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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. Is there going to be anyone attending King Richard's faire in Southern Ma? I'd like to coordinate all of attending the same day to meet and talk. I've included the link below. hope to see some of you there. http://www.kingrichardsfaire.net/ Scupper
  2. How bout Jack's Jibb. ARRRGGGHHHH must be me medicine and captain Cocktails again. Sounded good till i typed it. Scupper
  3. Aye lad and thanks. I was on their site a few days ago looking at the same cutlass!!!!! Do you have web addresses on the other sites carring it? Email me if you do. Thanks Scupper
  4. A toast me Hearteys!! T o the Capt'n and crew of the Royaliste! My she fair well in her upcoming engagement and send the Lynx to visit Davey Jones. but not before the plunder be brought aboard. Scupper
  5. Me thanks for the infromation!! I be ordering today. You have free run of me pantry and the key to me rum for that. Scupper
  6. I mailed off me treasures today. I also through in an old paperback of Treasure Island in great shape. Aye the medicine and capatial's cocktails are clouding me mind like a New England fog. Scupper
  7. What channel be that on lass? And welcome aboard. Scupper
  8. Aye Lass. is not you we be blaming should bad posts be made. Chin up! Turn yon face into the wind and taste the trade winds. now hoist a few and worry not. Scupper
  9. Aye mates! Sashes. I be looking for one. Preferably Kelly green. i have or know no one around here that be good with sailcloth and needle. Guess I have to find me a good wench eh. Or a mate with connections to the trade. Any help appreciated. me thanks Scupper
  10. Ahot Quill. Do me injury I'm mailing tomorrow. I found a brand new Jolly Roger in me goods. Did anyone include a flag? If not I'll add it. Scupper
  11. Aye. A place for them selves like before the main mast. That way we can check in on them and say ahoy. Scupper
  12. Aye capt'n. Tis a pleasure sailing the same seas as ye. Scupper
  13. Now that's a toast Capt luigi!!!! Me hats off to you and me tankard raised. scupper
  14. Tis me pleasure to join you Capt'n! To you Lasses and Ladies! Me horde of Meade, Grog, Ale, Rum and Irish whiskey is open to you all. Must be a special occasion as I almost never share me Irish Whiskey. But nothing to good for the lasses here at the Pyracy Pub!!!!! ( As I bow to all Ladies) Scupper
  15. I may be living in Connecticut but I'm from Somerville MA. Which is next door to Medford. My sister and some friends live there. They may have mention of your ancestor in the town archives. I'll be going home soon for a visit. At least once before Christmas. I can check if you wish Quill. Scupper
  16. I usually talk like a pirate on the weekends at work. I'm delivery manager at a Lowe's Home Improvement. My desk is in the commercial sales/ building materials area. So when a customer asks for lumber I reply. Thar be no lumber only timbers matey. Or sheetrock be no good for ballast mate. Hoping to get the gang in my area to come aboard on the 19th. Scupper
  17. I think I have a tale to make in to a movie. An Irish lad of near 17 sails aboard a ship for a far away land to reclaim an estate left to his mother after her family's passing. On the way me are met with intrigue, deciept, greed and death. The lad must set sail to live. he grows into manhood and plots his revenge. After a shipwreck in high seas and a battle with slavers. the lad comandeers a vessel and becomes a pirate. In the end he seeks his revenge and goes on to live his adventures. throw in a rousing classical score, raging sea battle and a few all out hand to hand battles with a duel at the end. What say ye mates! Scupper
  18. Then I offer me most humble apologies. I'm new to this here cyber stuff. I be an old fashioned man. But glad to know we of the brotherhood are going about trades, and such. I love this forum more each day Scupper
  19. For a chance to sail under your flag, I'll be happy to burn you a copy capt'n. I might get lucky and get to see a sneak peak through my friend. Scupper
  20. I just got finished reading The Crimson book of Pirates by Peter Newark. It was ok. Gave breif histories of pirates and piracy in general. I also read The Wake of the Predido Star by the actor Gene Hackman. it was pretty good. The way it ended, there may be more to follow. I also have the Osprey books and they'er pretty good. Scupper
  21. A feiend of mine is a producer and connected somehow with Disney. He just sent me an email with the release date. here's his post below. Buena Vista Home Entertainment has announced that summer blockbuster Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl will be available in a 2-disc DVD set ($29.99) and on VHS ($24.99) on December 2, just in time for Christmas. The 2-Disc Disney DVD will include: · 3 Audio Commentaries: -Director Gore Verbinski and Star Johnny Depp -Producer Jerry Bruckheimer and Stars Keira Knightley and Jack Davenport -Writers Stuart Beattie, Ted Elliot & Terry Rossio and Jay Wolpert · An Epic At Sea: The Making of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl · Deleted Scenes · "Moonlight" Scene Progression · Image Gallery · Blooper Reel · Below Deck: An Interactive History Of Pirates The DVD is in 2.35:1 aspect ratio, enhanced for 16x9 screens, and includes Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. Also available are a French language soundtrack and subtitles. I Know I'l be in line that day. Scupper
  22. I see what ye be saying Royaliste. But what I mean is a way for our brotherhood to find items that we need. After all, who is gonna help a pirate, except a pirate. I've been doing historical re enacting for many years. Alot of times there are new people who need help getting items or perhaps you want to deplete your surplus of items so you can buy that cannon, pistol or fancy captain's frock coat. Then again, you may be someone who is handy with a sewing machine or good with leather. All I was putting forth was the idea of a possible way of connecting all these ideas, services or items so that the people who would use, need, want or appreciate them most had first crack. I've seen simular things in other historical groups. Take for instance my area. Hartford CT. There is ONE costume shop. They will rent but not sell. So if I want something of quality or a specfic item I really want, I have to search Ebay or the internet. With my job and home life at the moment, that's not really possible very often. Sometimes I have to travel long distances to find what I want. Perhaps with this new forum or listing I can find 3 or 4 of the items I want or someone willing to make it within our brotherhood. I'd prefer to increase our friends coffers whenever possible. It also promotes talk and friendships. But I stray from the point. It was just a thought I was looking for comments . I thank you for your opinions. From your posts i know you to be a man of honor. If ever I get to the west coast, I'd be honored to share a bottle sir. Scupper
  23. Ahoy mateys. I will be trying to make it down. I have to give 3 weeks advance notice for vacation. Hopefully i can get the time off. Keep your cutlasses crossed. Scupper
  24. ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH! I had to go on the road today and couldn't send me package of treasures for Michael. I am off tomorrow and will be in line when they open. My profound apologies Quill! Anyone need a deckhand or gunner? Need to leave retail. Scupper
  25. I be new to this Forum and It's terrific! (ThanKS Angus!!!!). One thing I've noticed is alot of info requests and wants, needs and such. Would it be a good idea to perhaps post a listing of wants, swaps, trades, needs or services? Just a thought. What say ye me heartys! Scupper :)
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