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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. There were only two vehicles I know of that deserved a name. I did call a van of mine "the workhorse" because I swear I hauled everything and anything in it over miles and miles and miles. The jeep was simply... the Jeep. And the best one... a car that actually was not mine (thank God) but was my sisters and we called it Zippy. A little red Piece of S*** 2-door car that looked like it had gone through hell and back; rusting all over with a horrible muffler. It was a cheap thing my dad got for my sister. But it really was a worthless vehicle. We named it Zippy the Wonder Car... because it's a wonder that it's still running! And that was the reality of it! The car looked like and felt like and sounded like it would fall apart, the bottom giving way on you as your drove down the highway! It was a scarry little car! Made Christine and any other horror car look like an angel! But Zippy is the car we laugh about the most. All we had to say was "Zippy the Wonder Car! it's a wonder it's still running!" In the future, I'm sure there will be worthy vehicles that will be named. Thighbiter... that's a hell of a vehicle. ~Lady B
  2. Mmmm... Rum. :) I plan t' bring a couple bottles to Port Wash. If ye be there, Dogge, we'll toss back a couple-err, a few... ok, A LOT of shots! Th' 20th? Didn't think ye were way out there, man! Geez! And darn right poetic ye said about Taureans. And bloody well true! Happy Bday Henry and again, th' lot of ye. ~Lady B
  3. Yup... there already be a whole subforum on Port Washington's Pirate Festival here: http://pyracy.com/index.php?showforum=122 ~Lady B
  4. Oy, Red Bess... are ye - the Fool's Gold - doin' Articles for th' kiddies? Has anyone contacted ye about a spot for yo'r set up? I'm curious b'cause I'm wonderin' if they are overlookin' me or forgotten. T'was hopin' for another little sit-down spot for we pirates to relax. I know space is a premium there and wish I could have heard back from someone about this. Aye, Jib... I would have offered ye a spot next to us if I could. Anyone from the Archangels attending Port Wash? or are they all attendin' Blackbeards? Hahaha... I'm not sure what t' toss out for the parade. Candy obviously not. :) I knows better than that. I suppose beads again but then again, e'eryone's doin' that, aye? And I've had some close calls in the past tossin' 'em out (gotta be darn good with yo'r aim of yo'r throwin' arm, mates!). Coins... not havin' much luck findin' any good ones. So... will ponder some more. ~Lady B
  5. 27th of may... gotcha. what in a what?!? LOL... ne'er done that before. LOL... oh, now I want t' try that. I suppose it's like a gill, aye? Thanks, Oderlesseye. I'm just baffled why th' Bdays are not displaying. I know there be lots of mates here on th' Pub who be celebratin' Bdays this month. Dogge! When be yo'r birthday? I know it's near 'bouts that time. Happy Birthday to ye nevertheless. ~Lady B
  6. Awww... tis a pity it be september, Captain. Granted, th' Windy and Windy 2 has been fabulous havin' at events... but nothin' beats a wooden vessel! ~Lady B
  7. Alright... Can't shoot th' place that not be feedin' out th' Bdays updates nor can I feed it to the Wraith armies that I be raisin' up. I know there be several on here who have May birthdays about 'round th' time of m' own Bday and since they not be showin'... I'll say somethin' even if it be a general postin' for all. So... pull of a chair or barrel... grab yo'r tankard and drink from the barrels and kegs of rum or whatever spirit ye fancy... enjoy rum cake and other fine foods in a feast that rivals th' one at PiP this past year (ok, imagine another one just like that. Conch anyone?) Lasses for ye gents... and gents for we ladies... hoist yo'r tankard high. I suppose, perhaps ye best pipe up if ye have a Bday this month. I don't think we be findin' out any other way. I just "celebrated" mine this past mama's day and better yet, on th' Pirate Day. Anyone else? ~Lady B
  8. A hearty welcome to ye. Glad ye stumbled upon this establishment. Make yo'rself comfortable. ~Lady B
  9. Yo'r welcome. It sucks, I know. Makes it all the harder to attend an event like that. Especially when the hotel rate per night has gone up and the closest camping is a wee bit of a drive (parking by the marina is horrific during the event!) I doubt I will return next year. Too much going into attending this event with no compensation. Kills plans for attending other events. ~Lady B
  10. Now look what ye lot have done! Ye scared th' poor thing off! Beth? They not be that frightening. They bark more than they bite! ~Lady B
  11. Awww... happy belated Bday to ye, Constance. :) Hope ye had a good Bday and obtained what treasures ye wanted. ~Lady B
  12. ROTDLMAO!!! Oh, Dogge! I love it... but ye give Joseph a run for his money against his technicolor dream coat! Yo'rs takes th' cake! Brilliant! Befits ye! However, ye remind me of a Sultan. And why can I see Brig and Mae with whoever else dancin' around ye as Harem girls? Ooops, I gave him ideas, didn't I, Sterling? It's definitely you, Dogge. ~Lady B
