Musuem. I'll be hopefully going out there myself with in a month or so. Will keep you updated. I'll also see if i can get the pictures and upload them. Scupper
  6. Well mates! It be good to put faces to mates I been carousing with. I be not so good at this computer lingo so here be a link to me and some of my mates. http://pirates.meetup.com/4/photos/ Scupper
  7. Well Lad. I be sad that ye be leaving. Happy for your career. Besides ye can get word to us on any great plunder on yon coast. I posted to the Free Men of the Sea and to the CT Pirate Meetup that may 1st be Coastie appreciation day in Mystic. Email me with a good place to meetup and start off and we will have to pick a time to be at th4e Harp for those that wish to come later. Go to the CT Pirate Meetup for more info as it develops mates. http://pirates.meetup.com/4/ My email is KJJBurke01@aol.com. See you there Scupper
  8. It be nearly spring. We Northern pirates be tired of being landlocked by ice and snow. So we be a celerbrating our release with an informal gathering at .... John Harvard"s Brewery 1487 Pleasant valley Road Manchester CT 06040 860-644-2739 We hope to be discussing future outings as a group this summer such as a Pirate's day at Six Flags and a few other dates such as a gathering at the CT Renn faire and King Richard's faire. Hope to be seeing ye there mates!!!!
  9. And who's Natal day is it? Scupper
  10. Well done mate! it be a great link. Scupper
  11. Welcome aboard lass. It be tradition the newest member be buying the first round. So a tankard of Guiness if you please. Scupper
  12. Don't know about April. But I'll try to make it . Could aways use more Guiness and a good Boxey.(Thanks for the suggestion that night Dark Rose!). And I'll Stand ol Capt Morgan to all the IBC he can handle.
  13. I Know not Stnky But i am doing them a favor so I'll see what they can do for me. I'll email you by wed 12/15. Scupper
  14. Come all ye faithful mates to the December Invasion in Connecticut. It be the annnual first ever Free Men of the Sea Christmas Party! It will be at the Tavern at the Armory in Middletown on Dec 18th 730 pm start. I have posted the tavern site for directions and a link to the CT Pirate Meetup site. for info. Hope to see you all there. Would anyone be interested in doing a Secret Santa? Say a $10.00 limit and all gifts must be gender neutral. http://pirates.meetup.com/4/ http://www.innatmiddletown.com/content_tavern.cfm Scupper
  15. thanks Isabella. It would be a pleasure to me you and the hub sometime. Till then. Fair winds lass Scupper
  16. WOOOHOOOOO!! A Nice Berthday present that would be!
  17. I be 43 in a few fortnights. It's not the years. it be the mileage. Still plenty of miles on this frame left. Scupper
  18. Well hate to see fights. But I KNOW Iron Bess has never misled or gave bad facts. Not her style when she can just run you through. And with her looks, most of us would stand still and let her. Scupper
  19. Friday it is mates. WEasy to change since I be in charge! LOL Sorry too me Merry darling. I will hoist one to you and for you. Scupper
  20. Can any pirate join in and raise a glass? (sits next to his merry darling) Ah. To futures, families and friends
  21. That's right lads and lasses. The Scupper be another year round the horn. So come celebrate with him at the Tavern at the Armory in Middletown CT on NOV 19th. he'll be glad to see you and hist a pint or three. http://pirates.meetup.com/4/ hey that sounds pretty good. I ain't bad as a writer eh. Scupper
  22. Well Than Capt'n. Guess I'll have to stand you to a tankard of your choice. HUZZAH! Scupper
  23. well after seeing me Merry darling all is right in my world. HUZZAH!!!!!!!!! Drinks are on me! pony up to the bar and oder whatever ye wish and as much as ye can ballast yourselves with! Scupper
  24. (Scupper leans back and roars a hearty belly laugh heard for leagues) So I be a ghost eh? LOL Nay just a pirate with way to much on his plate. But the thing he wants most on his plate be just beyond his reach for a time. Transferred from one department at work to running three. learning new postion In manager's training program divorcing- just finished child support phase wishing and wanting me love be by my side doing piratical events with me crew tryng to spend time with my son Just a couple things going on. Hopefully it will slow to a managable pace in a few weeks Till then know i luv ou all mates of the tub and most of all you me merry darling
  25. I be sorry to hear of Olaf's loss. His familiy will be in my thougfhts and prayers. Scupper
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