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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. It's one of those nights that I'm face-palming and ready to curl up and cry "Is this day over yet!!!?" Please say yes. :P

  2. A hearty welcome to th' Pub, Red Dawn. Glad ye discovered this fine establishment and joined us here. ~Lady B
  3. LOL... there have been some, but perhaps the threads have disappeared. Shall add mine soon enough. BTW, Gage... do ye fancy th' French? Just curious with the us of names such as Lafayette and DuBois. ~Lady B
  4. Ahh... the WizKids pirate constructible game. That was fun. I remember playing with some people when that first came out. But, fizzled out when times began to conflict and no one had money any more. I have at least 3 maybe 4 boxes of the Pirates CCG. LOVE the ships most of all. Ooooo. I don't do any MMORPG or computer games. Just never seemed fun enough. Instead, I role play in progressively written stories. From 18th c to Transformers. It's rather fun. Just created an 18th c role playing story site (http://theageofenlightenment.webs.com). Besides the written RP stories, there's cosplaying which my new cosplay is a Wraith Queen costume (from Stargate Atlantis) and creating a Hive based in the upper midwest, and running a Wraith cosplay network called Wraith Never Ending which has 2 other Hives established in the US with 2 others in the works. I think the ultimate Gaming however, is being a reenactor on the battlefield! Dudes! NOTHING beats being in the middle of a massive battle! Seriously! Cannons booming, horses darting about, so many men (and women) on the field with gun a blazing... oh, wow... THE Ultimate role play experience! ~Lady B
  5. The one thing I can add to this, is a pair of stays... they are comfy! If they are not, they are not made right or correctly. It's more meant for support, as well as style. And when you are hauling about firewood and cooking, leaning over a lot, bending, moving, etc... it's the worlds BEST back support and keeps you from wearing out too soon. :) Ren Faires I have attended have had a massive lack of history to them. I've never been impressed with them. ~Lady B
  6. I swear, I'm going even crazier... now I'm seeing an exact double of Sterling about town! o.O

  7. Happy belated birthday to ye, lass! :) I think th' Black Pearl firin' a salute in yo'r honor would be most appropriate. ~Lady B
  8. My goodness, so many questions. :) ::: removes big plumed hat and bows elegantly::: the wicked Lady Barbossa, good sir. I'm both pirate and patriot. But in my non-historical life, I work at a radio station as an on air announcer. I am a reenactor. I first became involved in American Revolutionary War and became interesting piracy just a couple months before Pirates of the Caribbean 1 when someone had mentined on a Rev War forum about Pirate reenacting. Oh, naturally I wanted to know more and get involved. Then, PotC came along. 18th c in general is my passionate interest. How did I get m' pirate name? Well, I began with Blackheart, but that name everyone was using. I fancied Barbossa moreso than Jack in PotC so took on the name Lady Barbossa. And, well, the rest is history and it's stuck since then. Yes, I'm still Barbossa's greatest Admirer... to say at least. I do private commissions at the moment for period attire. I research often attire amoung other things of the 18th c. Hehehe. Oh, now THAT is the trick. Never been lucky with raising up a crew... yet. But generally what has been done, and I've done as well, is just post something somewhere of an upcoming event, attend, and well, goes from there often if those in attendence prefer ye to be Captain. I've made mention of a few events over the years but never made Captain... yet. Historically close as possible. If I were accurate, I'd be bloody well living in the era at the moment. So, as close as I can get it with what resources we currently have today. Nothing will be perfect time period material, but we have some close enough items. Hope that answers some of yo'r questions, good sir. ~Lady B
  9. Nay, Hurricane... she has th' titling correct. Though, no longer used in modern classifications. That area was one classified as the Northwest Territories back in the 18th c. Even if that was French held territory. :) Hmm... not been up that direction yet. I've heard of some interesting 18th c events about thereof or at least about the NW Territories along th' Lakes. Perhaps someday shall cross paths. I believe that Gunpowder Gertie and her group is closest to ye though if not th' Brethren of th' Great Lakes. :) ~Lady B
  10. A happy belated Bday to ye, Rumba! ye wicked lass! Hope ye had all th' rum cake ye can handle. Or whatever tickles thy fancy. ~Lady B
  11. Again welcome to th' Pub, Nighthawk. Glad ye fancy and hope ye find plenty on th' Pub. It's a hold wealth of information. ;)And hopefully will help piratize yo'r nephew. ~Lady B
  12. A hearty welcome to th' Pub! Glad t' have another fellow of the sweet trade with us. ~Lady B
  13. Awww... I adore all felines. Have a feline of m'own. His name is Magellan. She's a fine lookin' cat, Nighthawk. LOL I suppose now I have everyone else beat... people are naming their cats after me! LOL ~Lady B
  14. AHHHHH!!!!! Oh, ye are a devilish tease, Captain! :::whimpers::: Alas, I'll be missing the fun. Pity. Would love to offer a hand or two but cannot. ~Lady B
  15. LMAO! I'm trying to find a smart ass remark to go with that, Hurricane. However, I just gave up... there's too many! B) ~Lady B
  16. Haven't had the opportunity to read much but have recently obtained a new book. I'm filled with glee! It's The Colonial and Revolutionary Era by Rodney P. Carlisle. Generally to help keep me brushed up on my colonial American history. Thus far, I like it. ~Lady B
  17. Pretty sweet tat, isn't it? Thanks, Gertie. Captain Phil's death hit a lot of people. But what a hell of a tribute to a crab boat captain. He touched a LOT of lives. The fact that he left a hell of a legacy that continues on after his death just goes to show you how influential and what kind of a man he was. I understand... his boys are in the business now and buying the Cornelia Marie. Huzzah! One more episode, the season finale. ~Lady B
  18. Feeling like a fine, sprighly, and accomplished Gentlewoman. :: pauses stunned:: Am I?

  19. We are just a demanding race. Nuclear, wind, gas, oil, etc. I'm sure there are other places they can put the wind farm. It's like putting a couple wind turbines at Yorktown. To me, that doesn't look like a good spot to put the wind turbines. They will just have to put the wind farms elsewhere. Simply can NOT occupy every damn square inch of this poor continent! Geez! Otherwise, we'll be looking like Corascant from Star Wars! ~Lady B
  20. LOL.. what a riotous picture, Sterling! Ahh, so that's Cousin Robbie. Couldn't tell because of the finger up the nose! LOL Oooo... Silkie! Fantastic work, lass! Such an honor. Welcome, Nighthawk. Hope t' see ye here at th' Pub often. ~Lady B
  21. Welcome to th' Pub, lass. Glad ye've been bit by the bug and never cured it. Pardon, but ye remind me of a legend in Arkansas of a youthful lass who disguised herself aboard a vessel and was nicknamed "Petit Jean". :) Hope t' see lots of ye here on th' Pub. ~Lady B
  22. Oooo... tis a right nice place. I can definitely see what I was fought over so much. ~Lady B
  23. Hmmm.... a most interesting clip, BHP. Thank ye. :) We shall see how long it will stay up on YouTube though. However, it's an interesting enough clip to just wet out whistles. Hmm... At first I had thought it was Long John Silver in the mix! Geez! Maybe it is Barbossa. Wow, massive change of outfit though. LOL, oh, this will pissed a few Barbossa portrayers. LOL Oh, well. And the Royal Navy back... as the Royal Navy.. HUZZAH!!! ~Lady B
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