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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Oy, where be m' manners. Can't b'lieve I didn't give thee a proper welcome here. :) Glad t' have ye on th' Pub. Tis a fine establishment it is. An' for th' first drink on ye, I'll have a sweet red wine thank ye. ~Lady B
  2. Welcome aboard. :::Slightly bit confused::: Now, Ye be a different lass than th' Red Handed Jill that be here already? Or be ye th' one an' same? :::Sigh; confused::: aye, I'm a bit confused. But tis ok. M' mind was jumbled up already. Either way, glad t' have ye here on th' Pub. ~Lady B
  3. Yeah, read about that. Fascinating, isn't it? ~Lady B
  4. I'm sure there are several names/terms. But there are a variety of them I believe. I know best the cravats. ~Lady B
  5. Hehehe. Keep up th' updates, Mission! Deeply enjoy reading all this. :) Tell all Hello fo' me. Wish I was down there. One of these years though shall make it there. Sterling's Daughter into Star Wars? Ye don't say? As often as I crossed that girl's path, I didn't know that. Hehehehe, Perhaps I should ask her for help on updates on the Star Wars universe. I lost track with the bombardment of books, etc after Chewie and Anakin Solo's death. Oy, that universe flies faster than any other, mates! Shall look forward to more on PiP and those pictures in due time. ~Lady B
  6. Ahoy, Capt. Grey! Happy Birthday to ye, lass! I wish ye all th' best on this wonderful day. Hope ye gain some wonderful treasure that ye greatly desire on this day of days fo' ye. :::Sends off a multi-cannon salute::: ~Lady B
  7. Ahoy, Blackjohn... hope ye had a great day. Get what ye wanted? Plenty o' treasure? ~Lady B
  8. Ooooo.... it's Stynky's Bday! Time t' celebrate! Who brought th' rum? :) ~Lady B
  9. Happy Bday to ye, Cheryl. Hope ye obtained plenty o' treasure. ~Lady B
  10. Ah-ha. Then that be m' troubles there. Damnable. I cut before sewing. Would make sense now. I kept seein' some images of buttonholes cut and sewn. Thank ye, Michael. :) Shall endeavour to try this on m' next project. ~Lady B
  11. LOL Aye, true. Well, hopefully 'll get a chance t' meet ye and Kate! Shall look forward to it... barring no illness or bad weather. Working desperately upon my new gown. And thank ye t' Mary Diamond, I've m' new shoes to go with it (that is until I get the fabric ones I desperately desire to have). Can't wait for the Ball. Had originally thought about just Friday, Saturday and part of Sunday, but may come for Thursday now. We shall see though. Lookin' forward t' seein' a lot of people there. Hopefully some members of Lee's Legion, too. Miss them. ~Lady B
  12. I can generally get a good stitch down and made, have no troubles with the stitching. However, I still have one major stitch issue... and that's stitching by hand a buttonhole. The Buttonholes I stitch creates more of a gaping hole rather than a nice, close uniformed buttonhole similiar to making one via the sewing machine. Tips on how to make a better buttonhole done by hand rather than some sad looking hole barely passing off as a buttonhole? Anyone have any visuals/images of what it should look like? ~Lady B
  13. :::nods::: They are mighty comfy. Easy sigh of relief when wearing these. :) But, I think one will need at least a couple pairs. LOL... as often as we all go through footwear! LOL. One can NEVER have too many pairs of Colonial footwear. Again, thank ye for having these available now. Again, will order a black pair from ya after the first of the year. :) ~Lady B
  14. Brilliant, Gertie. :) The Golden Age is an era that is not portrayed by many historically as reenactors. There are some here on the Pub who do this. I wish ye luck on yo'r venture for the new look. It's never easy, lots of research, tons of time working on the outfit... but all in all, it's a fantastic outcome. ~Lady B
  15. Hmm.... don't think I explained much of th' story b'hind Lady B in the last thread on said subject. So... here be a run down of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Born Anastazia Elisabeth De Colbe in the British American Colonies to a blacksmith (as my dad in real life is a tool and dye maker, a dying trade truthfully) and the daughter of a local merchant. Young Anastazia was raised to be a Gentlewoman of Colonial society but Ana's wild spirit & curious nature kept her from being the proper Gentlewoman. Secretly, Anastazia became intregued with pirates. Including Blackbeard. Whom she dreamed of meeting until news of his demise came from the hand of Lieutenant Maynard. Other pirates grabbed her attention as she was a young girl. At aged 13, she frequented the countryside and forests, befriending an old Cherokee called Uncle Delphi. Her father did not approve of this by any means and did all necessary to keep Ana from the old Cherokee. She, however never forgot about the old Cherokee. Granted, her father never approved of anything she was involved in. Growing up into a lovely young woman, her romanticism with pirates dimmed. However, she did not stop wanting to learn archery, horsemanship, history, world geography, marksmanship with pistols & other weapons all the while being a Gentlewoman of Society. When 17, she was to gain an inheiretance but never received anything as her father squandered it all upon himself and left them. As war loomed this forced the young woman to down a Fateful path. Whisked away from her from home and taking her into the midst of battle, forced to Fort Symington by Dr Canard to kill