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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. I suppose we could change the date of our cat washing party. But only if you put me back on the Christmas card list. Do you want period games?
  2. What ever you say Pinocchio
  3. I'm sorry darlin', I have to shampoo the cat that weekend.
  4. Are we talking about the same book? Patterns of Fashion 1, Janet Arnold. It's currently available from amazon, used for 18.87, new 26.37. List price on the back is 39.95, where are you seeing it for 100, so I know never to look for books there.
  5. Folding laundry and packing.
  6. I think that's about what I paid for my copy as well. Also purchased from Amazon.
  7. You're most welcome
  8. Very nice Lady Brower.
  9. Damn Captain.........................What are we gonna do with you. Is it time for body and/or face armor?
  10. Happiest of Birthday wishes to you MD. I hope you have a great day and wonderful new year.
  11. Happy belated Birthday Sophia. I hope you had a wonderful day.
  12. In case anyone is wondering, Friday evening meal is beef stew.
  13. Woe, that's gorgeous. I'm sure it will look lovely on you.
  14. Thanks Cheeky, but I think I would rather make you more stays :)
  15. I forgot about the grills. Thanks for the reminder.
  16. We are only allowed a certain number of fires. For example, last year, we had one communal fire (at Silke's hide) where everyone that wanted to, could cook their meals. The Archangel and Mercury crew shared a fire and the Bone Islanders had a fire. It was expressed that we could have had one more but we didn't need it. I can't say how many fires will be allowed this year. Especially with the increase in people and crews. We won't get those details until closer to the event. But I think I'm safe in saying the fewer fires needed the better they like it. With that being said, you are allowed to cook your own meals but most likely will have to share a fire.
  17. Aye. I did a nice little barter with Cheeky. I did her fancy stays and she made me a mourning mantua. I got the better end of the deal on that one. I suppose someday I will venture into the mantua territory, but I'm holding off for as long as possible.
  18. I haven't attempted a mantua yet. They scare the heck out of me, lol I think it looks lovely.
  19. Lady Constance. I haven't done much research into the Elizabethan Period but from the info I do have and have read, the styles and construction are different. We are talking roughly 100 years earlier. Perhaps if I saw a picture of what you are talking about it might make it easier to compare. I know it's sometimes difficult to find info on our time frame but it is out there. Here are a couple good references. Janet Arnold, Patterns of Fashion 1 Norah Waugh, The cut of Woman's Clothes, 1600-1930
  20. Aren't you the captain of the marines?
  21. Taking a break from sewing binding on stays. Uggg..................I hate this part.
  22. I ordered by the pound. That's a great question Jack. Comparing the half round to the half oval, they are both the same size but the round is thicker. While the oval has a slight curve, the half round is well, half round. Can't think of another way to put that. In my opinion, if you wanted more support, the half round would certainly do that. I have no idea which is more appropriate to use. Perhaps it's a matter of purpose. If you wanted more flexibility and wanted the stays to look flatter, then I would use the half oval. hmmm, another thing to look into further. I would love to hear more opinions on this one. As a side note, both sets of fancy stays I'm working on, Cheeky's and mine, I used full round. I'm a little curious as to the feel of it while on the body for a long period of time. I've been joking that it's a little like body armor.
  23. The reed I ordered from basket makers has arrived. I'm very pleased with the quality.
  24. If I have time, I'd like to make a stomacher but I did my fancy stays in the same fabric.
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