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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Oh, better yet, Hook... his shirt is printed with palm trees and ALCOHOL!!! Oh, definitely a modern pirate shirt. ~Lady B
  2. Thanks for the tip on the forum you posted on my DA account m'lady, The Red Gentleman doth appreciate it.

  3. Hmmm... That's a toughy. :) I like th' trim. Right nice. The feather... keeps it or use it for another hat. Don't be gettin' rid of that. Reshape it, says I if ye don't fancy the shape it is now. :) Check out the images that the Met Musuem in NYC have of old hats. They've plenty of them. ~Lady B
  4. Some good info there, mates. T' answer thy question there, Wes... from what images I've seen of the real thing and replicas, a couple hundred years from the time of QE1 to the Am Rev War. So, aye, this is a good spoon. One of MANY great shapes and examples. I'm not at m' comp where I've some images of the real deal. Email and I'll send ye some images. Hows that? There's never enough good spoons, forks and knives at this time. Plus, better yet, a Hostess set and more! Apparently, some folks still believe this time frame was still in the dark ages with bone and wood rustic and rudamentary utensils. Pfst! Oh, please! How much would ye charge for a spoon like that? ~Lady B
  5. Aye, agreed, Charity. Well worth it, mates! Ye need somethin' good at events ye does! ~Lady B
  6. Hmm... T'was wonderin' were m' table settin' had gone. Now I know! :) Tis a nice place settin' there, QM James. I think m' eyes landed upon th' Tureen. I don't think I have that for m' table yet. Have most everythin' else. But I do need something nice an' fancy for m' Captain's Table t' hold a bisque or vichyssois (I know, I know, I murdered that). Very very temptin', the whole lot. And who says we pirates are without taste. ~Lady B
  7. Hehehemmwahahahahaha... ::: rubbing and folding hands over the other manically::: Now to compile the booty! ~Lady B
  8. Hope the birthday party ends up to be a good one. :) As many stated here, plenty out there. Oh, if ye fancy, Phineas and Ferb cartoon did a pirate treasure hunt episode and had a great pirate song. Pirate' Dice has been good, best one that's always grabbed the attention of kids is Morgan's Revenge! ~Lady B
  9. Oh, don't get me wrong on pirate events and all. Granted some are better than others. Tis obvious. As I stated, I fancy piracy so much I drive 5+ hours to events. No matter which direction I have to go. Some years, I just can't get to them due to multiple reasons, but I enjoy the events. I've been to both type of piracy events, and the water adds a bit of magic to it. For me at least it does, and the more realistic and historical, the more it feels like a pirate event. As though I can feel ol' Blackbeard himself walkin' beside me! The fort sounds like a brilliant idea, Wes. And you are right. Granted, what kills a lot of events and projects... is funding. That's ALWAYS been the stumbling block. Granted there are some folks out there who are Scrouges, but when it boils down to it, if you haven't the whole thing bloody well ironed out 200% - counting insurance, funding, etc - then it's not gonna happen. Sad. Pathetically sad. Apparently they haven't heard th' saying "If you build it, they will come!". And with reenactors... AYE! If you have it set up, get the word out and guaranteed they WILL come! Sometimes, timing is what it takes. Hopefully, them knuckleheads 'll build this fort of yo'rs wes. Oh, none too worry there, Charity. I've the drive and determination. Hell, I'm STILL trying to get a crew going. Again, don't get me wrong, mates. These are topics all discussed before. :) We just roll with the punches. ~Lady B
  10. Ooooo, I like yo'r idea of a pirate fest, wes. Not sure 'bout th' St Louis Pirate Fest, all I know is it's set in a Ren Fair local. Not all that piraty if ye ask me. We need a big mass o' water, ships or boats, space to battle, have encampments, etc. And like the lot of ye, I, too, am landlocked and marooned. Tis hours to th' nearest Pirate Fest, and even longer to th' better pirate events in my region. Doesn't dim m' outlook or prospects. If I could, I'd attend them all. ~Lady B
  11. I'm with Foxe. It's too modern. Looks like something from the 20th century. Sorry, not a real pirate hook. But I suppose one could use it as a pirate hook if ye wanted. Tis a nice find, Gertie. Rather cool! Does indeed need to be in a museum. Like Old Threshers. ~Lady B
  12. Tis ok, Patrick. I don't think anyone's complained about yo'r gifts thus far. ~Lady B
  13. Aye, and pay bills. So, can anyone answer m' question on the cost of having an etsy store? ~Lady B
  14. I'm liking what I hear thus far. I guess, to me, the books I've read have stated ship's have rules and then listed the general articles and was done with it. Umm, hello? Not all that satisfying really when you want to know a little more I suppose. Good point that made me question a little more, and Mission, I know you might not like it, is a PotC sourcebook mention the Pirata Codex and a couple excerpts. One that really caught my eye was "The member of the crew may lay claim to a pistol of his choice barring that the Captain, Quartermaster nor Master at Arms does not want it". It was such tiny details I do often wonder now. Plus, another was just reading this article from the Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation about Smuggling, of articles that smugglers had. It seemed rather tricky as to who wrote up the articles, whether it was the captain or the ship's owner. It's obvious that there's not just one type of style and I am eager awaiting to read what you find out, Foxe. Maybe the Ship's Articles irons out a little more the difference between a pirate crew, Privateer, smugglers, etc. ~Lady B
  15. Attempting to rethink what "Black Friday" means to a pirate. ;)

  16. The chat works fabulously! I have only had one "complaint" that no one visits. I've explained to this pirate that alas, people are on at various different times which does not allow for a massive gathering in the chat room. A planned time frame or not, people pop in whenever they want or can. At least the chat list works. that's the main thing. ~Lady B
  17. Hmm... thinking a Pirate Thanksgiving is in order. What say ye?

  18. Ye know what... I think we'll have t' just try and get as many photos as we can this year. And LOTS of interaction, what do ye say, mates? ~Lady B
  19. Ahoy! Tis another year coming and now the festival seems to be moving forward faster than it has in the past couple years. So... I'm curious... WHO'S ATTENDING? :) ~Lady B
  20. Ooooo... how very tempting. I like the idea. Eager to see what ye come up with. ~Lady B
  21. Nay. But I wish I did. Or better yet, been looking for some crappy, ripped/torn, not-so-new persian style rugs to use at events with no luck. Saw on "Design on a Dime" of someone who had a massive, torn persian rug and I think they tossed it out! I was whimpering... because... THAT'S WHAT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR!!!! Bah! Sometimes you find something, sometimes ye don't. That's a very nice tapestry, Roberts. Ye best hang on to that. Some pirate may take off with that. ~Lady B
  22. Disturbing, mates. Disturbing. :) These events sound dangerous! :) LOL Good thing it's Lob getting the brunt of the jokes and not my monkey, King George. At least King George has CLOTHES! Poor Lob is buck naked! Eager to see what more disturbing stuff will come after PiP for Pyrate vs Pirate. ~Lady B
  23. A Press Gang?!? Ooooo! I LIKE th' idea! Aye, significantly fewer this year than last. ~Lady B
  24. Aye...shall toss m' Thanksgiving wishes in as well. Enjoy th' feast with much delight as though pirates having returned to port after a long voyage at sea. Or Barbossa's crew able to eat again after reversing the curse. Happy Thanksgivin' to ye lot! ~Lady B
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