a man there named Captain Sydenham Poyntz. She met him but instead of killing him… she warned him of the attempt. Poyntz then was able to kill Canard. While her brief half-week at Fort Symington she became infatuated with the foreigner but he was unable to return her affections as he left too soon and she never saw him again. Also while at the Fort she was raped by a brutal murderer named Munson Miller who disguised himself as a shopkeeper at the Fort. Miller and Poyntz left in the middle of the night under cover of darkness, leaving the civilians including Ana at the Fort. At sunrise it was when she discovered along with everyone else that they had been abandoned. Allowed to leave the abandoned Fort by the opposing army, she sought to return home. But returning home proved too difficult a task. During her wanderings she joined the British Army as a campfollower for a time until she gave birth to a bastard son she named William. She eventually left her son with acquantances to continue with the Army. Troubles befell between her and the Army. Soon finding her way to the opposing forces to help in their struggles. First in disguise as a soldier and dragoon. Serving well in the Army as a good Dragoon, seeing battle after battle and surviving each one, some just barily. Swiftly making comrades as well as enemies. On such enemy was Colonel John Doddard. Humiliated, tortured, and every sort of trial one could face during a war she survived, continuing to serve until she was discovered. Then she tried to assist as a camp follower until the end of the war. After the war, she once again crossed paths with John Doddard - who at first loathed the young woman for pretending to be a soldier and not being a proper Lady. Helping to return her to the Colonies, he took a fancy to Ana, wooed her and later they were engaged. He was reassigned to the Caribbean with his Regiment. She later joined Doddard in the Caribbean where they were to marry. It was here she met Big Ben, a former pirate who was given a pardon & found himself in a profitable business of a tavern - the Journey's End - and a ship - the Beggar's Chance - for shipping. But barely a month after she arrived and awaited Doddard's return from his duties, he was killed in action during a battle with the Spaniards. Doddard's death threw her in a depression & sent her off on travel crazes. In the Caribbean, she met a Spaniard - who at first she loathed but later befriended - and a Frenchman who traveled with her throughout the New World from the lands of New Spain once part of the Incan and Aztec Empires up to the wilderness regions of the French Territories beyond the British Colonies. Peacetime saw no need for someone like her to return to the Army. So she resorted to anything to survive eventually highway robbery which she became rather good at to the point a large bounty was upon her head. Forcing her to flee a couple times in order to avoid death. As she fled, she was taken captive. Whisked away to Madagascar where she was sent to the Orient for slave trade. Coming under the possession of a Persian, Ana became a Harem Slave in service to the Wife of the Persian. Not liked by most in the Harem, she was luckiy eventually to fall into the good graces of the Persian's Mother. She come to learn that Big Ben was a good ally to the Persian when he came to visit. The Persian relinquished Ana to Big Ben and she joined him in Privateering expeditions to regain the stolen wealth the British had obtained from Persia. Serving the Sultan with Big Ben for just over 2 years, having obtained & lost ships & wealth. The Sultan was very pleased with Ben & Anastazia. Giving Ana much wealth in return - gold, silver, jewels, jewelry, fine silks & fabrics, spices, even a couple horses, a falcon, a white tiger, & more. Big Ben made her master & commander of the Beggar's Chance while he retired to Madagascar. The Beggar's Chance was soon enough damaged and scuttled but at that same moment she commandeered a prize East Indiaman which she renamed the Resurrection. New ship, more crew, large prize obtained, and the promise of more kept her in command though with her 'officers' gave the illusion that she wasn't the Captain but merely a passenger and that her First Mate, Graves, was in charge. Making it all appear as though the Resurrection were nothing more than a trade vessel. Success and a price on their heads, the decision was made to retire and leave the waters of the ancient world to return to the New World. Retirement was a short lived option. And no one knows exactly what happened to Anastazia. But a few men dare to tell the tale that as she attempted to round the Straights of Magellan. Some say she was in a bloody battle that caused her ship to founder. Some say her vessel was smashed upon razor sharp rocks. Some say lightning struck her ship and it sank in a storm. But all will tell ye that all aboard met their demise as she crossed paths with either Davy Jones, Billy Bones or Skull Duggary. Be this true or not, one never knows, no one dares to find out. But most swear that the sight of the Resurrection often means a bad omen or death. Mystery continues to surround this wicked Lady. Some say she's a curse, some say she's a blessing. Her allies and enemies range from Governors of every sort and heirarchy, Military men and lowly men to the common seaworthy rabble and street urchin. A "sister" of the Syren to a siren of Davy Jones. Immortals and mortals of all sorts. She's made many allies... and many enemies. The story of Lady Barbossa does not end here. It shall continue on for a long, long time. When and where Anastazia may have met Hector Barbossa, one never truly knows. Often parting and going their seperate ways but would cross paths once again reuniting throughout their lifetime. Now, how she gained the title Lady Barbossa, only the Lady and Captain know that one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tis the general story of Lady B. But not the complete story. It's still an ongoing story that needs many more adventures to tell. And many more characters to help create those adventures. ~Lady B
