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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. Aye tis a wonderful crew you be having on yon coast. Well met!!! Scupper PS my birthday's in November. Just kidding
  2. happy Birthday capt!!! Me got the fire bucket ready for your cake. LOL calm seas and following winds mate. Scupper
  3. AAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH matey. Me thinks you should have posted BEFORE you ran around your new liquier cabinet.. Scupper
  4. Aye mate. You might to be looking here. I thinks they might have what you need. http://ferncanyonpress.com/pirates/locker.shtml Scupper
  5. Aye Mr Hawkyns. Well met! The next time you be needing a mate to swab out a piece, handle a line or be powder monkey. Feel free to be calling on me sir. I'm drydocked in Ct me self. Scupper
  6. Aye lass. Add me to yer list. I hope to see you all as the the year goes round. Scupper
  7. Too much ale???? Is there such a thing? Well lad come have a tankard of me Irish Whiskey. Will cure that ails you. Or if nothing ails, cures the same. Scupper
  8. Why mates are we limiting ourselves to one barmaid. BARKEEP!!! SERVICE!!!! ME TANKARDS DRY!!! Now be serving me and me mates before I have your guts for garters! Next round is on me. Scupper
  9. your wish be my command my lady. One large Cheery Margarita garnished with a cherry soaked in tequila Scupper
  10. Well now lads and lasses. What be your favorite margarita recipe. I have one... Cherry margaritas!!! You add cherry liquier, grenadine and real cherries. Blend em up and thar you go. Scupper
  11. You drink up lass and me be watching for squalls for ye. Scupper
  12. Ahoy. Quill!!! I'd not be making to yon coast till next season. Can you email me next years dates so I can plan me vacaton and attend the next one? My thanks my lady. Scupper
  13. Aye lass. That's a grand idea!!!! pirates need not an occasion to drink, just a location!!! To you! Cheers!!!! scupper
  14. I'd be interested in reading that Red Maria. Email the cost when you have the time. Thanks lass. Scupper
  15. Aye Capt'n Grey. Would you be wanting plastic or metal? You can plastic at places like Iparty or simular stores. I just sent me metal ones to the young lad micheal for his treasure box. I found a site that sells replica coins fairly cheap. Here's the web site. I'll be replenishing my treasure chest from here it seems. good Luck http://ferncanyonpress.com/pirates/locker.shtml Scupper
  16. Wearing a kilt is very relaxing. At least till you've been at the whiskey and be watching the serving wenches a bit too closley. But then it let's you announce ye intentions without the awkward small talk.
  17. Me thanks mates. All this information is of great help. Tis great to be a pirate here. Scupper
  18. HAHAHA Your welcome lass. Hope the little mate enjoys them. Did the small glass bottle with the shark's tooth make it ok? Scupper
  19. Me thanks mates. I went to a craft store at lunch and found the materials I liked. both velvet and silk) as well as someone who told me about the fusable materials. I bought a small piece of material and some low temp glue sticks to practice with. Scupper
  20. LOL with the mdeicine the sawbones gave me and me own concotion, sometimes the line be bleary. Scupper
  21. Thanks for the heads up. i'll be getting it to add to the wee lad's libary. Scupper
  22. Me thanks Angus. And again from an old re enactor, thanks. This is an outstanding forum. I be proud to be a wee part of it. Scupper
  23. My thanks on your advice. I've not used a hot glue gun before. I have one downstairs, a holdover from the ex. Is there a special glue ? Or will standard glue be ok?. Scupper
  24. Me Thanks mates!! I appreciate it. Scupper
  25. If you go by what w see infilms. It would be the rich and famous that used snuff. It was always noblemen we see flourishing their wrists. I take you to The Crimson Pirate, when Ohho uses it when inpersonating a nobleman when trying to release El Libre. Or The Scarlet Pimpernel. I believe I saw it another time in a pirate film but can't recall. Just me observation. Scupper
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