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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Ye know ye are a Pirate when... as a child, ye practiced walking the plank off diving boards at the municipal pool! ~Lady B

  2. Aye, I've often thought of having a pirate ship since I was a young lass. I'll obtain one if ever I win the Powerball Lottery. ~Lady B
  3. Another pirate who's a police officer. Tis hilarious! :) I know a cop in Wisconsin who's a pirate, too. Aye, and I be envious (so to speak) of Charity. Stargate! So brilliant! Jaffa, Goa'uld, Asgard, Wraith, Ori, etc trinkets! Oooo... :: drools::: hey, who wouldn't love to have one of those Goa'uld hand devices? They are wicked! Pirate scubba resort, hmm? Interesting. ~Lady B
  4. Ooooo.... :: drools::: Beowoulf... where on earth did ye get those?!? I'm eyein' the Barbossa belt more than I am the Jack Sparrow items. ~Lady B
  5. Take Notice! Aye, t'was best to use that seeing as the website for the Resurrection crew (that I've been attempting to get going) has changed. The URL for th' new site is: http://resurrectionpirates.webs.com If ye have that anywhere's on yo'r sites, make the change if ye please. And help spread th' word. Aye? Would be most grateful. It will be under construction for a while, so please be patient. Also, don't forget t' check th' site from time t' time. ~Lady B
  6. Brilliant! :) I have often wondered about ordering a blank or few from them. Just never got around to it. I can only shake my head and laugh tnow, Yellowbeard. Yo'r hats on the first post here... are dangerously close to what Barbossa's new hat looks like. ~Lady B
  7. Ahhh, a face to a name, even for those of us unable to attend PiP. :) Enjoy thyself pirating. ~Lady B
  8. It's been lots o' fun in th' past. Play is right appropriate word. :) ~Lady B
  9. Aye, many wishes to ye, Mary Diamond on yo'r grand day, lass! Huzzah for th' mistress merchant. ~Lady B
  10. LOL... well, now ye lot know what t' make Sterling at PiP! :) ~Lady B
  11. Weeks? or a week? :) Hmmm... Tempting. Shall have to scrounge through my belongings and see what I have t' give up. Ideas in mind ye'd like t' see this year? ~Lady B
  12. LOL... something like that, Mission. They only said she was a "Noble Woman" that Jack Sparrow ravages and robs. LOL Such a pirate he is. :) Oh, and poor, darling Hector definitely looks like he's got a peg leg. I'm curious how he lost it. ~Lady B
  13. LOL... something like that, Mission. They only said she was a "Noble Woman" that Jack Sparrow ravages and robs. LOL Such a pirate he is. :) ~Lady B
  14. Oooo, tis another nice tankard. :) Holds quite a bit, too. ~Lady B
  15. Youtube has a good number of vids on behind the scenes home videos which are very interesting. Barely giving way to the plot but giving us hints and snippets of what's to come. Thus far, I like it! Except for Penelope Cruz's outfit, which could have been changed to look a little more decent and realistic. Elizabeth Swann had better outfits! Otherwise, everything looks awesome! And Ian.. wow! He looks great at Blackbeard! Cannot wait to see it! Oh, and I heard that Judy Dench is in the film. I'm guessing as a cameo. Any confirm or deny this? ~Lady B
  16. Tis right nice, QM James. :) How many ounces of liquid can it hold? ~Lady B
  17. Having serious Piracy withdraws but getting very excited for PotC 4!

  18. Indeed, that is a massively long list of projects. My goodness! Hope ye won't be overwhelmed by February, Silas. Oh, I nearly forgot about that, Michael! Geez! I'm a part of that. I think I have at least a new caraco jacket to be made for that. Other items and projects I hope to accomplish this winter season: first off, finish my crimson silk robe a la francais (all it needs is the decorating frills) in time for Reenactor Fest. Rework my polonaise to be a little longer, rearrange the front to be more adjustable and add the gathered pleating down the back a la Anglaise. May be a new frock or two, rework some of my waistcoats and crimson velvet frock otherwise sell it so I can make another one. Not sure what all else, but hoping I have plenty of commissions during the winter months, too. I guess ask me in a month and we'll see what projects I need to work on. :) ~Lady B
  19. Hmmm... tempting. Very tempting. I love the fork and knife that goes with it. Alas, it's not the type of sword I be needing. Blasted. ~Lady B
  20. Any doeskin? Is there enough to make at least a pair of breeches? ~Lady B
  21. My goodness! How in th' devil did BOTH of them snap? Glad no injuries or lost souls. Nor any other damage. They got lucky they did. ~Lady B
  22. I go to Google to do some research and low and behold they have a brilliant banner in homage to many of our favorite Authors, Robert Louis Stevenson! Apparently it be the anniversary of his 160th Birthday! So, Happy Birthday RLS and thank ye for giving us one of our favorite pirate stories ever! ~Lady B
  23. Run with it. It'll work. I've done that to a few shoes. One shoe I have utilizes a tie or ribbon plus a buckle, like one of the antique ones for ladies shoes. It's tedious, but works. :) ~Lady B
  24. Rock on! Been eagerly awaiting this! Toss me into the barrel for this year. ~Lady B
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