  16. Ooo.. hehehe, ye struck th' words again, lass. Historically Authentic or Hollywood? Hmm, well, some of the past couple pirate films have been getting awefully close if not spot on to historical look of pirates. So, really... it comes down to not the authentic and accurate or Hollywood, etc.... but how realistic the look is. The more research you do, the better the look you will get. Plenty of women pirates, etc in history. Plenty of women who went against the mainstream. Authentic and accurate does pass off at any event, but which era and time period are you going for? What look do you want? Who and what is yo'r persona? Questions you have to ask yourself. Cause just changing yo'r attire won't help unless you know what yo'r persona is and why. Look at the past few pirate films and documentaries, look up the info and do the research. All in all, again, it's the realism of a pirate look. Meaning, if you were in yo'r garb... could ye be taken out of this time and placed into that timeperiod and blend in perfectly? All questions you ask yo'rself. :) It's all about the look YOU want. ~Lady B
  17. Curious when the schedule & guest speakers will be posted on the website. Seems bare of info all of the sudden. :angry: ~Lady B
  18. Huzzah!!! Thankyethankyethankye, Mary! Hail Mary, full with gunpowder, th' Captain is with thee! Received m' white buckled ladies shoes a couple days ago. Have slipped them on and tested them out twice. And I am mighty pleased with them! With m' huge feet, the flats don't work all that well with me. The heel doesn't seem that massive at all but offers some comfort. The workmanship is rather good. I HIGHLY recommend these shoes for any person as they are unisex, too. Well fitted and better yet, these are a great pair to have about and not worry about ruining unlike yo'r pricy $100 pair from Fugawee or Townsend - which you can keep these for a nicer occassion. And these take less time breaking into than the more pricy shoes. Plan to put insoles in, ye best get the size above yo'r normal size. (example, ye wear a 8, get a 9. But that's only if you plan to put insoles in. Otherwise, you are fine.) So, hesitate not... obtain yo'r heeled colonial shoes t'day, mates! Two hooks up... with cannon shot and more. It's worth it's weight in salt, mates. Oy! If ye've been thinking about them... GRAB THEM!!! Again, worth it. They help to keep yo'r more pricy pairs in better condition when not worn out in the rain, snow, mud, rocks, etc. These you can wear out in said weather and not think twice and cringe on the $100 you tossed down the drain cause you paid less than half that. Grab them! Thinking about it? Don't think, just buy! Mary, after th' new year lass... I'll be looking to order at least one more pair from ye or perhaps two pairs in black. I like these and will look forward to saving my other pairs with a relieved sigh. ~Lady B
  19. LOL.. completely understand the desire of a new outfit, Chole. :) Can't wait t' see it if ye make a new one. Still trying to work on mine. It's becoming a bigger project than the gold gown I had. RATS! He LIVES!!! ~Lady B
  20. Oh, aye, Christine. It is twisted. Conditioning generally that we see emergency personel, just keep going with yo'r lives and give them room. Well, even though someone is dead and personel is there, etc... there are a lot of people who just don't give a damn! Yes, sick, twisted, heartless, cruel, and unintelligent. Goes to show ya... we are not civilized people, but human herds living by 7 Deadly Sins. ~Lady B
  21. Shall look forward t' seein' th' images in due time, blackjohn. ~Lady B
  22. Ahh.... good t' see ye made it here. Aye, shall take ye up on that there rum t' drink! ::: holds out tankard::: And again, welcome to th' Pub. I'm sure yo'r enjoy thyself here. ~Lady B
  23. Ah ha! There be one! ::points to Drake::: was hopin' one of th' many 'll pop on here an' welcome ye. Red Bess and Sea Rover are up there in MN. As well as Mad Jack I believe. Oh, there be a good slew of 'em here at th' Pub who are in yo'r territory. Hopefully ye'll get a greetin' by more of 'em if ye haven't by now. And ye be most welcome fo' th' greetin'. ~Lady B
  24. Siam?!?! Good God ye be far, mate! But ye be welcome nonetheless and glad t' have ye. :) That be th' truth of it. Look forward t' seein' more of ye here upon th' Pub. Ye've come to a heck of a splendid establishment, mate. Asti for me. ~Lady B
  25. LOL... Aye, that be most true, Ransom. The Pub has been the absolute constant for me here on th' Net. Out of ALL the places online, piracy or not, this place has lasted the longest with the most active and friendliest bunch. Eventhough issues occassionally but we seem to work it out and deal with it. All in all, we truly are a Brethren. Such a fine, fabulous bunch of Pirates. Huzzah to th' lot of ye! An' Blessin's upon all ye. ~Lady B
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