  13. Yes, Port Washington will happen. No, there is not camping in the vicinity for the portrayers. Sorry, Sterling. I know, it sucks. I need as much money as I can for other things (Trek Fest, MAYBE CyPhan, Pirates of Paynetown, Official Stargate Convention, PiP...). The hotel's getting a bit much especially at $100 a night! Check out the old threads under Raids. There's more there... well, sort of. Yes, unfortunately, the management/admin is rather... "maddeningly unhelpful" and often reclusive. I know not if I have a spot for my wee encampment or not. I've heard NOTHING m'self. Bess... if possible, would fancy to help the lot of ye out with the Articles. I don't have any, not sure if MerryD has any. But I can sure supply m' ink and quill pens as well as m'self to sign the lads and lasses up. ~Lady B
  14. Oh, that sucks, Bo. Ye'll be missed... sorely. But ye make sure ye come back as soon as ye return online, aye? Take care and sorry t' hear things keep taking not-so-welcome turns. I'm with ye on the posse though. About there m'self! ~Lady B
  15. Wishin' ye a very Happy Birthday, Cross. ~Lady B
  16. Oh God! MISSION! Ye just HAD t' show that damned bloody spider, didn't ye! :::growls and scowls::: That deserves havin' an Iratus bug released upon ye! YES! ALL SPIDERS MUST DIE!!!! No exceptions! Spiders are th' spawn of th' devil! PERIOD! Alas, can't remember the original topics. Sorry. But I still want t' sick an Iratus bug on Mission for posting that pictures of a nasty, freakin' ugly spider! ~Lady B
  17. Incredibly fabulous, foxe. M' compliments. Absolutely stunning piece. Lucky lass t' wear such finery. ~Lady B
  18. Haha! another Frenchy! We loves them French Pirates! Welcome to th' Pub, m' good man! I'm surprised none have popped in here and rambled on in thy language. They will though soon enough. Come... sit a spell... and grace us with this fine rum ye be speakin' of since th' first round be on ye as per tradition here. ~Lady B
  19. :::Gibbs slaps Sterling and Graydog::: LOL... Don't mind them two. ::gives Sterling and Graydog an odd "behave" look::: Ranks not really an important bit here. It only shows how much ye've posted here, long ye've been here, etc. But we NEVER go by it. :) Generally, rank is the admin - Stynky and Black Syren - and the Moderators - too many to list off that M.A. d'Dogge would start shootin' at me if I named them all. Ye be more than welcome t' post fan fic here... in th' appropriate place that is. Th' Skull and Quill Society I believe. Merchandise... well, not really. But look under the Thieves Market for some items that some members do offer or are just getting rid of. There's even a list of vendors and sutlers. Plus ask around to see what members can make for ye. Hope that helps some, lass. Again, welcome to th' Pub. ~Lady B
  20. Oh, dear Lord! I'm just not doin' well here, am I? Missin' another fine pirate's Bday! Well... :::offers a bottle of fine rum::: Happy belated Birthday to ye, Jill. A grand lass ye be. ~Lady B
  21. Oy! tis another birthday? Another I missed! Bah! Well, happy belated Bday to ye, Ransom. :) Greatly look forward t' havin' a drink with ye.... again. Ye be well missed on th' midwestern lake shores. Again, happy birthday to ye, lass. Hope ye obtained what treasures ye wanted. ~Lady B
  22. Ye miss a day, ye miss a lot! Grrr... :::hangs head in shame::: Happy belated Birthday to ye, Mary Diamond. Always a pleasure t' be in thy presense and workin' with ye. And I keep tellin' folks t' buy them fine shoes from ye. ~Lady B
  23. Ahoy, Beth! Welcome to th' Pub. Ye couldn't have graced a finer piratical establishment. M.A. d'Dogge... pretty much said it all. Paynetown and Port Wash are perhaps th' closest at current. Port Wash is June 4 - 6 in Port Washington, Wisconsin (north of Milwaukee). It's a mixture of piracy. Paynetown is in August, it's more the historical style than a pirate fest like Port Wash but worth one's while. Now... if ye fancy, there are crews established t' join. M.A. d'Dogge is with th' infamous and fabulous Crewe of th' Archangel. There's the Great Lakes River Pirates, and a few others... plus the Fool's Gold and of course, one I'm attempting to create, the Pirates and Buccaneers of the Resurrection. ANY group would LOVE to have you with them. And ANY of them would be helpful towards yo'r historical pirate look. If ye have ANY questions, don't hesitate t' ask. Have a look around, LOTS of info on here t' help ye out, too. Hope t' see ye at Port Washington! Here's th' link for it, btw: Port Washington Pirate Festival ~Lady B
  24. A hearty slightly belated Happy Birthday wish to ye, oh Kraken Rum tamer. I pray it was one hell of a piratical Bday for ye. ~Lady B
  25. Ahoy, Bo... Lemme ponder a bit, see about posting a pic of the baldric I have t' show ye. It's a thick black leather baldric I obtained from G. Gedney Godwin back in 2005. It'll hold a scottish broadsword and any other sword with no problems. Mildly distressed naturally already, it's a hell of a good lookin' baldric. I'll see if I have a pic of it and post it. Will see if ye like it and go from there. How's that? ~Lady B
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