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  1. Aye, I would have liked to seen another pirate rousin the town as well. Twould be a beautiful thing! As for California, I will be sure ta let ya know if I be sailin that a way!
  2. Argh, I be livin in the desert of Phoenix, AZ. Not a place for a man of the ocean. Thar be too many land lubbers that don't understand me ways in these parts. I can't wait for me next holiday when I can show me true colors again. 4 day's previous to these pictures, that same mate of mine and I played softball in our pirate clothes. I slid into 3rd and yelled Arghhh!! as I skinned me knee badly. Yargh, this calls for me to fashion a peg leg for next year.
  3. Mine was pretty good. Work kind of ruined mine for the most part because I basically didn't get any sleep, so my 1st ever Pirate Day got off to a slow slow start. But when it finally started happening it was great. I could only coax one of my friends to dress up like a pirate with me, but its better than me being all dressed up by myself. Here we are in our pirate saver's gear. Total cost of pirate costume $10. We even stabbed the clothes with real swords to make it all the more authentic. Our tattoos weren't all that authentic because we didn't get any hepatitis from the sharpie marker. We were kinda upset about that one. Yargh!!! She don't have a mast, but she can sail like the dickens.. After meeting up with some friends it was time to go get some grub. We elected for some Rubio's action. From the moment we walked in, to the moment we left, nothing but people staring at us. Only one person bothered to ask us what was up, in which we kindly responeded that it was Talk Like a Pirate Day today in our piratey voices. After Rubio's we sailed on to blockbuster to get something to watch. I wanted to get something pirateee, but our other friends wanted to get Anger Management. But I let it go, even though it was pirate day and all, because this was the only pirateee movie I could find Here are our friends trying to ditch us I guess they didn't want to be seen with us by the super crowded blockbuster. Here's all of the people that were staring at us the whole time we were lookin for a movie Here's a couple of us figuring out what to get I'm the one with the camera... Well since we didn't get a piratey movie, we stopped off and got something pirateee to drink. I thought it was really good. Very sugary though.. but thats good so you loose your teeth like a real pirate would if he drank this stuff. All in all, it was a good day to be a pirate. There were a few wenches that liked how we were pirates. I told them I wanted to plunder some booty off of them, but that didn't go very well. So yeah.. here's hoping for next year!! ARghhhh!!!
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